Closed could be different

Theodore Nightray

daredevil • just can't resist • cocky
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Flexible Maple Wand with Manticore Venom Core
It had been a rather crazy week in Hogwarts New Zealand - a school that Theodore had never thought he'd actually be able to go to. Sure he received howlers from his parents and his sister, but he didn't really regret signing up for the exchange program. Especially since he didn't even think they'd accept him. It was a completely different experience, getting to know new people and even just seeing family that he didn't normally see for most of the year. He still didn't know how to deal with the little twerp that was Julian. But being able to hang out with Eurydice and teasing Mikael was quite the novel experience. Today, he'd spent most of the day exploring the castle before deciding that he should send the letter that he'd been putting off for days now. An apology to his twin and to a certain someone. He'd just been about to leave and make his way down from the Owlery when he encountered a familiar face. He frowned as he looked at the other boy, he could have sworn. "Hey, don't you attend Scotland too? Ravenclaw?" he was pretty sure he'd seen him around last year.
Loki Styx was not a fan of leaving Makaria Styx behind, but he felt that he needed to be in Hogwarts New Zealand this time. He might need to keep some of the others in check. He might not be the oldest, but he certainly was the more mature. More so than Cassius, that was for sure. He was sending an owl out to his sister when he heard a voice that instantly turned a decent day sour. Wait, that meant that he was away from his sister. Loki could work with this. "I did. I came back to keep an eye on others. Now, I have another one to add to my list." Loki was not exactly subtle about his dislike for the Gryffindor. If Makaria was not involved, then Loki would honestly just not care at all. "I'm Loki Styx. Makaria's my baby sister. The one you were making some eyes at last year." Loki glanced at the owl that had his letter, vanishing off in the distance. "One less thing to worry about for now."
Theodore snapped his fingers as Loki introduced himself and reminded Theo just who he was. "Ooooooooh," he said with a slow nod. He could remember her. Sweet thing. And wicked smart too. Theo did indeed have his eyes on the Styx lady but he hadn't had much chances before he'd gotten accepted to be an exchange student for a year. "Riiiiiiiiiiiight," he continued to say as if he was still processing all the information that was just dumped here. But, since he was still Theo, he of course had his priorities. "And are you staying here?" he asked interestedly before clarifying, "Like for the foreseeable future you know?" Because Theodore was only here for a year. And if Loki was here then that meant Makaria didn't have a bodyguard back in Scotland. Hopefully until next year for Theo's last year. "just for reference," he said with a grin.

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