Damien Casey

Damien Casey

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

The Basics:

Character's Name: Damien Ryan Casey
Character's Birth date: 17th August 2003
Character's Age: 22
Hometown: England
Heritage: Unknown
Blood Status: Unknown
Wand: Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose


Hair: Short brown
Eyes: Brown eyes
Height: 6"1
Style: Casual

A Little Deeper:

Your Patronus: A Stag
Your Patronus memory: Leaving the orphanage and knowing he would never be going back.

Likes And Dislikes:

Strengths: Keeping secrets, BEing trusted, making friends, travelling, cooking
Weaknesses: Trusts easily,
Describe your character in three words: Trusting, Friendly, Happy


Damien was brought up in an orphanage in England. It was a very strict place for boys that home schooled all of the wizards in magic and muggle topics. The minute he turned eighteen and was allowed to leave he went to fufil all of his dreams and travelled the world. He learnt to cook and went to any country he thought sounded interesting. Once he had done everything he wanted he returned to his favourite country, New Zealand, to settle down. He had used up most of his allowance left by his parents. He has bought a flat in New Zealand and is currently looking to settle down and start a family with someone once he has got a job.

Damien is now in the process of adopting three girls. He heard about their story and couldn't let them be separated like he new they would be. The three girls are cousins, Angela Marion, Skyle Darnelle and Kairi Kelly.​


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