Dakota Howard

Dakota Howard

Well-Known Member
Dakota Howard



Basic Appearance:
•Blue eyes

6 Points:

Dakota is very close with her brother Donavon. They were the only Howard kids to actually have their parents' love before they became so busy. Her and Donavon do fight but Dakota and Donavon are like twins even though they are not.

As one of the eldest, Dakota has to watch her siblings quite alot because Donavon is not as good as her. She thinks Donavon has a drinking problem as he enjoys drink. She finds him annoying at times, but loves him all the same.

Kids are reckless is one of her Mottos. Kids are reckless and they need a responsible adult to look after them. She finds Dorothy, Devlin, Danton, Donavon, Dancel, and Danielle annoying , and sometimes questions whether she wants to be a Howard or not.

Out of all the things Dakota hates, she positively loathes her cousins', the Huberta's and the Howells. The Huberta's, little goody-goody two shoes pretending they are perfect, the Howells, perfect little people who do nothing wrong.​

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