Damianos Gavril Styx

Damianos Styx

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 1/2" Rigid Acacia Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
"I'm just a step away...

I'm just a breath away..."


Losin' my faith today
The secret side of me
[name] text
[etymology] text
[origin] text
[nicknames] text
[alliance] text
[birthdate] text
[age] text
[gender] text
[sexual orientation] text
[dialects] text
[hometown] text
[residency] text
[heritage] text
[blood status] text
[blood type] text
[main wand] text
[secondary wand] text
[occupation] text
[health status] text
[allergies] text
[pet] text
[title] text
[special that required approval] text
Fallin' off the edge today
I never let you see
[five words] text
[personality] text
[beliefs] text
[boggart] text
[fears] text
[likes] text
[dislikes] text
[goals] text
[good habits] text
[bad habits] text
[strengths] text
[weaknesses] text
[loyalties] text
[magical talents] text
[other talents] text
[patronus form] text
[annoyances] text
I am just a man, not superhuman
I keep it caged but I can't control it
[chinese year] text
[zodiac sign] text
[fixed sign] text
[interpersonal sign] text
[planet] text
[element] text
[birthstone] text
Someone save me from the hate
So stay away from me
[martial status] text
[whom/when] text
[name and name] text
[innocence] text
[turn ons] text
[turn offs] text
[aphrodisiacs] text
[the perfect fe/male] text
[the perfect date] text
It's just another war
The beast is ugly
[playby] text
[ages used] text
[former playby] text
[ages used] text
[natural hair] text
[hair modifications] text
[eyes] text
[height] text
[weight] text
[complexion] text
[scars] text
[birthmark] text
[smile] text
[body build] text
[body modifications] text
[dominant hand] text
[style] text
Just another family torn
I feel the rage and I just can't hold it
<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times"><COLOR color="#000">
[school] text
[hogwarts house] text
[special titles and awards] text
[extracurricular activities] text
[favorite subject] text
[best subject] text
[loathed subject] text
[worst subject] text
[favorite professor] text
[loathed professor] text
[grade average] Grade
[owl grades]
Potions: Grade; Exam: Grade
Charms: Grade; Exam: Grade
History of Magic: Grade; Exam: Grade
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Grade; Exam: Grade
Transfiguration: Grade; Exam: Grade
Astronomy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Herbology: Grade; Exam: Grade
Muggle Studies: Grade; Exam: Grade
Arithmancy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Ancient Runes: Grade; Exam: Grade
Divination: Grade; Exam: Grade
Care of Magical Creatures: Grade; Exam: Grade

[newt grades]
Potions: Grade; Exam: Grade
Charms: Grade; Exam: Grade
History of Magic: Grade; Exam: Grade
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Grade; Exam: Grade
Transfiguration: Grade; Exam: Grade
Astronomy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Herbology: Grade; Exam: Grade
Muggle Studies: Grade; Exam: Grade
Arithmancy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Ancient Runes: Grade; Exam: Grade
Divination: Grade; Exam: Grade
Care of Magical Creatures: Grade; Exam: Grade

[graduated] text

The Basics
Character's Name: Damianos Gavril Styx
Character's Birthdate: May 22, 2023
Hometown: Bulgaria
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Wand: Too young for one
Educated At: Home
Hair: Blonde and straight, but just above the ear
Eyes: His eyes are golden
Height: Above average
Style: He always wears either black or black robes
Other Distinguishing Features: His hair is straighter than Nicolas' and he seems to not express as much emotions
A Little Deeper
Personality: He seems to be cold like his father, and is precocious. He has time to develop however.
Special Title: Future Head of the Zhefarovich Family
History: to come
Mother: Nicolette Hensel-Styx
Father: Kalif Styx
Brothers: Kaleb Styx, Nicolas Styx, Bothizar Styx, Lanithro Styx
Sisters: Alessine Styx, Kailie Styx, Kassye Styx, Kairi Styx
Half-brothers: Hades Styx
Half-sisters: Patricia Styx
Adopted brother: Jaken Styx†

http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/topic/7268459/1/ 02/26/10 Welcome Home, Sanitarium
http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/topic/7302461/1/ 05/29/10 Blood of My Blood, We Are One
http://hogwartsnewzealand.com/topic/7354321/1/ 11/27/10 Getting used to the noisemakers
"Falling from my faith today...

just a step from the edge..."

Just another day in the world we live
It's scratchin on the walls

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="1"]Spouse[/th]

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="2"]Parents[/th]

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="2"]Siblings[/th]

I need a hero to save me now
In the closet, in the halls
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50">[history]
"I need a hero to save my life...

a hero'll save me just in time..."

I gotta fight today
It comes awake and I can't control it

People in RP: Title
People in RP: Title

To live another day
Hidin under the bed

<COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Dark Blue - Hero by Skillet; White - Monster by Skillet
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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