Crystal Sasaki Hayden

Kingwood 11 1/2" with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
C R Y S T A L S A S A K I H A Y D E N !!

Full Name:
Crystal Sasaki Hayden

Sasaki, is my preferred name, so technically that would be my nickname. I mean in reality I don't mind what you call me, but, I'd prefer it to be that.

I am currently 12 years young.
I was born on the 30th October


I am a proud Slytherin!

I have straight, Shoulder length light brown hair, that's almost auburn. It's my dad's blonde influence which caused that I think.

I have light brown eyes. They are close to the colour of my hair.

My style is very mixed. I like skirts and shorts. I live in Texas, which is hot a lot of the time, so my clothing tends to be small. I think it's my half sisters style that I copy. She's very pretty. I want to be like her. I do enjoy wearing the school uniform that there is here at hogwarts. My mother always says that I'm very pretty in whatever I wear, but she's meant to say that. My favourite outfit out of school, is this purple dress, which I got. It's got a very floaty material, and it's really soft.

Distinguishing Marks:
A small birth mark on her lower back and that's it. It's not been a dangerous childhood for me, just a normal one.

Nozomi Sasaki

I'm not sure how I would describe myself. I'm a normal person. I'll not really stand up to people, because mean people really scare me. But, I am loyal to my friends, and I think I'm quite easy to be friends with. I'm not too sure to be honest.
Crystal Sasaki is a friendly enough girl. She doesn't really mind who she is friends with as long as they are nice to her. She's a bit of a pushover, and will quite easily be instructed to do things that she would maybe not do of her own accord. She's very self concious so will always be checking her appearance. And it is usually very well kept. Crystal Sasaki is nice, kind and friendly when she wants to be.

Mother - Sasaki Na Lee.
Born in South Korea, and grew up in the city of
Taegu. She's a muggleborn witch, who attended
a private magic school in Japan. She then decided
to go to muggle university, and studied English at
the University of Seoul in South Korea. During which
she took a gap year to an english speaking country.
She was sent to The University of Texas in America.
It was during her year that she met the man she fell
in love with.
Two years after graduating Sasaki returned to Texas to
live, and got married to the man. They had Crystal two
years in the marriage.

Father - Charles "Chuck" Hayden
Born of two wizarding parents, with a long line of wizards
and witches, but not purebloods. He went to School in Scotland
and was a Slytherin. At 17 he got his girlfriend pregnant. However
it was just after his 18 birthday that his girlfriend died of complications
in child birth. He was left with a baby girl, Stacey. He took a
few years out to raise her, before attending University when he
turned 20. He married Crystal's mum when he was 24 and
his second daughter was born just before he turned 26.

Half-Sister - Stacey Demetria Hayden
Witch. Went to Hogwarts Scotland. Slytherin.
Currently studying to become a potions


Area of Residence:
Wichita Falls, Texas

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood

Half American, Half South Korean

Special Abilities:
Talented singer for 11

Interests or Hobbies:
Singing, dancing. Being with the people who I like
and who like me.

Additional Skills:

Being kind, honest. Working when necessary.
Fashion and hair.

Standing up for herself and others. Not really someone
who thinks before she does something. And doesn't use
her brain.

Describe your character in three words:
Well-Dressed, Honest, Friendly

Favourite place to be:
Wichita Falls, Texas. At the muggle school.
It was a lot of fun.

None yet.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
None really. To be a good witch

Best school subjects:
None yet.

Worst school subjects:
None yet.

Extracurricular Activities:

In the distant future.

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Have fun.

Your Patronus:
A Raccoon.

Your Patronus memory:
The time that my whole family went to the beach.
It was a great day out. And everyone had fun.

Your Boggart:
My mum dead.

Your Animagus:
A tiger cub

Mirror of Erised:
To be as beautiful as my half sister.
What's Crystal's birthday?
Does Crystal have a favourite color?
Is Crystal excited to start school?
What's her favourite food?
What is her relationship with her family?
What would her animagus be if she ever became one?

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