Damien Lachance

Damien Lachance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Maple - Crystalized dragon blood, 12"
The Basics
Character's Name: Damien Lachance
Character's Birthdate: January 23, 1995
Hometown: He was born in Versallies, but grew up in Chicago.
Blood Status: Mixed
Wand: Maple, 12 inches, the core is Crystallized Dragon Fire. It's an amber color.
Educated At: American Academy (Merlin Society Academy - Midwest division)
Position in the Ministry of Magic: Auror
Hair: Short, black.
Eyes: Brown, sharp
Height: 6'2
Style: He likes to wear muggle long coats, button down shirts, and dark denim pants.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Damien grew up in chicago, and has the slight accent to prove it. He is somewhat jaded, after learning what his father is. He was traumatized by the memory of the fierce beating his father gave him and his mother. He is cynical, since he's seen some of the worst that the wizarding world has to offer as well as the worst of the muggle world, what with growing up in chicago. He does however have a taste for barbecue food as a result of his childhood home. Since he's lost friends in his line of work, he is fiercely loyal and protective of his comrades in arms.

Special Talents/Abilities: Damien grew up with muggles, so he knows muggle customs very well, he's also gotten skilled at using muggle firearms. He has a talent for casting offensive spells silently, though he can't cast every spell this way.

History: Damien didn't know very much about his father, only that he lived with him until he was five and his mother fled from him. He also recalled his father's constant lessons about dark magic and the true meaning of power... He was taught to hate muggles, who are the inferior race, obselete... It was when he made friends with muggle children that all hell broke loose. His father beat him in a fit of rage and his mother fled to America.

He grew up living amongst muggles while attending the American school of wizardry. His mother let him find his own way as a boy, encouraging him to interact with muggles, if only to go against his father's teachings. She wanted him to become the opposite of the man she had once called her lover. Damien learned more about his father when he had led an attack against an American wizard colony. This spurred him to become an Auror, he saw what had happened at Hogwarts, in England, all over the world at the hands of You-Know-Who. He knew if the people responsible for that were stilll alive and at large, then he would be the one to fight them. He dedicated his career to defense against the Dark Arts, eventually being accepted as an Auror. While few know his name, those who do know he's not overly pleasant, being somewhat cynical and gruff, though if he calls you friend he will fight long and hard for you.

Recently he finally came face to face with his father, who was surprised to meet his son on the field of battle. While Cocytus defeated Damien in a duel, though onbly barely... He spared his life, hoping he could change his son's mind. Before he could capture him, he was driven off by one of Damien's comrades. Damien has trained harder ever since to try to defeat his father. If there is ever something involving Cocytus, Damien will follow it, hoping to be the one to bring him to Azkaban... Or to end his life.
Mother - Erebeth Elmsley (If you'd like to make a profile for her with my help, PM me)
Erebeth's father was a Death Eater, but he was very lax with the teachings of the dark arts for his little girl. He did drag her along to show her off to all the brothers if he went to a meeting or party. It was at one such party where she met Jean Pierre Lachance, the man who would be Cocytus. They became lovers and she bore him a son, Damien. When Cocytus, in one of his fits of rage, beat upon the boy, she took him and ran to America. She lives in Chicago now, working at the Museum of Science and Industry. He keeps in touch with her, via E-Mail. (he used magic to rig up wi-fi in his apartment)
Father - Jean Pierre ' Cocytus' Lachance

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