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- Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon

Full Name: Tracey Louisa Tesla
Birth Date: April 23rd
Home Town: Wellington, New Zealand
Current Area of Residence: Wellington, new zealand
Blood Status: Half.
Parents: Michelle Tesla, Kevin Cameron (Though she has been told it is Darren Tesla)
Siblings: Teddy Bayne Cameron
Pets: Tabby cat- Tigger
Languages Spoken: French, Spanish, English and a couple of phrases of Bulgarian from Teddy.
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Style: Bed head usually.
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 4"6
Build: Fragile looking, she seems scrawny but is pretty strong.
Clothing Style: Casual- Jeans and T-Shirts.
Hogwarts House:
Favorite Subject:
Least Favourite Subject:
Best Subject:
Worst Subject:
What would their Patronus be? Her patronus would be a Fox
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Hanging out with Teddy and taking the mick out of Darren.
What would their Boggart be? Being told Teddy can't come to his mums' house any more.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A small Labrador
What would your character see if she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Living with Teddy and Kevin and maybe her mum but not Darren.
Key Family Members:
Kevin Cameron-Teddy's dad (Unknown to her, but actually her father as well)
Michelle Tesla-Mother
Teddy Cameron-Brother (older)
Darren Tesla-Who she thinks is her actual father.
Extended Family Members:
Stacy Cameron (20)- Kevin's wife
Alexis Emmeton (35)- Aunt (Mothers' sister)
Jasper Emmeton (39)- Uncle (By marriage)
Jessi Emmeton (13)- Cousin
Ocean Emmeton (9)- Cousin
Skye Emmeton (9)- Cousin
Aiden-Owen Emmeton (7)- Cousin
Noah Emmeton (4)- Cousin
Leila Martins (37)- Aunt (Mothers' sister)
Josh Martins(38)- Uncle (By marriage)
Alfie Martins (13)- Cousin
Laurie MArtins(10)- Cousin
Edward Martins (8)- Cousin
Cassie Martins (5)- Cousin[/url]