Crystal Jane Evans

Crystal Evans

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Crystal Jane Evans

-Basic things
Full Name: Crystal Jane Evans
Nicknames: Cryssie
Birthdate: June 19th, 2023
Age: 12
Hometown: New Zealand, Collingwood Orphanage
Born in: Unknown
Blood status: Unknown
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuf
Wand: Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Pet: An owl named Hope
Pictures of the orphanage: Orphanage, Crystal's room
Theme: Sarah Mclachlan -In the Arms of the angel

Hair: Crystal has long brown straight hair. Her hair is very long and it is very natural. It is very long over the shoulders, it touch almost her butt.
Eyes: Crystal has beautiful big blue eyes, with long lashes. She has a sweet look, but also tired. Because she did not get much sleep.
Height: 5"0
Weight: 111 lbs.
Style: Crystal likes clothes that are very simple and fits well. She likes blue and light colours. She likes dresses as wel but for party's. Crystal is happy about her looks.
Proud: Crystal is the most proud of her eyes and her full lips, everyone says that she has them from her mother.
Shampoo: Crystal her hair always smells like sweet flowers. It makes her calm the smell.

-Personal things
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite drink: Vanilla coke
Favorite color: Blue and and orange
Favorite quote: Look to the bright side of life.
Loves: Animals, the sun, flowers, writing, smiling.
Hates: Angry people, darkness, arrogant people, silence.
Mirror of erised: If Crystal looks into the mirror she would see herself with her mom and dad. And finally get to know them.
Boggart: Been taking away by strangers. Boggart
Dementor memory: The day she find out that her parents were dead. And noticed that she had nobody.
Patronus: A Wolf
Patronus memory: Her best memory, was when she get the letter from hogwarts and was sorted into hufflepuf.
Amorentia: Violets, spring and grass.
Veritaserum: Her biggest secret is that she does not want a new family.
Five words: Broken, friendly, orphan, terrible liar and sweet.
<COLOR color="#000">-Evans family


Amelia Angelina Evans - Mother - Deceased
Amelia Angelina Evans was born on June 4rd, 2004 in New Zealand. She was a beautiful woman, but was not acting like it. She was warm and kind towards everyone, and loved to help people when she could. she loved cooking for her husband. Amelia was sorted into hufflepuf just like her daughter. But Crystal does not know anything about it. She met her husband John at hogwarts and they fell in love. It was true love, and it last until they married and when Amelia was pregnant of a girl. She worked in a magical hospital but stopped when she was pregnant. Amelia was so happy to have a baby called Crystal. But the love was not for long, she died when Crystal was almost one. She was killed by someone but it is not known by who. The case is still open.
Playby: Angelina Jolie


John William Evans - Father - Deceased
John William Evans was born on July 9rd, 2004 in England. He was an handsome men and kind and brave. John was sorted into gryffindor but Crystal does not know anything about this. He met his wife Amelia at hogwarts and they fell in love. It was true love, and it last until they married and when Amelia was pregnant of a girl. He was an Herbologist and worked for that after hogwarts. He was so happy to have a baby called Crystal. But the love was not for long, he died when Crystal was almost one. He was killed by someone but it is not known by who. The case is still open.
Playby: Johnny Depp


'' It was all a dream''

House: Hufflepuf

Sorting post:
sorting said:
Crystal walks into the great big castle Hogwarts! Wow.. it is incredible, this castle with all the secrets I wonder how the libery looks here, i think it is very big . Then they came by a big door, it was the great hall. When Crystal was walking into it, she saw so much candles. It made here think of her mother. On Crystal her face comes a small tear, She grabs her necklace, that necklace has got she from her mother. It was a heart a silver heart, Crystal always wears it. Then they came by a chair and a old hat. A professor was calling names, and each of them comes forward and every student was sorted into a house. Then.. Evans, Crystal was calling. This is the moment..

"There's little doubt in my stuffing: You're a HUFFLEPUFF!"
Years: 2034-2035, Y19

Favorite class: Herbology

Least favorite class:

Favorite professor: Professor Takuya Blaze

Least favorite professor: Professor Kalif Styx

Yearbook photo: Photo

Halloween photo: Indian costume

Thoughts of the year: Crystal loved her first year. Hogwarts is her true home and she likes to be in hufflepuff. She did not make much friends but talked to few peoples. Some lessons were not her thing and then she hated to act silly and be tired in the lesson.

Next year hopes: She wants to make new friends, people who she can trust and be loyal te her. And she wants to get better grades, she needs that.

Potions: P
History of Magic: P
Defence Against the Dark Arts: P
Charms: P
Transfiguration: P
Astronomy: P
Herbology: P
Flying: P

<COLOR color="#000">''I want getting to know my parents ''

Years: 2034-2035, Y20

Favorite class: -

Least favorite class: -

Favorite professor: -

Least favorite professor: -

Yearbook photo: Photo

Yule ball photo: Yule ball

Halloween photo: -

Thoughts of the year: -

Next year hopes:

Potions: -
History of Magic: -
Defence Against the Dark Arts: -
Charms: -
Transfiguration: -
Astronomy: -
Herbology: -

Crystal Evans & Marcellus Haynes - Time flies
They meet in the hufflepuf common room and Marcellus is enchanted by Crystal. Crystal was still looking for a friend and has a chat with him.

Crystal Evans & Mackenzie Mitchell - How come i never saw you?
They meet in the hufflepuf common room. Crystal has decided to meet new people and is looking for friends. Mackenzie and Crystal have a lot in common and this is a beginning of something good.

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