Dakota Kyme

Dakota Kyme

OOC First Name
NAME: Dakota John Chiniquay-Kyme

AGE: 11



PERSONALITY: A young boy who seems to keep to himself, however he tends to draw in secret. His personality is different than most of his "out going" family. He tends to be an artist of Aboriginalpaintings, but also has a talent for hunting for small animals of where he live. He has a knack for opening locked doors, locks, and cages. He is very timited and shy.

FEAR: Fire, water, and being left alone.

BIO said:
Dakota was named after his great grandfather Dakota Tawea Chiniquay, but he was raised in Europe for his eleven years. He hand never once had a friend, due to his "abnormality" in the public eye. He was raised on a farm out in the country side and he has been home schooled, and once he would go to town with his father to gather food for the week. His braided raven black hair, and sunkissed skin stood out as he would wonder his parents fields.
One night, Dakota thought he seen a "dog" wondering the fields and he told his father and mother. they were concerned about it. After a few hours after midnight, they were attacked by some strange thing, killing his mother but spearing his father. this put him through shock for some time and he would speak for about four years. Now, he is scared for his life as Luther doesn't leave him alone anymore.

Mary Elizabeth Chiniquya-Kyme said:
Mary is the mother of Dakota John Kyme, and a aboringal of Canada but moved to Europe with her husband, Luther James Kyme. Her age may differ to her father, due to being muggle. Mary had been born in Edmonton Alberta but moved to Victoira with her father. After the years had went by, and her father being killed by a shooting in Victoria. Luther had came to seek new spieces of the native lands of the rockies. After the two had meet in the city of Vancouver, the ended up falling in love, and her first lover. as the years had went by, the two finaly married.
AGE: 45
BLOOD: Muggle
GENDER: Female
STATUS: Deceased

Luther James Kyme said:
Luther had been a explorer, even at a young age. He wanted to travel around the world for new speices to discover and to meet new people along the way. Along his travels, Luther had never seen Mary before he went through Vancouver. He had interest in muggled women, but he did not seen Mary as he had been through Vancouver once before many years ago. After many years of being with Mary, he had finally proposes to Mary on a stary night, the day of the new moon. After a few weeks of their wedding, he asked her if she wanted to move to Europe, with his family. Mary said yes and off they went.
AGE: 78
BLOOD: Pure Blood

Dakot rarely know his family on his mother side, but he never visits his grabd parents on his fathers side of the family. To the eyes of his fathers Parents, he is nothing more than a muggle mixed. James, his grandfather, never took Dakota in as his grandson, as same goes for Gladys. The rest of Dakota's family never really took him in, except for his father, Luther.
Hi there :)

Here are a few questions I came up with:

Why does he keep his drawings a secret?
Because of all that's happened to him, Is Dakota happy to be heading to HNZ?
What is most looking forward to about being in school?
What qualities do you think make him a Ravenclaw?
Did Mary know her husband was a wizard?
How much about magic does Dakota know?
Where is his favorite place to be?
What is Dakota's favorite color?

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