- Messages
- 443
- OOC First Name
- Cole
- Sexual Orientation
- Aion♡♡
- Age
- 6/2028

Fullname: Cyan Ambrosia Territe (Tay-reet)
Nickname(s): Cy, Cat, Rosia
Gender: Female
Birthdate: June 7th, 2028
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Curly 9 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Doxy Wing Core

Hair: Cyan's hair is well taken care off, and is naturally straight. She normally wears it with large curls in it, adding to her doll like appearence. She often dyes it, though her natural hair color is black. Currently half of her head is a blonde/orange color, and the other half black. She is thinking of dying the blonde half purple though, as it's her favorite color.
Eyes: Cyan has very pronounced eyes, with long, thick black lashes surrounding them. She is often told that her eyes are too large for her face, but she thinks they make her look doll-like, which she likes. She wishes she could wear contacts though, as she feels brown is too dark and blue or purple eyes would be much more interesting.
Style: As it is Cyan's outfits are often described as being very doll-like. She enjoys large lace dresses, high waisted pants and skirts. Her fashion is far beyond her age because her parents will buy her almost anything. She almost always wears large bows in her hair, but rarely wears many other accessories.
Distinguishing Marks: Her hair is a very huge distinguishing mark for Cyan, and also her ear piercings. She wears large, brightly colored dresses as well. The gap in her teeth she is known and often bullied for as well.
Celeb: Melanie Martinez

Likes: Hair dye, dancing, high heels, red accents, music from the past, and stuffed animals.
Dislikes: Rats, horses, having to spend family time, family photos, and plain clothing.
Fears: Horses, being told she isn't good enough, her parents being disappointed in her,
Strengths: Great at avoiding the Doctor's office, friendly, creative with cosmotology (magical), worlds best hugger.
Weaknesses: Spoiled, can be bratty, unaware of what she wants and often impressionable.
Habits: Places her hand around her wrist when nervous, covers mouth when she smiles to hide the gap in her teeth
Goals: To be a magical cosmotologist
Overall Personality: Cyan was born into a very demanding family who often lost sight of what their daughter wanted to further their own Agenda. Cyan is just not learning how to be unlike her family as she makes more friends in Hogwarts. Her need for approval has lead often to lack of relationships as she only wanted to be friends with the purebloods, but felt that it was hard to fit in with many of them as her family was not as prolific as some of the families around the school. Often times Cyan tries very hard to be a bigger and badder person than she actually is, and it comes off as cute more than it does as threatening. She is stubborn though and quick to stick to her ideas regardless of the thoughts of those around her.
When Cyan is in the presence of others she often throws the idea of blood purity around as if it isn't a statement to hurt feelings - if the people become hurt as an afterthought she often pretends to be much meaner than she is in reality about it. There has been one exception to that and that has been her closest friend Aion whom she felt connected with during their first meeting. However with others she tries often to make a name for herself by picking on for their blood status. Cyan is a mixed pot of emotions adn has yet to step into her own skin.

Hometown: Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Father: Maxwell Territe
Mother: Amber Territe
Siblings: Cyan is an only child.
Others: She also has a pet chihuahua, whom she found as a stray and nursed back to health. His name is Terrence.
General History: Cyan was born in Montgomery, Alabama to a pureblood father and her mixed blood mother. Cyan's mother at the time had been lying and kept up a ruse that she was pure, first generation from two half blood parents. The man fell in love with her because of her blood status and personality - her personality being the only thing that managed to save her when word of her blood status reached him. Cyan's father was mortified to have produced offspring with someone not pure of blood, and swore Cyan's mother to secrecy over her blood status and their daughter's. It wasn't good to have the Territe name tarnished, considering how important his blood status was to his relationships and business.
Cyan grew up in a home that was centered around being Pure and being the best. It was a highly competitive life, however the only person that Cyan had to compete with was herself as she was an only child. She often felt inferior, anytime failure happened Cyan's father made it clear that it needed to be the last time, and often the young girl put more pressure on herself than anyone else could. She often found herself frustrated for being unable to et things right on the first try. This continued until her signs of magic came through. Though she's not aware that the pressure was based around her father's worry of her being a squib (seeing as it took her till she was 8 to show magic). Her father and mother loosen their grip on her a little, however they did not loosen their pureblood ideals. Instead Cyan became the subject of almost brainwashing as her parents made it clear she should only hang around those right of blood. The child did not understand and questioned often what exactly they meant, but many of her questions were blown off, leaving her to feel as if she was kept in the dark. Cyan though, wanting to make her mom and dad proud, made sure that any time she made new friends that she questioned their blood validity.
Upon being admitted to Howarts New Zealand the spoiled, only child suddenly did not have the guidance that she had once held close to her. Instead she felt like a rabbit in a pack of wolves. The purebloods at the school all seemed so established and unreachable, and Cyan felt as if getting into their cliques would be much too difficult. Isolated with little to no friends Cyan became a noisy wallflower, only insister on insulting those who got on her bad side and trying to seem friendly though not imposing to most right of blood.
Cyan didn't truly blossom until later years, becoming friends with an older Ravenclaw. Her friendship with Aion has caused her to often question what it was that she was hiding from in blood status.

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