Cynthia Lily Coleman

Cynthia Coleman

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 18 Inch Flexible Mahogany Wand with Boomslang venom Core
" Some legends are told --


Some turn to dust or to gold
But you will remember me "

-name- Cynthia Lily Coleman
-etymology- Cynitha is a latinized form of Greek Kynthia which means "woman from Kynthos". This was an epithet of the Greek moon goddess Artemis, given because Kynthos was the mountain on Delos on which she and her twin brother Apollo were born. Lily is from the name of the flower, a symbol of purity.
-origin- Her family are really from all over the place, but her parents came from Australia while other family members come from France or England.
-nicknames- Cynthia doesn't really have any nicknames people use with her.
-blood status- Half-Blood with a muggle father and Pureblooded mother.
-sexual orientation- Bi-Curious, she is mostly attracted to boys, but the idea of females as well is new to her, but she is willing to try when she gets older.
-birthday- She was born exactly when planned on April 30th 2026
-age- She is currently 11 years old.
-sign- Taurus who's symbol is the bull.
-element- Earth is the element of a Taurus.
-planet- Venus rules over this star sign.
-birth place- Perth, Australia
-residence- The family haven't moved since Cynthia was born and so they still live in Perth.
-languages- English is her main language, but Cynthia can also speak in fluent French because of some of her relatives.
-pets- The family has two cats, Caesar and Flick which are two Ragdoll cats. Cynthia herself was bought a Toyger for her tenth birthday who she decided to call Ruby and is the cat she took to Hogwarts with her as her pet.
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And you're a cherry blossom
You're about to bloom
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-playby- Astrid Berges-Frisbey
-hair- Her hair often varies from brown to a much darker shade which almost reached black. Cynthia likes to style her hair so it's slightly wavy and is normally cut so it hangs a couple of inches below her shoulders when it is untied which is how she prefers having it, but will sometimes hold it back out of her face with a headband.
-eyes- Cynthia's eyes are a strange color, almost like a dirty brown color near the outsides, but as you get closer to the pupil they turn into a more green kind of color with hints of dark yellow mixed in.
-height- Her family have never been very tall, but Cynthia herself is around the average height for a girl her age and wouldn't have it any other way. She likes her height and thinks it's perfect for her.
-build- Cynthia is quite a slim person with long arms and a long neck. Her weight is distributed rather evenly throughout her whole body, though her stomach does stick out just a bit after she has eaten a large meal.
-marks- She prides herself in the fact she has no marks, not even any small scars of birthmarks, though when she was younger she did have a few freckles, but they seemed to vanish as she got older.
-personality- Cynthia is a general sweetheart and is normally a very soft spoken and kind girl who is usually a very trustworthy person, though she can be a little stubborn at times. She is never really mean to anyone, but even she is not above getting back and people who are horrible to her. Being a Half-Blood, she will take no nasty words from people about her father being a Muggle and will not hesitate to hex you if you even mention the muggle blood in her. There is nothing she loves more than getting lost in a good book or going out in search of adventure, both of which are what she normally occupies her time with. On the most part she is a kind and fun loving kind of person, very open with people who rarely has a bad word for anyone and the one thing she always thinks is that no one is truly a bad person.
-strengths- Kind, Trustworthy, Optimistic
-weaknesses- Stubborn, Short Tempered, Attatched

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I could scream forever
We are the poisoned youth
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-history- Cynthia has always had an easy life. Her family was well off with very little financial difficulties and they always strove to bring up their children in the best possibly environment for them. Birth parents had always wanted children and so they wasted no time after they were married, Cynthia being born nine months later and she turned out to be the eldest child of three in the end. Her family had always been very close and so most of her life was spent visiting her relatives when they all got together for dinner or other small events. Cynthia grew up loving being around her family and she would always be willing to do anything for them in the end. Being home schooled by her grandfather also meant that the children could spend even more time with their family and learn in a warm and friendly environment and because of it Cynthia likes to think that she has learnt more than the average person because she got more attention and help than if she was stuck in a classroom with lots of other children.

Unfortunately, both parents did work a lot and so they were rarely home and somewhat absent during the weekdays of her young childhood meaning the Cynthia grew a lot closer to her grandparents who were always there to babysit. As she did grow older, her parent were around a lot more and it was something that she was thankful for because it would have been hard to grow up without her parents around a lot of the time and with their work hours reduced there was a lot more time to just be around them in a warm and loving environment.

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We'll go down in history
Remember me for centuries
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-wand- Straight 18 Inch Flexible Mahogany Wand with Boomslang venom Core
-occupation- Cynthia is currently a student at Hogwarts New Zealand.
-house- "Gryffindor!"
Gryffindor was never the house she first thought of when she was waiting for her named to be called in the sorting. While she didn't mind where she ended up going in the end, Cynthia was almost pretty determined that she fit the bill to be a Hufflepuff almost perfectly. It seemed like the sorting hat thought different sorted her into Gryffindor and while Cynthia wouldn't say she was disappointed in the choice, she doesn't think that it is the best fit for her.
-best class- She naturally has a knack for Transfiguration and she feels this is why her wand picked her.
-worst class- Potions is by far her worst class and she hates every moment she has to be in the dungeons.
-hogwarts ambitions- All Cynthia want's to accomplish during her time at Hogwarts is to just make her family proud of her.
-quidditch- Quidditch is an idea for her and while she enjoys the sport, she doesn't think she will try out until she get's older and more experienced.
-extra curricular- Cynthia is pretty certain that she will sign herself up for some extra curricular activities, but she is not quite sure which ones.
-patronus- Her patronus is a doe.
-mirror of erised- When Cynthia looks into the mirror she would see herself with a prefects badge and Quidditch captain badge pinned to her robes and a straight O NEWT score, surrounded by her family smiling at her. All she wants is to be accomplished and make them proud.

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-coding- Coding was done by me
-lyrics- Centuries - Fall Out Boy

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