Cyndi Weasley

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Full Name: Cyndi Angeline Weasley

- Birth Date: April 17, 2005

- Current Age: 16

- Basic Appearance: about 5'3, so a little on the short side for her age; She has brown eyes and brown shoulder length hair with reddish highlights in it. She also has freckles on her nose and cheeks, which she now is learning to accept as a Weasley trait.

- Parents: Charlie Weasley and Cynthia Rasputin

- Siblings, if any: 2, a sister named Charlotte and a brother named Charlie Jr. They are both younger than Cyndi.

- Pets, if any: Cyndi just got a puppy over the summer named Pooch, but she had to leave him behind when she came to school.

- Area of Residence: She spent the first five years of her life in Romania, where her parents met and where they both worked. After that the family moved to New Zealand because Charlie got transferred there. This is where the family currently resides, but Cyndi has the feeling that they will be moving again soon.

- Blood status: Half-blood

- Hogwarts House (And why): Gryffindor. Cyndi is a Weasley so that is certainly one reason why she is in Gryffindor. Also, she is very loyal to her friends and will do nearly anything to protect them.

- Best school subjects (And why):
Arithmancy- She is fascinated by what such simple things as her name can tell her about her life. It is also not an easy subject and Cyndi enjoys the challenge.
Care of Magical Creatures- It's probably in her blood to like magical creatures. Cyndi enjoys how up close and personal they often get with these creatures and learning about how they behave.

- Worst school subjects (And why):
Astronomy: Cyndi seriously dislikes this class. She knows that she will never need to know about planets and stars when she leaves HNZ.

- What would their Patronus be? a tiger

- What would their Boggart be? A big fat spider ( yuck)

-What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) a tiger

- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? She would see herself in front of a humoungous mansion with all of her Weasley family.

- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? She would think about the summer that she spent at the Burrow with her grandparents. None of her siblings or cousins were there, so she got to have her grandparents all to herself.
Hello Cyndi :D

Cyndi had freckles on her nose and cheeks. Though it says that she has taken to sometimes hiding them with makeup. Why is this? Does she not like her freckles?
Is Cyndi close to her siblings?
You said that your character's Animagus and Patronus would both be a tiger. Why so you think this is?
Hi! :D

Cyndi had freckles on her nose and cheeks. Though it says that she has taken to sometimes hiding them with makeup. Why is this? Does she not like her freckles? When Cyndi was younger, she loved her freckles because it was something that all of her Weasley relatives had. Now that she is getting older, she thinks that they stand out too much. Hopefully, she will learn to appreciate them for what they are because they are not going anywhere.

Is Cyndi close to her siblings? Cyndi is kind of close to her siblings. They are quite a few years younger than she is though, which makes it difficult to be too close. They think that she is too bossy since she is older than they are, and they are always ganging up on her and pulling pranks like little siblings do. Also, she only spends the summers with them because she is at school the rest of the year.

You said that your character's Animagus and Patronus would both be a tiger. Why so you think this is? Tigers are fierce creatures when they are in danger or want to protect a loved one, but gentle when they are not being bothered. Cyndi is also like this. She would do anything to protect the people that she cares about.
- Write an example roleplay:

Cyndi walked around her house packing her things back up for school. The summer had been fun. Cyndi got to go swim in the lake by her house every day and just lounge around the house. Her OWL results had come back and Cyndi had managed to get 7 OWLs.

Now, though, the summer was coming to a close, and as fun as it was, Cyndi couldn't wait to be back at Hogwarts. She couldn't wait to see her friends and catch up with them. Cyndi didn't get to see any of them over the summer and she missed them. Cyndi began to pick up the textbooks that she had bought a few days before, and was happy to see that there was no Astronomy book in the bunch. She was happy that this year, she would not have to suffer through that class and in fact, there were other classes that she would be dropping this year too. Cyndi had the feeling that this year was going to be a good one and with that thought, she closed her suitcase.

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