Love, where do you go
When your gaze floats away?

Love, where do you go
When your gaze floats away?
[name] Daiki Saito
[etymology] Daiki- From Japanese 大 (dai) meaning "big, great" combined with 輝 (ki) meaning "brightness", 樹 (ki) meaning "tree" or 貴 (ki) meaning "valuable".
Saito - The meaning of Saito is uncertain and can vary depending on the specific kanji characters used to write it. Some possible interpretations include "three leaves" or "three sons." However, the exact meaning is often considered personal and specific to the family.
[nicknames] With a name as short as Daiki he does not have any nicknames. He doesn't care for them either. He likes his name how it is.
[alliance] Daiki's alliance lays firmly with his mother and with his best friend. he would do anything for either of them, and if pressed he would likely be a little loyal to his best friend over his mothers.
[birthdate] June 2051
[zodiac sign] Gemini
[age] twelve; Daiki doesn't often celebrate his birthday, ever since his father's death, neither he nor his mother have really wanted to celebrate it. To celebrate getting older without him. However with Kairi, his best friend, he is more inclined to celebrate and to celebrate with her.
[sexual orientation] Daiki is bisexual, though his attraction to people lies in their personality more than even their looks.
[dialects] english, primarily, with some Japanese. He hasn't lived in Japan for a long while, so he doesn't hold much of the language.
[hometown] Daiki doesn't remember much abouthis hometown, he moved to New Zealand when he was still fairly young, and thus hasn't got a connection to it. He doesn't mind too much, he much prefers where he lives now.
[residency] Auckland, New Zealand; The house is much too big for he and his mother, but they are reluctant to give it up. He likes living in New Zealand and living in Auckland specifically.
[vacation destination] He doesn't have much memory of Japan and thus would really like to visit it at some point, though preferably with his best friend.
[heritage] Japanese
[blood status] Mixed blood
[blood type] O (+ve)
[children] None
[relationship with her] Daiki's relationship with his mother is deeply strained. He struggles with her a lot, but only because she is wrapped up in grief, which he does understand given that he too is very much still wrapped in the grief over the loss of his father[etymology] Daiki- From Japanese 大 (dai) meaning "big, great" combined with 輝 (ki) meaning "brightness", 樹 (ki) meaning "tree" or 貴 (ki) meaning "valuable".
Saito - The meaning of Saito is uncertain and can vary depending on the specific kanji characters used to write it. Some possible interpretations include "three leaves" or "three sons." However, the exact meaning is often considered personal and specific to the family.
[nicknames] With a name as short as Daiki he does not have any nicknames. He doesn't care for them either. He likes his name how it is.
[alliance] Daiki's alliance lays firmly with his mother and with his best friend. he would do anything for either of them, and if pressed he would likely be a little loyal to his best friend over his mothers.
[birthdate] June 2051
[zodiac sign] Gemini
[age] twelve; Daiki doesn't often celebrate his birthday, ever since his father's death, neither he nor his mother have really wanted to celebrate it. To celebrate getting older without him. However with Kairi, his best friend, he is more inclined to celebrate and to celebrate with her.
[sexual orientation] Daiki is bisexual, though his attraction to people lies in their personality more than even their looks.
[dialects] english, primarily, with some Japanese. He hasn't lived in Japan for a long while, so he doesn't hold much of the language.
[hometown] Daiki doesn't remember much abouthis hometown, he moved to New Zealand when he was still fairly young, and thus hasn't got a connection to it. He doesn't mind too much, he much prefers where he lives now.
[residency] Auckland, New Zealand; The house is much too big for he and his mother, but they are reluctant to give it up. He likes living in New Zealand and living in Auckland specifically.
[vacation destination] He doesn't have much memory of Japan and thus would really like to visit it at some point, though preferably with his best friend.
[heritage] Japanese
[blood status] Mixed blood
[blood type] O (+ve)
[children] None
[Relationship with him] Before his death, Daiki was extremely close with his father, they had a good bond, and it was something they both loved. He loved his father dearly and the loss of him has been keenly felt.
[siblings] Daiki is an only child.
[first wand] Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
[occupation] too young
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] Daiki has no known allergies.
[first wand] Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
[occupation] too young
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] Daiki has no known allergies.
Eyes spying for your light on the waves,
To find the way,
To find the way,
[five words] calm, collected, kind, honest, sentimental
[personality] Daiki is just not the sort of person who'll ever get mad about things. He is calm and collected, shys away from stressful situations, isn't really one to put himself out there into spaces where he is uncomfortable. He will always help someone if and when they ask for it. He will be upfront with people and honest, he will also be protective of their feelings. he's also very sentimental and will hold on to things much longer than he needs to. he's not very studious and though he does fine has no grand desires to do better.
[beliefs] None, he wasn't raised in a religious household.
[boggart] He would see his mother and his best friend dead likely.
[fears] he's slightly scared of losing more people, scared of being injured badly, scared of cars
[likes] He likes playing rugby and quidditch, though both for fun rather than seriously, he likes helping people and spending time with his friends.
[dislikes] he doesn't like being reminded of his father
[goals] to have a good time
[strengths] As Daiki is a very calm person his approach to situations is made easier. He doesn't worry about thing, he just takes them and moves forward.
[weaknesses] the flip of daiki being very calm is that he's often seen as a little uncaring, because he'll not treat things as serious when they likely very much should be.
[magical talents] none yet
[other talents] Daiki is good at rugby
[patronus form] a Sika Deer
[personality] Daiki is just not the sort of person who'll ever get mad about things. He is calm and collected, shys away from stressful situations, isn't really one to put himself out there into spaces where he is uncomfortable. He will always help someone if and when they ask for it. He will be upfront with people and honest, he will also be protective of their feelings. he's also very sentimental and will hold on to things much longer than he needs to. he's not very studious and though he does fine has no grand desires to do better.
[beliefs] None, he wasn't raised in a religious household.
[boggart] He would see his mother and his best friend dead likely.
[fears] he's slightly scared of losing more people, scared of being injured badly, scared of cars
[likes] He likes playing rugby and quidditch, though both for fun rather than seriously, he likes helping people and spending time with his friends.
[dislikes] he doesn't like being reminded of his father
[goals] to have a good time
[strengths] As Daiki is a very calm person his approach to situations is made easier. He doesn't worry about thing, he just takes them and moves forward.
[weaknesses] the flip of daiki being very calm is that he's often seen as a little uncaring, because he'll not treat things as serious when they likely very much should be.
[magical talents] none yet
[other talents] Daiki is good at rugby
[patronus form] a Sika Deer
But I'm here, drowning in the smell of your skin,
Holding on what I'm chasing,
[relationship status] single
[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships]None
[first kiss] too young
[innocence] too young
[Living together] still lives with his parents
[children together] too young
[pets together] too young
[relationship with in-laws] too young
[most beautiful thing about them] too young
[favourite thing about them] too young
[proposal] too young
[married] too young
[thoughts at wedding] too young
[wedding outfit] too young
Eyes on your mouth,
But you're hungry for hope,
[playby] yamazaki kento
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] short, black hair.
[hair modifications] none; he likes his hair as it is.
[eyes] dark brown eyes
[height] Daiki is of above average height, taking after his father
[weight] daiki is on the slimmer side as he is taller than most
[complexion] Daiki has a pale complexion
[scars] daiki has no scars
[smile] Daiki has a very calm smile.
[body build] Daiki is a slim build, slightly gangly.
[body modifications] none
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] Daiki has a very simple dress sense, he doesn't wear fancy clothes or elaborate clothes, he's all about clothes which are easiest for him to wear. he likes clothes which are function and ones which have simple colours and patterns.
How far do you see,
When your gaze floats away?
When your gaze floats away?
[school] Hogwarts New Zealand;
[house] Hufflepuff
[sorting post]
Daiki could not imagine a better way for his schooling to begin. He had been reunited with his best friend. He had known there would be a chance for it, and if she wasn't there, then he was unlikely to see her ever again. But she was real and she was with him. He was hoping that they might end up in the same house together. Was hoping that they could continue to be best friends. He was eager to get sorted, but mostly eager for the calm that would come after it. He could sense that Kairi was nervous and really wanted to take her hand, but held but, not sure if she'd want that. He got distracted from his thoughts as the hat began singing, and knew he should focus on that for a little bit.[house] Hufflepuff
[sorting post]
After the song, names were called forward and he watched Kairi be sorted into Hufflepuff long before he got sorted. It didn't make him nervous, he knew that it would be fun to be in the same house, but it would be okay if they weren't. It would be fine. verything would be fine, because at the very least she was there and he was able to spend time with her at school.
"Saito, Daiki,"
His name was called and he stepped forward, eagerly moving towards the stool. He sat down and let his mind be ready to be read by the hat. Good evening, thank you for sorting me, were the words in his head to the hat.
[sorting hat said]
"Good evening! Oh, there's no need to thank me. This is what I was made to do so you're quite welcome. Strong values... tendency towards kindness... better be...Hufflepuff!"
[special titles and awards] n/a"Good evening! Oh, there's no need to thank me. This is what I was made to do so you're quite welcome. Strong values... tendency towards kindness... better be...Hufflepuff!"
[extracurricular activities]
[Yearbook Pictures]
[Yuleball Pictures]
[valentines pictures]
[hallowe'en pictures]
[favorite subject] Charms
[best subject] Charms
[loathed subject] None
[worst subject] None
[grade average] As
[apparition] too young
[year of graduation] too young
[graduation post] too young
But you're hungry for hope
I'm falling, won't you fall in?
Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from fall in by humbear
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye