- Messages
- 23
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Sexual Orientation
- too young to care
- Wand
- Knotted 11 1/2" Sturdy Birch Wand with Boomslang venom Core
- Age
- 05/2040 (12)
I'm standing on the head of a giant ,
And I won't be silent until you hear me ,
Say Hello to
Dáithí Mai Dawley!
I'm standing on the head of a giant
I'll start a riot until you hear me again ,
I'm standing on the head of a giant ,
And I won't be silent until you hear me ,

Say Hello to
Dáithí Mai Dawley!
I'm standing on the head of a giant
I'll start a riot until you hear me again ,
Dáithí Mai Dawley
Daithi- sometimes also anglicised without diacritics as Daithi or Dathi, is an Irish male given name. It is believed to mean swiftness or nimbleness, and it was the meaning of the last pagan king of Ireland. It is pronounced Dah-hee. It may be used as the Irish form of David.
Mai - Mai is an English feminine given name. It is derived from the name of the month, which comes from Maia, the name of a Roman fertility goddess.
Dawley - The Anglo-Saxon name Dawley comes from when the family resided in or beside a meadow. The surname Dawley originally derived from the Old English word Dael.
Daithi was named after his father, from the moment he was born, his father was so deeply in love that he knew he would do everything to protect him. His own father had had the same name as him, and it was just something that was passed down. Though he didn’t speak to his own father he decided to carry the tradition on wards. Daithi’s mother wasn’t too bothered by this but made sure his middle name was something she wanted. Mai, it was a name she’d had thought she’d call Daithi had he been a girl, but since he was a boy and the father had decided on the name she put that in there. It had always been agreed between her and Daithi’s father that if a girl she would name it and a boy it would be him. Dawley is the family surname, Daithi’s been given the option to change his name to his mother’s new husbands name, but he is unwilling to do so.
Daithi didn’t used to have any nicknames, there was never any need for them, since everyone in Ireland already knew how to say his name. But in france, they struggle somewhat over it, so he’s taken to just getting people to call him Dai, which is more pronouncable. He doesn’t necessarily like it but he’ll respond to it. He doesn’t really hate it. It’s just a nickname and he can ignore it.
Daithi is currently 11 years old. He tended to celebrate his birthday with just his father, his mother was someone who worked so oftent. that she just didn't have too much time for him, so he and his father would always make. a day of it, go somewhere new or old, go to a museum, go for a ride on muggle transport. It never really mattered what they did because he was always so excited. for it. Daithi tends to get a large gift from his mother on his birthday after it to make up for it. Since his parent's divorce he hasn't been able to spend time with his father in his way on his birthday, known of his step siblings care and his step father definitely doesn't care so he spends most of his time now alone on his birthday or walking around the nearby sights and parks himself.
May 26th 2040, Daithi was born in the late hours of the evening after a very difficult birth, though he was a small baby he hadn't been positioned right and. refused to really move. His mother struggled for a long time in giving birth but he was eventually born and had a little tuff of blonde curls which seemed to enamour all of the nurses to him.
Daithi Dawley senior born 2021 - Muggleborn wizard, born and raised in Dublin Ireland. Attended Hogwarts Scotland, Gryffindor. Married at age 19 to his short term girlfriend who was pregnant with Daithi junior. He worked as a janitor in ministry in Ireland. He wasn’t a particularly studious person, but was an incredibly warm and friendly gentleman. He and his wife split up after 10 years of marriage when he found out his wife was cheating on him. He has moved to a remote area of Ireland, quitting his job and lives on a sheep farm. He was the only child of two people who very difficult to get along with, leaving home at 16 and has never reached out to them since.
Shannon “Laughlin” Petit born 2021 - mixed blood witch born in Limerick, Ireland. Attended Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin. She graduated near the top of her class and started work for the ministry in Ireland as part of the international confederation of wizards. She got pregnant at age 19, but mostly left her son to be raised by her husband, since she had more limited time. She was always looking to move forward with promotions and other work, so eventually she started sleeping with one of her superior counter parts in France. Her husband found out and she remarried him, moving to a better position in the French Ministry. She took her son, Daithi with her. She has two sisters, both of whom she does not speak to any more.
Armond Petit born 1991 - Pureblood wizard from a newly pureblood line. He attended Beauxbatons. He has been married a few times, most recently to Daithi’s mother. He is a senior member of the ministry, and 30 years older than his current wife. He is a rich but cold man, having little time for his children or any step-children. He shows favouritism to his own blood relatives very clearly and often in front of Daithi and has never bothered to learn any English to communicate more clear with daithi. He is a firm believer in children should been seen and not heard, and Daithi has always been a very loud and energetic child. He is not violent, since he finds it beneath him but is not against siblings fighting or anything of that sort.
Daithi has no blood siblings but he as a number of step siblings.
From the first marriage of his step father:
Belle Petit - 2011, senior advisor to the magical french bank - has three children of her own
-Antoinette, Elodie & Aria
Florian Petit - 2015, senior auror in the french ministry - has two children
-Arthur & Raphael
Agnes Petit - 2017, experimental charms committe in french ministry - one child
From the second marriage
Katerine Petit - 2025, trainee lawyer in paris - no children
Camilla Petit - 2030, Ballerina at Paris ballet - no children
Charles Petit - 2034, Graduated from beauxbatons, studying art - one child
Henrietta Petit - 2037, currently at Beauxbatons - no children
Lucie Petit - 2039, currently at beauxbatons - no children
Children has outside of the two marriages
Ivana Rouen-Petit, 2018, vinyard owner - two children
-Ulysse & Gabrielle
Karina Sous-Petit, 2022, professional quidditch player - no children
Marcus Cazas-Petit, 2031, artisan cheese maker - no children
Amandine Martin-Petit, 2035, Beauxbatons drop out - one child (notably the only child of his step-father that carried on the pureblood line)
There are no other relatives of note in Daithi’s life. Both grandparents on each side of his family are either estranged or dead. Daithi is somewhat sad that he doesn't have any grandparents, he's always heard such. good things about having ones and his ones are just not. He knows that the ones he's related to wouldn't be nice even if they were in. his life, but he just thinks it could be neat to have a few.
Daithi has a good relationship with his father, they get along really well, they can joke and talk for hours. He mostly raised him, so they have a very close bond. He hates having to be so far from him. He had wanted to live with his father after the divorce, but his mother threatened to fight for sole custody if he tried that, so he can no longer live with him. Daithi and his father still write to each other every day, and he loves him. Daithi’s relationship with his mother is very strained, they don’t get along particularly well, she’d not very patient with him and he doesn’t always know how he’s supposed to be around him. She doesn’t have that much time either since she is working most of the time. He loves her, but he’s pretty sure the feeling isn’t mutual. Daithi has a poor relationship with his step-father, the man has no time for him, it ‘s very obvious that though he doesn’t have the patience for kids in general he has even less patience for Daithi. He spends next to no time with him, doesn’t speak to him unless necessary - or to give him into trouble. He hired a french teacher so that Daithi would learn the language and doesn’t accept anything but french in the household. Daithi gets into trouble a lot from his step-father. He has met all of his step-siblings and step-nieces and nephews, they mostly treat him by ignoring him, but some of the ones who are closer to him in age are downright mean. He doesn’t like most of the step-siblings or any of them. Mostly he just very left out since they’ll often speak in French much more quickly than he can keep up with.
The household has three formal pets and three owls. There’s two cats called Sal and Pep, and one dog called Sar. Daithi can’t go near the dog due to a very mild allergy to it.
Mixed blood - with a muggle born father and a mixed blood wizard father Daithi is mixed blood.
Daithi doesn’t really care what people are, he can see that it doesn’t really dictate how a person is. That a person can be nice and pureblood or they can be horrible and pureblood. It’s just status and he’s never been one for that, even less so when he spends time with his step-family. Blood status in his life before France was not a big deal, people in the community were a cross of long held magic and new magic. He has never agreed with a status like blood meaning anything.
Dublin, Ireland. He grew up in Dublin, in a quiet area to the south of the city. Daithi loved living in Dublin, to him it was just the perfect place, it had every home comfort he liked. He never minded the weather, he didn't mind the tourists, he liked the way everything felt and the hub of noise that could be found. He loved his neighbours and the magical and muggle people he interacted with. He liked the history and he liked going with his dad to the pub on occasions.
Paris, France. He lives in a rich area of Paris. Objectively, Daithi is aware that Paris is a beautiful city steeped in a vast and diverse. history. He knew that there's always something to do, something to see. It's a busy place and has a completely different air. He knows that if he'd come to Paris at a different point in his life, under different circumstances he probably would've loved it, but currently he just can't make himself like it.
Dublin, Ireland. He’d rather live in anywhere in Ireland than anywhere in France. He knows he’ll likely have to wait until he gets to a certain age before he can move back to Ireland, but he knows he’ll move back at some point. He likes the air of dublin, it’s not too busy a place for him to live. He likes the feeling and he likes the size of it. Paris is a city that feels far too big and far too busy.
First home: The house he and his parents stayed in, in Dublin was a simple three bedroom house. It had a small backyard, but was in a popular magical neighbourhood where Daithi was able to play with other kids. He had his own bedroom which was filled to the brim with little bits and pieces. He and his father had taken to building muggle equipment, even if they could never use it.
Second home: This is a large multistory house in Paris. It is one of the larger spots with a large enough back garden - given its location. Daithi knows he has the smallest room, in what he knows is the most recently converted attic. The house is hidden by magic and able to grow because of magic, but his room is still the smallest and farthest from everything. He doesn’t mind it, no one else is in the attic yet, and he has a good view over the city. He’s able to lock his room and knows that no one would bother going in. Overall, for him the house is too cold and too bare.
Daithi is too young at this point to know
Too young
too young
Too young
too young
too young
Too young
'Cause your shouting to the monsters in the dark ,
That turned the world to a parade
'Cause your shouting to the monsters in the dark ,
That turned the world to a parade
Daithi keeps his hair at a medium to short length it is naturally blonde in colour and tends to sit straight on his head. He doesn’t do much with his hair, it’s never been something he cares all that much about. He has a similar style of hair as his father and he has let his father cut his hair before. Daithi will cut his own hair more often that he’ll go to the hairdressers. He’s always have mismatched lengths of hair. His hair colour takes more after his mother, with his shade of strawberry blonde being much closer to her than it is to his father’s dark almost black hair.
daithi likes his hair as is and would be unlikely to ever dye it. Though he would be unbothered by it being a different colour it’s never been, because he’s not fussed about his appearance but he also wouldn’t go out of his way to ever change it. It would require too much effort and at best Daithi brushes his hair.
Much like his father Daithi has blue-ish grey eyes. They are of a similar shape and colour as his father. Much like other parts of his appearance, Daithi has never really cared about how he looked. So the eyes being a centre colour - much like the hair isn’t something he cares entirely about and wouldn’t even notice if one day they changed colour.
Daithi has a few small birthmarks, none that are particularly note wothy. He has a couple of small scars from being an active child. He has a tendency to get over excited and this can result in him falling over or tripping up over his own feet. He has many freckles, which are visible on his face and all over his body. They come out much darker when it’s sunny.
Daithi has a slim build, he is a very energetic and enthusiatic child. Everything is fun to him and he’s more or less always running to do something. His life in France is more subdued than it was in Ireland he doesn’t eat as feel in France - since he’s not a huge fan of the food. But he keeps his energy high and does a lot of sports so doesn’t worry about what he eats. He’s a little taller than most his age, taking after his dad in this manner to be a little taller than most.
O (+ve)
Daithi has never been tested to see what his blood type is, but his mother had a blood test once, and they’ve all just assumed that Daithi has the same one. He knows his family being magic means they’ll never really have to worry about it.
Right handed
Daithi’s father was the one to teach him how to write and since he was right handed that was how he picked it up. However, it is very clear that he is right handed. He doesn't write at all with his left hand. Daithi’s handwriting is much like himself, pretty all over the place, its always rather large letters and they mesh together a lot. His handwriting is sometimes difficult to read.
Daithi has a thick irish accent, whether he speaks in english or in french. He was raised by a man with a thick irish accent and around others with thick accents, so he has one too. He has always liked how he sounded, he’s always enjoyed the accents that existed around him. He has a slightly deeper voice, which he knows will get deeper the older he gets. When he speaks french his accent comes through almost as thickly.
Daithi speaks primarily english, he knows some irish from his father but not a whole lot. He is also learning french. He can read it and write it to a fair enough degree but he struggles with listening and speaking. He trips over his words and he feels like his brain moves too fast for him to get it right. He is working to improve it, but he’s still got a lot of work to do yet.
Daithi has a very mild allergy to dogs. He only ends up with a reaction if he touches a dog, so he stays clear of most of them. It’s not too bad an allergy but he knows that he shouldn’t tempt it. He’s never been a big fan of dogs anyway.
Daithi’s style is very much like his father’s. He wears comfortable old clothes, usually bought from a charity shop or a thrift store. He doesn’t care about how he looks so having nice clothes has never been a priority of his. He’ll wear anything really, though he’d pick more plaid shirts and old muggle band t-shirts, he won’t care about the colours of them and he won’t care if his outfit doesn’t match. His step-family don’t particularly like his style and his mother has taken him shopping a good number of times, but Daithi doesn’t care about them, and always ends up dirtying them or tearing them quickly. He knows this annoys his step-family to no end and his mother has given him into trouble so many times over because of it. But it’s never really encouraged him to change.
lucas lynggaard tønnesen
I trembled in the cold blue night ,
knowing I'm alone this time ,
I trembled in the cold blue night ,
knowing I'm alone this time ,
Daithi likes building things, he likes building sand castles, he likes rebuilding muggle items, he likes binding a book, anything physical he can do with his hands is something that he very much enjoys. He likes going outside, he likes having fun with people, he likes singing in the rain and dancing in mud. He has a lot of energy that he usually spends with others. He likes making friends, he likes messing around with people in nice and funny ways. Daithi likes art and much like how he enjoys building things, he likes art. He knows he’s not very good at it, but it’s never been something that bothered him. Daithi likes simple things, he gets uncomfortable around anything too grand.
Daithi dislikes money and wealth, he dislikes power hungry people and he really hates people who think they are better than others. He doesn't like silence when it’s because they don’t want to speak to him. He dislikes dogs and he dislikes a lot food - Daithi is particularly picky when it comes to food. He doesn’t like homework and he’s not a huge fan of reading. He doesn’t like a lot of things that are typically things with little movement. He doesn’t when weather is too hot and he’s always preferred the rain to sunshine. He dislikes people who are boring or who are cruel.
Daithi doesn’t have high goals in his life. He wants to do well enough in school to get a good job and then have a family. He doesn’t know what sort of form the family will take but as long as everyone is happy he’ll be happy. He’s very much a person who would do things that didn’t pay well just to ensure his family were happy.
Daithi would see himself but rather than how he is now, he would see himself like his step-father, having become someone he has always disliked. He fears that he will become more like them, that he’d become more snotty, that he would forsake his father and treat others poorly. He fears always thinking about himself and never thinking about others.
Mountain Hare
Prior to his parents divorce being finalised, Daithi had been have a very rough time. He didn’t know what he wanted to do, and he felt so deeply awful for his father. His father had already decided he was moving, and Daithi knew he wouldn’t get to see him that often, but his father took him for a day out, they went to science museum in Dublin, and they spent from the moment it opened to the moment it closed, just doing things around it, building things, learning about the muggle world and just having a good time all the while. He loved it, it was a day filled with laughter, with building things, with his father. It was just a really good day.
Daithi hadn’t met his step-father properly until the day they moved into his house. Daithi was immediately put off with the man as he spoke to him only in French, and in a harsh and cold tone. The rest of the family was also introduced to him, through his mother who translated everything. They too had a similar tone and demeanour towards him. They looked down their noses at him. It was around dinner so before Daithi could even get a moment alone they all went to the table. He was placed at the very end of the table where very few of his new family communicated with him. He didn’t like the food and his new step-father gave him into trouble for not eating much. Overall though he was mostly ignored, he hated it. It was isolating and maddening to see so much going on and not be able to take part. They didn’t try to involve him in anything, he felt for the first time in his life alone, and after finding out where his room was, and his mother ignoring him in favour of her new husband. He cried himself to sleep that night, and it felt horrible.
Daithi would likely admit that he’s not sure he loves his mother any more. He thinks that he loves her and he thinks that he would always love her, but hes not so sure anymore. He can definitely tell that his mother doesn’t love him. But with how she treated his father, to moving him to France when he didn’t want to, Daithi would admit he’s not sure he loves her any more.
Daithi would see himself and his father on the sheep farm. He’d have his own partner and children and everything would just be good. They’d be happy. It would be definitely simple and far from the granduer of his life in France. It would just be the simple life he really wants.
Daithi would smell an open fire, their house in Dublin had an open fire and it was something that was always going in the background, mostly on the colder days but was always a smell of home. His father used to smell similarly, a cross between the oaky wood and what he knew was whiskey. Daithi loves that smell.
Though he loves his father, he isn’t sure that he would say that he looked up to him. He’s not sure he does. He wouldn’t be sure who he looked up to. He’s found that people putting too much pressure on themself to be like someone else, to act in a manner that they think another person would want them to act like isn’t something good. He doesn’t see the merit in behaving like that.
None - though he knows his father held religious beliefs he’s never observed any religious holiday that didn’t have a non-religious counterpart. He’s never been interested in that and he’s always been of the belief that people should just be good to each other.
Terminally curious and sometimes even mischievous, Geminis are multi-faceted souls who enjoy knowing a little bit of everything but generally not too much about one particular subject. It’s just that variety is the spice of their lives! And no one is better at multi-tasking than the quixotic Gemini. Geminis have also gained the reputation of being the incessant talkers of the zodiac. Those Twins that don’t have the ‘gift of the gab’ are usually talented writers or have a special interest in foreign languages. In love, they look for a partner who can keep up with them mentally and physically! And, to quote Oscar Wilde, “there’s one thing worse than people talking about you, that’s people not talking about you.” Whether Geminis like it or not, people are usually “talking about them”. Together with Scorpio and Virgos, they are a sign that is often discussed, dissected and sometimes even put down by the other signs of the zodiac. Sometimes this is a subtle form of jealousy by others, because Geminis do lead very unique and unusual lives. The Gemini personality can appear mysterious or detached to others and therefore they are often misunderstood and unappreciated for the talents they offer to the world at large. Another reason Geminis evoke so much interest is many born under this sign are multi-dimensionally talented. In money matters, some Geminis are very adept and quick at making it…and spending it too. Many Geminis are involved in international financial wheeling and dealing. They love the adventure and game playing involved in out-thinking other people.
Daithi is a very simple person, he likes simple things and wants nothing more than just a simple life. He is a very friendly and energetic person, he’s the sort of person who would talk to everyone if given the chance to. He’s a social person, always trying to make sure every one else is having fun. He’s loyal to people who show him the same loyalty. He works hard enough but isn’t too interested in things which require reading. He likes building things and doing anything related to that. He doesn’t like drama and avoids conflict if he can. He’ll help people out if they need him but he wouldn’t go actively into a situation that had any kind of conflict.


I looked up into the giant's eyes,
and I found my strength inside ,
Daithi didn’t attend any other school in a formal capacity. On the days his father was working he went round to a family friends house who took in a lot of the magic kids like him with working parts in a sort of day-care manner. They did some lessons but it wasn’t really a school. Now that he’s in France he has a tutor who teaches him every weekday from 8am to 6pm.
He went from quite a young age up until he moved to France.
Daithi was too young to have any first thoughts of the place, but he always liked going, he got to spend time with his friends and spend time with people that he liked. It was just a very nice atmosphere to be a part of. In France, he likes it a lot less. He doesn’t mind his tutor, the person is patient enough with him, it just not what he likes to do, and he doesn’t sleep particularly well because he has too much energy. He’s not very studious so the lessons can be slow.
There were no grades given at the day care place in Ireland, and his tutor doesn’t give him grades so much as tells him how he’s progressing which has been since he started, “Slow but steady”. Something that Daithi thinks is good but where his step-father disagrees.
Daithi liked cooking in Ireland, since there were a number of kids and there wasn’t much opportunity to do things, he always lent a hand in the kitchen. It was the same as he would do at home, so he naturally fell into it there. In France he likes the maths that the tutor teaches him. It’s the one thing that Daithi hasn’t struggled with and where his tutor always compliments him on his work. Though it’s not physically doing something, it’s got enough of an element of building up that he finds it easy.
There wasn’t a lesson type in Ireland he didn’t like. In France he dislikes French. He’s never been good at languages and he just struggles so much on it. His tutor tries but there’s so much pressure on him to get better at it, that he tends to just trip over himself with it.
In either case it wasn’t possible for him to do so.
Since not formal education there are no clubs
Since not formal education no achievable positions
Here's a story about the power of the broken,
Here's a riddle 'bout the rebel in your heart ,
Here's a story about the power of the broken,
Here's a riddle 'bout the rebel in your heart ,
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Birch Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: Birch provides little added value to a wand, but supports its core and can be depended on to perform well for a wide variety of witches and wizards.
Core: Wands with a core of boomslang venom are good for use in transfiguration work. It is known to boost jinxes and hexes.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.
Daithi had been nervous about getting his wand, he knew his mother wanted him to get a proper expensive wand, but he had always just wanted to get something functional. He didn't need a flashy wand, something stood out, he just wanted a wand that worked. The whole process of getting a wand was very difficult for him, his mother had been demanding certain cores and wood and Daithi kept being drawn to this knotted wand in the window. The owner of the store, eventually lost their patience with his mother and focused on Daithi and what he wanted. He told the guy in. his broken french about the wand in the window. He thought it had a nice style, it wasn't the straight, perfectly crafted wands that his mother had made him try. The owner understood and he was allowed to try the wand It was to him the most amazing thing he had ever held in his hands. The feeling was immediate and he just knew it was the one for him, he liked the fact it was birch and that the core would be good for jinxes and hexes. It was perfect to him.
Beauxbatons Academy of MagicFIRST THOUGHTS
Daithi had wanted to attend Hogwarts Scotland where both. of his parents had attended Hogwarts Scotland and. he had always imagined he would go there. Instead however he has ended up at beauxbatons, his father didn't engage in. the fight his mother wanted to have about it and Daithi didn't have much of a say. He'd attempt to see if he couldn't be sent to the other Hogwarts in New Zealand but his step father had at that point stepped in to say it would be unacceptable of him to go half way around the world when Beauxbatons was still there. He also seemed to indicate that it would be a good opportunity for him to progress and improve his french. Daithi would've liked to go to a Hogwarts, any Hogwarts but in seeing the school he was quite surprised by it. It was grander than antyhing he had ever see in his life. It was a palace, one where he felt so small and insignificant. He was overwhelmed by it, and worried that he just wouldn't fit in well there either.
First Year
Yearbook Picture - Yuleball Picture - Profile Y36 s1YEAR OF GRADUATION
In the future
None yet
None yet
Daithi has only just started at the school, but he knows already his best class will likely be. potions, it is the only one where he gets to do something, where he gets to make something. Though not studious at his last schools, he's always been quite naturally gifted at maths and sciences finding them to be similar to building things so for him, Potions is a natural progression. when there isn't a lot else he can do to really "build" something.
Daithi knows that his worst class will just be all of the ones without any practical, he knows he'll struggle with the french and he'll struggle to keep up and he'll fail to do the homework in time or find the motivation to do any of it. He has always tried really hard to do well at french but he'd only recently started learning it and the classes he's found so far as well as his fellow students have been rather unforgiving towards him and his French skills.
Here's a story 'bout a tick that beat the giant with a trick,
About when you told me to do everything I can
DREAM JOBHere's a story 'bout a tick that beat the giant with a trick,
About when you told me to do everything I can
Daithi doesn't really have a dream job, he just wants any position where he can live happily and provide for the people around him. He would like to end up. with something where he's actually doing something, where he's doing something with his hands, where every day he has an end product. That's all he really wants
Daithi is too young to have a profession.
Daithi knows he wants to get a job as soon as he can, he doesn't want his step-father's money to support him, he has always wanted to just make his own way but because there is an obscene amount of money in his step-father's family he knows he wants to be away from all of it. However, he knows he'll need to wait until he's a little older.
brave enough to stand up to the man ,
Now I'm Goliath
brave enough to stand up to the man ,
Now I'm Goliath
Coding done by me.
Picture credit to tumblr
Lyrics - Goliath by Smith & Tell