Dalibor Dalwin

OOC First Name
Unknown Core, Unknown Wood
The Basics
Character's Name: Dalibor "Dali" Dalwin
Character's Birthdate: 1/11/2012 - 25 Years of Age
Hometown: Orebro, Sweden
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand: Dalibor's wand consist of an unknown core, as well as that of an unknown wood. He rarely speaks of it, and when asked, for the most part, discloses that only he should truly known the characteristics of his wand - for it is destined to only serve him, and he alone. Since his childhood, he has considered it a bad omen to divulge the makeup of ones wand, and thus, he keeps its details between himself and the wand maker who forged it.

Educated At: Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Occupation: Dervish & Banges Shopkeep
Hair: Dirty blonde/Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'0"
Style: His hair is usually long, and messy, or, tied in a ponytail. He has a fairly lengthy beard with relative thickness. In regards to his dress code, he leans towards loose button up tops and khaki pants, for the most part, a cream/beige in color. He wears several bead necklaces around his neck with the addition of bracelets which consist of the same makeup.
Other Distinguishing Features:
A Little Deeper
Personality:To Be Added
Special Talents/Abilities: Former member of a small branch located in America, known as the 'Patronus'; a small assembly of wizards dedicated to eradicating the last traces of Death Eaters and followers of dark magic. Over his time in the assembly, he obtained a great technique and mastership of wandless spell-casting, nonverbal spell-casting and additionally, an exceptional defense against dark magic.
[li]Born in Orebro, Sweden to father Edric and mother Faviana.</LI>
[li]Was raised there until he was ready to go to Hogwarts, in which he was sorted into Hufflepuff house. He practiced magic there until his final year, in which, in that time, he had thrived in the area(s) of Transfiguration, Charms and Divination.
[li]Upon completing his education, obtained an assistant shopkeeping post at the United Kingdom's Dervish & Banges, having had prior experience in a small store prior to this, whilst in school, where he tended to fixing other magical instruments.
[li]Sometime in his very late teens to early twenties, he found his way to a small assembly of witches and wizards whom called themselves the 'Patronus Assembly'. Their objective was to eradicate the final traces of those whom supported dark magic and it's former figurehead, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. During his time in their ranks, he worked closely with a select few Auror whom willingly worked with the vigilante-esque group, up until the point that one of the Patronus Assembly members unintentionally killed a worshipper of dark magic. After that point, the group were left to their own means - while the individual directly responsible for the murder was sentenced to time in Azkaban. Dali continued to do his best to reform relations with the Aurors, however, even despite his efforts; tipping them off and leading to practitioners of dark magic - no amends was made.
[li]After several years doing his duties there and working his job as a shopkeeper at Dervish & Banges, he eventually cut ties from the Patronus Assembly, focusing on his legitimate money earning. At that point, in order to distance himself entirely from their schemes and endeavours, he fled to New Zealand, identifying as Danny Graymane to those in the new community; his alias a precaution.
<LI>[li]Was appointed the new shopkeeper of Dervish and Banges in New Zealand's Brightstone Village where he also resides.[/li][/ul]
Family: To Be Added

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