Cute little sister.

Tracey Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon

Full Name: Tracey Louisa Tesla
Birth Date: April 23rd
Home Town: Wellington, New Zealand
Current Area of Residence: Wellington, new zealand
Blood Status: Half.
Parents: Michelle Tesla, Kevin Cameron (Though she has been told it is Darren Tesla)
Siblings: Teddy Bayne Cameron
Pets: Tabby cat- Tigger
Languages Spoken: French, Spanish, English and a couple of phrases of Bulgarian from Teddy.

Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Style: Bed head usually.
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 4"6
Build: Fragile looking, she seems scrawny but is pretty strong.
Clothing Style: Casual- Jeans and T-Shirts.

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What would their Patronus be? Her patronus would be a Fox
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Hanging out with Teddy and taking the mick out of Darren.
What would their Boggart be? Being told Teddy can't come to his mums' house any more.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A small Labrador
What would your character see if she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Living with Teddy and Kevin and maybe her mum but not Darren.

Key Family Members:
Kevin Cameron-Teddy's dad (Unknown to her, but actually her father as well)
Michelle Tesla-Mother
Teddy Cameron-Brother (older)
Darren Tesla-Who she thinks is her actual father.

Extended Family Members:
Stacy Cameron (20)- Kevin's wife

Alexis Emmeton (35)- Aunt (Mothers' sister)
Jasper Emmeton (39)- Uncle (By marriage)
Jessi Emmeton (13)- Cousin
Ocean Emmeton (9)- Cousin
Skye Emmeton (9)- Cousin
Aiden-Owen Emmeton (7)- Cousin
Noah Emmeton (4)- Cousin

Leila Martins (37)- Aunt (Mothers' sister)
Josh Martins(38)- Uncle (By marriage)
Alfie Martins (13)- Cousin
Laurie MArtins(10)- Cousin
Edward Martins (8)- Cousin
Cassie Martins (5)- Cousin[/url]
Hi there! What a cutie!

Out of character questions:

1. Does Darren know he is not Tracey's father? [ul]
[li]If so, why is Tracey led to believe different?</LI>
<LI>[li]If not, why does he believe she is his daughter?[/li][/ul]
2. Same questions as above, but for Michelle.
3. Are Michelle or Darren magic? (I think Kevin is, right?)
4. How come she knows all those languages, living in NZ? (yay, I love smart kids! - although I'm also jealous of them :glare: )
5. Is she close to her brother or cousins?
6. Has she been raised as a muggle or a witch?
7. What are her hobbies?
8. What's her favourite colour? (and why?)
9. How much wool would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
10. Why fox and lab for patronus and animagus form?

Thanks, look forward to seeing your answers!
1. Does Darren know he is not Tracey's father? He knows there is a chance he isn't but no-body knows for sure. She has been told otherwise because when Michelle and Kevin broke up he was too immature to be a father in Darren and Michelle's point of view and they wanted her to have a good role model. (Backfire much!)
2. Same questions as above, but for Michelle. She, like Darren, isn't sure but she thinks that Tracey is too much like Teddy and Kevin for it to be a coincidence.
3. Are Michelle or Darren magic? (I think Kevin is, right?) No, they are both muggels.
4. How come she knows all those languages, living in NZ? (yay, I love smart kids! - although I'm also jealous of them )She mainly learnt them from Teddy and is still learning plus the family used to go on alot of holidays which helped.
5. Is she close to her brother or cousins? Tracey is very very close to Teddy, he is her role model in life. She is pretty good friends with Aiden-Owen and Edward but not as close as her and Teddy.
6. Has she been raised as a muggle or a witch? Tracey has been raised as a muggle but knows she is magical (Accidental magic)
7. What are her hobbies? Tracey likes rugby and playing the drums like both Teddy and Kevin.
8. What's her favourite colour? (and why?) Tracey likes red, once again because t is one of Teddy's favourite colours.
9. How much wool would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Lots :p
10. Why fox and lab for patronus and animagus form? Foxes are small but are very good at protecting themselves and labrodors are very loyal.
Such a cutie!! :D

1. Does she know her real father at all? If she does, what does she think about him?
2. How often is Teddy at her house?
3. How much of her extended family is magical?
4. What does Tracey think of the magical world? Is she excited to go to school?
5. Is she going to attend HNZ for school? What house does she wish to be sorted into?
-If she is not going to HNZ, which school is she going to go to?
1. Does she know her real father at all? If she does, what does she think about him? Yes, Kevin is her real dad (Teddy's father) and she loves him almost as much as she loves Teddy. She treats Kevin more like her dad than Darren.

2. How often is Teddy at her house? Teddy is at her house most of the holidays when he's not in school. Her mother won the custody battle because of Kevins' immatureness at that time.

3. How much of her extended family is magical? All of her cousins are magical and all of her aunts husbands are wizards. Teddy is (Obviously :) ) and so is Kevin.

4. What does Tracey think of the magical world? Is she excited to go to school? Tracy loves the magical world and, now she has discovered she is a witch herself, is very excited to go to school, she hates that she still has four years before she can go and that Teddy will be in his last year when she starts.

5. Is she going to attend HNZ for school? What house does she wish to be sorted into?
-If she is not going to HNZ, which school is she going to go to?
She will be attending HNZ and hopes to get into Hufflepuff like Teddy and Kevin have done.
What does Michelle think of the whole magic thing?

How does Darren feel about the fact that she's obviously closer to Kevin?

How does Michelle feel about Tracey being closer to Kevin than Darren?

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