Damien Blade

Damien Blade

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OOC First Name

Damien Blade

Birthdate:10 March 2018
Mom and Dad say that was the best day of their life,a couple of years ago I thought it had been their first but it turns out it hasn't.I never had big birthdays,it was usually just me and Chloe.She would save up a few days wages just to buy me a decent enough cake and a small present.I always told her not to bother but she persisted and I love her for that.
Hometown:The suburbs of New YorkBoston
I've lived in the suburbs of New York all my life.It was a sh1thole it you ask me but I guess it was still home.It was always dirty,rubbish being blown everywhere.It was dead too,there would only be a couple of kids playing with a worn ot football or they would be playing in the crappy basketball court.I used to play basketball sometimes with some of the guys.It wasn't too bad but sometimes broken glass would be all over the ground and you nearly always slipped on the stupid stuff.But now that I'm in Boston I sometimes miss it.Well usually all I miss is my old room,even though it was tiny it was still mine.the rest of the flat wasn't too be either,me and Chloe always kept it up to shape.My new house in Boston is about three times the size of my old flat.For the first time I'm actually living in a two story house,personally I think it's a bit big for me and my mam but maybe that's just an old habit of mine to only having things out of nessescity.The kids are alright,sometimes a bit snotty though.All in all Boston is pretty cool.
Blood Status:Unknown Half-Blood
Until last year I had no idea what type of blood I had.I didn't even understand why it even mattered.Apparently my mother was a pure-blood witch and my dad is a muggle but i always knew that because of my aunt being a muggle and all.I don't really care about my blood status,it makes no difference to my magical ability.I don' know why some people(Slytherins especially) have such an obsession with it.
Wand:Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
I like my wand.I mean when I first found out that I needed one,I was like seriously? I immediately thought of the fairy-tale witches and warlocks crap.But when I first held it ,it was almost as if I was complete,as If I had been waiting for it all my life.
Hogwarts House:Gryffindor
When I first came here like most other things I had no idea what Gryffindor,Huffllepuff,Slytherin and Ravenclaw meant.I was totally confused when they put an old,grubby hat on my head.How the hell was that supposed to decide which house I went in.I nearly got the shock of my life when I hear it speak.That was something I hadn't been expecting.It had mumbled a lot when it was on my head and I wondered what the hell it was thinking.Then it shouted Gryffindor and the table with the red of their robes started shouting.When I walked over,people shook hands with me and said congratulations and I just nodded wanting it all to be over.Now that I know more about my house ,I quite like it.The people are great though a bit stupidly reckless at times.


Hair:Dirty blond,normal length
I don't really care about mu hair.I would never get it cut only Chloe hates boys with long,untidy hair so she would always cut it herself.She did a pretty good job and it looks okay.
Eyes:Blue eyes
My eyes have always been really blue.Lots of people comment on them.I don't really care.When I first met my mam I knew I had her eyes,Her's are the exact same.
Height: 5ft 6'
I'm pretty tall for my age.I usually tower over a lot of people.It happened after I was in hospital.Before that I was tiny and insignificant.That was until that idiot Ork saw me do magic.The height could have been useful then but my body decided to grow when i least needed it.
Style:He has no style,he wears whatever he likes
Since money was hard to come by,Chloe and I usually spent it on essentials.Clothes was never an issue for me,I just wore what we could afford.It usually meant mix and match.It never bothered me though I could see at times that it bother Chloe.For her birthdays I would always save and buy her a nice piece of clothing.
Other Distinguishing Features:He has a long scar down the side of his stomach from a fight when he was younger.
I have to admit the scar is pretty scary looking.It goes all the way from my chest to my hip.A lot of blood has been spilled that day,mostly from me since that jerk Ork has a knife and all I had was my bare hands.Sadly my magic seemed to desert me when I needed it most.It was because of the stupid magic that I got attacked in the first place.I have to say I did put up a good fight,I definitely gave him a run for his money.But then he took out the knife and I was screwed,it was when I was bleeding on the ground that the people around us started screaming and called the teachers.Needless to say Ork was suspended,not that he did much in the sh!thole of a school.
<COLOR color="darkgoldenrod">A Little Deeper

Personality:Damien is a pretty nice guy. He is like everyone else though he has very bad trusting issues.He will not go near someone he doesn't know and if someone wants to become his friends they will have to slowly with him because he is very cautious when it comes to new people. He is extremely loyal to the few friends he has.Once you become friends with Damien he will always stick by you whatever the cost.He is relatively careless but doesn't do anything stupid.If you are really close to him he is his true self with you.He likes to crack jokes and make people laugh.
I guess I'm a pretty okay person.I'm not snobby or rude or anything like that,though I will tell you that I don't like you or I find you annoying.I have a pretty short-temper and I don't like getting mad so I usually say this to warn you.A couple of months ago I would never go up to a stranger.I was really wary of new people in our area or school.I didn't trust people either.The only person I trusted fully was Chloe.I didn't fully trust any of my limited friends.They could be the biggest backstabbers alive.You always had to be careful when you were saying things.Now a few people in Hogwarts are different.Even after one conversation I know they have my back.It's a nice feeling and I hope they feel the same way about me.I guess you could say I'm a loyal person.I will always have my friends back no matter what.I'm a bit reckless at times though I'm not stupid.I know when to stop.

History:Damien was born to parents Daniel and Sophie.Before Damien's birth they were both slcoholics and Daniel was into drugs.They had no jobs and no life.It wasn't until they figured out they were goning to have a baby that thy woke up from the dream world they had been living in.They both wen to rehabs though they found it hard and there was lots of starting and restarting.It wasn't until a little premature baby was born that they realized they had to get their act together.When Chloe offered to take custody they knew that was the best for him as he had a medical condition in his heart that would need a lot of money and attention.THe both went to rehab and started to get their life back.Damien's aunt soon took custody of Damien and he moved to a better part of New York.
But his aunt was not rich and she had to send him to the local school where Damien soon realized to toughen up or you would be targeted.He spent most of his childhood hanging with the one or two friends he had and helping his aunt by getting park time jobs anywhere he could.When he was ten one of the school bully's saw him do magic.Damien knew there had been something different about him and he hadn't liked it so he had kept it a secret and he hadn't even told his closest friends.He was confronted by the bully and he was angry at himself for showing weakness and so they got in a fight resulting in both of them getting suspension and Damien going to hospital with a huge cut down his side.He went back to the school but he he was a target for the bully's so he often got in fights.His aunt took him out of the school but she couldn't afford to send im anywhere else so Damien taught himself the basics and his aunt taught him music.

When he received his letter he was not happy.He didn't want to learn magic he wanted to stay where he was but his aunt wanted none of it as she wanted him to have a better life he agreed to go out of love for is aunt

But over time in school his views changed.He made some really good friends and he learned that he actually did really love magic and for some reason it made him feel closer to his mom which he wasn't sure he should like or dislike.He went home for the holidays and it was there that he met his parents for the first time.They told him everything and they spent a long time talking.Now he is going to live with his mom in Boston and she is going to teach him all about his magical history.He is looking forward to it but he will miss his aunt and he will be worried about her but she informs him that she is going back to college and will be living on the premises so its for the best that he is leaving.Damien returns to Hogwarts feeling the best he has ever.

During the second term of Hogwarts,Damien writes new songs and meets old friends.He is the happiest he has ever been in a long time.When he goes home,he has a great summer with his parents.They go on a road trip around America since Damien has only ever been in New York and a small bit of Boston all his life.He gets to paint his room and get some new things for himself.When he goes back to Hogwarts he meets up with his old friends and even makes some new ones.

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Chloe Blade
Chloe was born in the poorer part of New York and had much the same life as her nephew but Chloe loved music and she was determined to do better than her parents and siblings. She worked hard in school and she taught herself the piano and guitar.She graduated from school with a scholarship and had started her first year when she found out abot her new nephew.She knew her brother and his partner were alcoholics and she knew the girls parents and her own parents wouldn't take care of the child so she gave up the scholarship and took custody of her nephew.She had little money and bought a flat in the less tough parts of New York and took care of Damien as if he was her own. She was facinated with Damien's little tricks but also worried as she had no idea at what they were.She had no one to confide in but she hid her worries in her music. When school wasn't working with Damien so took him out of school and she home-schooled him teaching him maths,English and chemistry. She also taught him how to play the guitar and piano. She realized he had inherited her musical talent and they often busked together.When she received the letter she was delighted to know there was nothing wrong with Damien and he would have a better chance at life but she was also sad as she would be losing her best friend and only family.She is looking in to music colleges as she doesn't have to be home for Damien now.
<B>Chloe's Diary
Dear Diary,

Oh how I'm going to miss him!He has been such a big part of my life since the day I brought him in.I can't believe it's really over.I have cried a lot recently but I'm so happy that he is bac with his parents.The light in his eyes when they had told him.It was something I will remember till the day I died.She was glad her brother and Sophie had turned a new leaf and had been all for bring Damien back in their lives.Luckily I shall be getting a degree in music and I'm moving onto the grounds.I've made a few friends too,so maybe the whole won't be as big.

Chloe is the person I admire most in the world.She is the person that kept me alive for the past ten years.She was the person who took the role of my parent even though it meant giving up everything she had worked for.I am so grateful to her for doing that.It is something that I will never be able to repay her for.She is probably the most kindest person in the world.She would often do voluntary work in her spare time and she would always out others first.She did her best to give me the best childhood possible.She did do that,I have some really good memories.She has made me laugh countless of times.We have made music together.I love her so much and I really hope things go well for her.I'm gonna miss her loads.


Daniel Blade
Damien's father was born before Chloe.Unlike Chloe he didn't care about his life and at a young age he was into drugs and drink.He didn't care about school and he was often suspended.He met Damien's mother at a disco and they soon started going out.When he found out that Sophie was pregnant he woke up a small bit wanting to give his son a good life.It was hard and he gave up lots of times but when he first saw Damien he fell in love with him and he knew he had to get his act together.He was too keen on giving his sister the baby but after a lot of thinking he knew it was for the best.After Chloe got custody he went into rehab and after three years he is totally clean.He has been going from job to job to earn money for college and to send some to his sister.He is still friends with Sophie though no longer going out.He regularely checks on Damien via his sister but she hasn't told him that Damien is a wizard yet so he in wondering where she is getting the money to send him to a private boarding school.He is still friends with Sophie and they regularely meet up with Chloe to check on Damien.He is currently seeing somebody else and so far things are going good.
Daniel's Conscience
Daniel had never felt so nervous in his life.How would he react,would he even recognize any bit of us?He had also been scared of his reaction.Would he be angry,sad,happy?It had been one of the most nerve wrecking experience he had ever had waiting for his son to come in that door.When he had come in it had been like looking at an minature version of himself.It was scary to think that the last time he had seen his little man he had only been a few days old.Damien was everything Daniel had imagined.he had nearly cried but he had kept them in,Sophie had done enough for both of them anyways.But he had given him a huge and tight hug.at first Damien had been confused and very angry but after they had told him everything the was his eyes had just lit uo had been one of the most amazing things ever.He was going to play a very big part in the rest of Damien's life.
Dad is like the older version of me.It's almost creepy how alike he look.He is really cool though.He loves to play basketball,same as me.Over the break he showed me some really cool tricks and we spent loads of time playing in out own court in Boston.He is really witty which means I'm always laughing when I'm around him.He is really strong willed because he had a sh1tty life and he has got back on his feet and made sometimes with his life.I admire him for that.


Sophie Russo
Sophie was an only child and was born to two loving parents.Her parents were rich pure-blood wizards and gave her whatever she wanted except they were never at home always working.She started Hogwarts and everything was going okay until the summer holidays after third year she met Daniel at a disco.They shifted and soon started going out.She returned to Hogwarts though at any holidays she would meet with Daniel.he got her taking drugs and drink and it wasn't until the OWL results came home that her parents realized what was happening.The forbid her from meeting him and they sent her to a rehab but Chloe refused to stop and she always tried to see Daniel.She didn't return to Hogwarts that year and it was during this time she got pregnant.When her parents found out they kicked her out and said they would have nothing to do with her or the baby.Chloe took it in her stride and went to live with Daniel and his family and had Damien six months later.She was a heavy drinker but she didn't smoke and didn't take much drugs.She did love Damien but she knew she wouldn't be able to take care for him so she gave custody to Chloe and even tried a few time to get her parents to give Chloe money but they re fused and Sophie is now currently jobless but trying to get one and she is trying to give up drink. She and Daniel are still friends but they are no longer going out.When Chloe said he was gone to a private secondary school she knew immediately he was a wizard and she is planning on telling Chloe,Daniel and Damien when he returns from holidays.Even though she hasn't seen her son in eleven years she want to be the one to tell him that she is sorry for what she has done and to tell him his history.
Sophie's Diary
Dear Diary,

I can't believe it!Today I saw my son.I actually saw him in the flesh,my beautiful baby boy that has turned out to be such big boy.he looks so much like his father but he has my eyes and his granddads nose.I can't describe how I felt when I saw him.I felt as if everything was finally coming together.It was the most wonderful feeling I have ever felt.I regret not seeing him grow from a baby to a boy but I shall be there for the rest of his life and I'm going to do my best for him

Mam is everything I dreamed she would be.She is caring and she loves me.I was always afraid that the reason my parents had left me was because they didn't want me,they thought I was useless but how wrong I was.They do love me and that's amazing.I finally feel complete.Mam always fusses over me and I'm ashamed to admit that I like it.She seems really strong though.She has gone through a lot of sh!t with her parents and everything.I love spending time with her.She can play the piano and she has been giving me extra lessons.Sometimes I can feel her looking at me.Sometimes when she doesn't think I'm looking I can see her look at photos of me and she was this strange expression on her face.I'ts a hard one to figure out but I know I'll figure it.


This is not the official BIO I'm still working out some things

First Year

The first person Damien meets is Jade Whittle in the Gryffindor Common Room in <COLOR color="firebrick">New Meeting

Next person he meets is Isabella Fedele in Opening Up

While exploring the cliff Damien meets Hariah Meadow in And You Are?

Damien then joins the Glee Club and goes to the meeting where he meets a whole load of new faces in Glee Club Meeting (Y14)

He meets his new room mate Napoleon Hawke in Planning an Adventure

While attempting to do his homework Damien encounters Andrea Kelize,a fellow Gryffindor but things don't start out to well in Friend or Enemy

While writing music he is interrupted by Benjamin Chase in Inspiration

For halloween Damien decides to go as a zombie,while there he catches someone doing something in Mischief's Never Managed

After Halloween,Damien starts to get stressed about the tests,one night in the common room he has a whole pile of books and Alliyah Jackson helps him in Drifting Memories

One night he just can't sleep so he decides to explore the forbidden forest and while there he meets Jazzy Mae Smile in Exploring

Since Damien considers himself to be good at Quidditch he heads on down to the pitch to practice where he meets Artemis Jackson in The Need For Fun

When he is by the rose bush he encounters a little house elf called Thorn in different

After the stress of tests Damien can't wait for the Yule Ball,where he and his friend Hariah have decided to go as friends in First Yule Ball

Second Term

Damien starts the second term feeling the best he ever has.He has discovered all about his parents and he will now be living with his mam.he is thrilled and hasn't felt this good for a long time.

The first person he meets when he returns in Isabella Fedele in Composing

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