Open Crystals

Maisie Morvay

Old-Fashioned Witch- Bubbly- Fun
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/23/2042 (18)
Maisie was starting to settle back into school. She had picked up more crystals over the break, and she was sorting through them now. "Howlite, Blue Aventurine, Blue Calcite..." She murmured to herself, sorting them into their own individual bags and tying the strings with colored ribbons. She hummed, swinging her feet under the chair and just generally enjoying herself as she worked.
Avery had dreaded returning to Hogwarts. He liked his home, and his own room, the familiarity of it all. He'd come across a particularly interesting rock in his garden, one he was sure his mother must have placed in his absence, since there was no way he'd have possibly missed it beforehand. It was a small comfort to bring something from home with him, and he toyed with the stone in his hand, noticing he wasn't the only one to come to the student lounge with rocks. He watched the girl sort through her collection curiously, wondering if this was the one Akihiro mentioned. He hadn't seemed to be fond of her, but Avie found it intriguing to know there were other people with the same interests as him. "Hello." He said, holding up the large stone he'd brought with him. It wasn't nearly as impressive as the ones she'd brought - his best collection was in his room, but this one was still special to him.​
Maisie was surprised when she heard a voice, and she looked up. Her eyes lit up when she saw the stone. "Oooh, that's serpentine," She stood and skipped over to get a closer look. "Serpentine provides a clearing of thought to better facilitate meditation." She told him, smiling brightly and offering out her hand. "My name is Maisie Morvay," she introduced herself with a smile.
Avie looked at the girl, and back at his stone in surprise. "Yes." He said slowly. He didn't think anyone else would have called it anything other than a green rock, and he certainly didn't expect anyone in his year to know it was serpentine. His brow furrowed when she further explained that it cleared thought. He didn't know that, and he knew everything about his rocks. "Who told you that?" He asked, and extended his hand to shake hers. "Avie Lancaster." He said, trying not to appear too eager to hear more about this alleged magical property, despite his interest.​
Maisie giggled, smiling brightly. "My mama did. She's a geologist, and she knows all the spirtual properties of all the rocks and gems and crystals and she's been teaching me," She explained, giggling again and skipping back to her seat. "I have a lot of crystals with me, actually, do you want to see?" She asked, motioning to her bag of crystals on the table. No one else had ever been interested in them before! It would be really cool if Avie loved crystals too. She smiled up at him. She had a feeling they were going to be the best of friends already.
Avery's brow momentarily deepened with doubt. Spiritual properties? He'd never come across anything about it in his books on geomancy. "I want to be a geologist." He informed her. It was one prospective career he liked to picture himself getting into when he was older. The wizarding world didn't seem to have many geologists. His mother had always supported the idea, even if she never seemed too enthusiastic about the thought of him working what was typically seen as a muggle occupation. "Yes, please." He said, moving over to sit cross-legged on one of the seats so he could get a better view of the table. "I have some, too. They're mostly safe, in my room." He said. He dug around in his pockets, pulling out a couple of plain, loose pebbles he'd picked up around the castle, and one particularly interesting one he'd leaned down to fish out from the train tracks at Brightstone on the ride over. Little more than your garden variety rocks, but ones he thought looked the most interesting aesthetically, or easy to roll on a flat surface. He'd inked on a few runic symbols to some of them already, that he'd copied out of a book on elder futhark.​
Maisie giggled at his words, settling into her chair and tucking a bit of hair behind her ear. "You can come over during the next break if you'd like! I can introduce you to Mother, she can tell you all about being a geologist," Maisie offered, thinking it would be a grand idea. She spread out her stones, about five in total, on the table in front of them. She smiled as she saw his stones and the runes on them. "Oh! That's so clever! I don't know anything about runes yet," she studied his a moment before pulling back to her own.

"Right, right! Let me see here," she mused, running her fingers over her collection. "This first one is Howlite," She showed him the solid white stone, marbled with grey veins. "Howlite is calming, compromise, and sleep. I'm going to make a dreamcatcher with a few of these," She giggled, before moving on to the next stone. "Blue Aventurine. Quite pretty, isn't it?" She smiled fondly at the stone. It was white marble, swirled with hints of grey and nearly overcome with the powder blue that bled into and tinted the white in a beautiful stone. "It is hope, clear speech, and empathy,"

Maisie continued on, happy to be talking about her collection. "Blue calcite," her fingers trailed over the stone. It was a solid blue, only barely dusted with a soft white. It appeared almost chalky, like it might crumble if you touched it. "It's for serenity, restoration, and releasing stress." She moved to the next stone. "Black onyx," she smiled warmly. "One of my favorites," she winked playfully, running her fingers over the smooth black stone. "It is for blocking negativity, patience, and determination,"

Maisie moved over to the last stone. "Finally, this is clear quartz." She admired the almost translucent stone. "It is for awareness, clarity, and amplifying energy." She informed him. "Of course, this is just a very base description. Working with crystals can improve your personal energy, add power to your spells, and help you create the life you desire. Every stone is different. You have to spend time with them, read their energies. Every one of them will tell you about themselves if you just take the time to listen," she explained to him, smiling brightly.

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