Cosette Mayfair

Cosette Mayfair

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Mermaid Scale


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basics. basics. basics. basics. basics
& name; Cosette Mayfair
& nicknames; Goldie, Cece, Princess
& birthday; November 2
& star sign; Scorpio
& current age; Seventeen Years Old (17)
place of birth; Paris, France
& sexuality; Straight
& gender; Female
& martial status; Seeing Somebody (Raffaelo Pierre Menzure)
& blood; Half-blood
& wand; Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale
& occupation; Student</FONT></FONT>
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features. features. features. features.

& hair; Auburn, Long and Wavy. Since she's a Metamorphmagus, Cosette can change her features and hair color as she desires.
& eyes; Naturally born as Gold, slightly round.
& face; Fine jawline, lips slightly full, plum and rosy pink. Elongated face shape, a pointy nose, high cheek bones.
& clothing style; As fashionista, Cosette makes sure to have the latest trends in fashion. She favors dresses and skirt over pants, shorts during the Summer. Flats are her favorite too since she's fairly tall for her age, heels are a must haves as well.
& build; Slim and Slender. Secretly Cosette loved running and is sporty girl. She loves to jog every morning thus her lean muscles, healthy and fit.
& height; 5 feet and 7 inches tall.
& distinguished features; Golden eyes and Freckles under her eyes.
& abilities; Metamorphmagus
& play-by; Bella Thorne
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personality.personality. personality.

& likes; Clothes, Fashion, Pies, Outdoors, Flowers, Nature, Music, Ballet, Dancing, Sports, Running, Pink, Butterflies, Cats, Dogs, Flute.
& dislikes; Siblings, Pride, Vanity, Any crawling insects like cockroaches, gloomy weathers, spicy food, arrogant people, overpowering perfumes.
& strengths; Boundless Creativity, Brilliant, Doesn't mind being alone. Befriending people
& weaknesses; Love, Cute Stuffs, Dolls, Tend to go to any limits while helping her friends, can be too nice.
& fears; Cockroaches, Oblivion, Worms, Mice, Falling, Vomiting in public, Death, snakes, spiders.
& bogart; Forgotten, stuck in her misery and rejected by other people.
& mirror of erised; Being well knowned and in the arms of her future husband to be.
& amortenia; French Vanilla, Assorted Berries, Coffee, Roses.
& turn ons; Charismatic, Tall Men, Humorous, Independent, Athletic, Kind-hearted, Caring, Sensitive, Patient, Generous, Laid Back and Simple.
& turn offs; Cheaters, Two Timers, Flirt, Cocky, Arrogant and Pessimistic.
& five words to describe her; Creative, Independent, Innocent, Sweet and Persevering
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history. history. history. history. history.

& nationality; French
& interests; Cosette adores art. She started playing the flute at the age of six, she was the one who taught herself how to play the flute. Her interest in music continued on up to her current age, and so did art. In means of sketching/drawing, she fancied sketching nature and the like. The darling girl would always bring her sketchbook and flute with her, rest under a tree and just be one with nature. Cosette loves to read books, she's pretty much of an outdoor type of person. Secretly Cosette is a talented dancer as she had enough ballet lessons for her to learn how to dance. Loves to take long naps and just watch the starts during nighttime aka star gazing. She'd been fond of the moon, and the stars. During her spare time, Cosette loves to run and swim. She's a bit of an adrenaline junky when it comes to sports but it depends on her mood. As a teenager, Cosette loves to have fun and just meet new friends. At the moment she's trying to learn how to cross-stitching, make a few sweaters for Christmas.

& personality; Cosette is sweeter than all the sweets in Honeydukes combined. Cosette is a down to earth person, she's really kind and sweet once you get to know her. She's beautiful inside and out, also she's quite an athletic person (secretly) . Though quidditch isn't her thing if ever you're wondering. This chic is creative and quite the artist, as she loves to use her imagination from time to time. Though she likes to keep her emotions to herself, she isn't afraid to show her anger though. Just watch her eyes pop and turn into blazing red and for sure she's mad. She's very kind and can make friends easily and is very loyal to them.Cosette one of those people who are blessed with the charisma to be extremely likeable. She has a very wild imagination and uses that to fuel her artistic side. Cosette is all over the board. She is kind, caring, and energetic. She genuinely cares for other people and their feelings, is generally happy and bubbly. Ready to converse and make friends with anyone. She isn't conniving, or malicious. But she is clever, quick, and cunning. A sensitive soul, Cosette is easily offended, but quick to defend herself. She doesn't like confrontation, but she certainly doesn't shy away. Good with a wand, Cosette stands up for herself and for others. Cosette sees the word in black and white, good or bad. She can be intense, driving others away. This pains her, and she often feels alone in the world, without anyone to help her out of the spiral of negative thoughts. She has always been very practical, it's one thing she prides herself on. Her upbringing was fun, but strict. Cosette never took anything for granted, instead she cherished all that was important to her. She's sweet and cheerful but she does not sickeningly go overboard about it, Cosette is almost always successful in placing herself among the others. She's a very sincere person and sometimes altruistic. She would sacrifice herself for her friends happiness. Although always shows the otherwise, truth is, inside, Cosette isn't too happy. She feels inadequate compared to her father, who's also her role model, as he's the kindest person she's ever met. Her father's kindness has been inspiring her and that's exactly how she wants to be, but that causes her to have the inner battle, she always thinks that everything she does is never enough.

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& parents;</SIZE>

Trace Mayfair
Forty Four Years Old (44)
Occupation: Businessman
Blood Status: Muggleborn

A muggle and a businessman in the muggle world. Trace is mainly the reason why the whole family is wealthy, other than her wife being wealthy too. But because of his busy work, he's never really home. Though he assures to come home probably once in three months. Cosette is a daddy's girl, as her father pretty much spoils her. Though Cosette didn't cared about material things, she loves her father dearly. She is the only child that is close to her father. Trace grew up in a rich family, her parents didn't spent time with him that much, him being an only child. Being the heir of their business, Trace grew up alone with the care of their maids. And when he turned sixteen he was allowed to be a apprentice at their business. Working for twelve hours while being home-schooled and when he graduated from home-schooling, Trace took up Business Management at Ecole Superieur de Gestion Management School in Paris. After finishing four years, he took up the family business by himself. Later he met Gabrielle


Gabriel Mayfair
Forty Two Year Old (42)
Occupation: Classical Pianist
Blood Status: Pureblood

She grew up in a wealthy French pureblood witch and wizard family. Although a witch, she didn't want to pursue magic. Gabrielle wanted to concentrate on music, as a child she took up a lot of piano lessons and was one of the youngest witches to have a piano concert at the age of nine. She was always serious in music; it was the only thing that made her happy. For most of her years, she was homeschooled as she turned down her parent's suggestion to study in Beauxbaton. It was a choice she didn't regret, as she started to age. Gabriel still continued pursuing her career in music, years after she met her husband Trace Mayfair. It wasn't love at first sight, but she indeed fancied him for his money and power.

& sibling/s;</SIZE>

Armand Mayfair & Marianne Mayfair
Seventeen Years Old(17)
Occupation: Hogwarts New Zealand Students
Blood Status: Half-Blood
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Armand, Marianne and Cosette also known as 'The Mayfair Triplets'. Each of the sibling have a different character of their own, Armand was sorted in Hufflepuff, a person loves socializing with other people. He is interested in philosophy and he wants to know what life really means. He is sometimes ignorant of other people's feelings, making it look like he's indifferent with them. Because he and his siblings were raised in a rich family, Armand doesn't understand much about being poor and of course the dreams of poor people. Armand's hobbies are painting, reading, acting and going to parties. He is probably quite close to Cosette compared to Marianne, nether less Cosette thinks he is the opposite of her sister Marianne at times.

Marianne was sorted in Slytherin, could be described as the most conservative girl, in a sense that she shows a sort of Victorian period in her actions. She is very elegant in other words. She puts her chin high, very straight posture, and wears very long dresses at all times. She refrains to wear corset though, she thinks that being skinny doesn't show beauty and elegance. Another trait of her is that she always go straight to the point in every conversation. She doesn't know how to refer to the emotions and situations of other people, so people deem her to be insensitive. Cosette doesn't like Marianne's snobbishness but she's her sister after long, so she accepts her. The three aren't exactly that close but strives to maintain a normal friendly sibling relationship as possible.

& history;
Born in Paris, France then raised in Wellington, New Zealand. Cosette is 1/3 of the "Mayfair Triplets", others are Armand and Marianne Mayfair. She is the youngest among the three by just a minute, which is why her family treats her like a child most of the time. Now, Cosette wasn't close with her sibling during their childhood day up to now. She didn't liked how her sibling treated her and the fact that they share different attitude and values. Their family's origin is France which makes them French, all of them are fluent in speaking French. Their father is a muggle and their mother is a witch making them a half-blood. Cosette's childhood started a bit unusual at first, she wasn't like her other siblings who loves to socialize with others. She'd rather lock herself in her room or wander around the woods than face muggles, witch or wizards. Nobody cared about the things she likes or do, though her siblings would always complain about her introverted attitude. At an early age of six, she learned to play the flute flawlessly. Back in their backyard, she'll use all her time just to sketch things and play her flute. It's been her routine for years, including stopping by some local bakery. She loved pastries all her life, there was a lot of things that she wanted to do but wasn't able to with her shyness. During her early years, Cosette felt something was wrong with her other than her eyes being gold, which is an odd color to have. She developed an hereditary ability to change herself as she wish, like her eye color, hair color and every part of her body. This was a result as her unmarried Aunt from her maternal side had a gift that was passed to her and not to her cousins or sibling. Cosette's a Metamorphmagus, she didn't realized this until she got accepted in Hogwarts New Zealand. It was during her third or fourth year that she discovered her gift, and this explain her changes in her body whenever her mood changes. At age eleven she got a letter from Hogwarts New Zealand inviting her to study in the known school. She couldn't be more thrilled that was when she found out her other sibling too were invited, it was at the same time a devastating news. Swallowing her emotions, she accepted the news and hope to have a new life in Hogwarts. With the triplets having different personalities of their own, Armand and Cosette got sorted in Hufflepuff while Marianne got sorted in Slytherin. Cosette and her brother had enough time to spend in the Hufflepuff Common Room, years passed and it took a few years since they have spoke with each other. She didn't knew why but decided to concentrate on her life in school.

Slowly and step by step, Cosette was able to let her inner beauty shine. She attended her lessons regularly and got an average grades, she even joined a lot of clubs, namely Club Academia, Conglomerated Arts Club, Glee Club and a whole lot more. Finally enjoying her stay, she met a lot of friends and would befriend a whole lot more. Meeting a few student that she treasure the most, just to name some : Alastair Heath, Jake Simpson, Quincy Ashe Cavell, Nadia Kaster and a whole lot of more. Cosette also won a few award in Hogwarts, namely the best in costume award for the Halloween feast and other more. In her fourth year, Cosette met Dymetris Kozlov, her first boyfriend. She didn't expect for their relationship to bloom in just weeks, the two met in a almost vehicular accident. As they get to know each other they developed something more, which led to their boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. They went together at the Yuleball, talked about some random things. Dymetris too being her first kiss, but their relationship didn't last due to Dymetris cheating on her. The news came out from a gossip magazine that was passed on but Cosette already knew there was something wrong. It left her devastated and without even talking to each other, she ended her ties with him. Heartbroken and all alone, Cosette ran to the forbidden forest to find some comfort. Where in she met Raffaelo Menzure a Hufflepuff older than her, the two became close friends. In her fifth year, Cosette got a letter from their Head of House staring that she got her prefect badge. It was the most surreal moment she encountered, being a prefect Cosette had a chance to avenge her broken heart. As Cosette being a fighter as always, with her fiery anger. She joined Quidditch as an alternative Seeker, knowing Dymetris was the team captain. During this time she already knew that her fellow prefect Faxen Lowart was the girl who Dymetris cheated on with her, the three of them being a prefect wasn't easy for Cosette as they would see each other during meetings and patrolling. She got in the team but didn't got a chance to play, on the next year, Cosette decided to not join the team as she got a club to supervise and take care of. As a prefect, Cosette was given the responsibility t take over Club Academia as their president of the club. feeling ecstatic, the puff used her time on her clubs, studies, prefect duties and with her friends. Moving on, Cosette developed a close and into a special relationship with Raffaelo Menzure.

The two spent most of their free time getting to know each other and it just instantly happened. Spark flew and one night the two were staring at the Hufflepuff's common room's window and just instantly knew they were in love. Action spoke louder than words and from then on, the two started to see each other a lot and was now a couple. They shared intimacy and their deepest secrets too, other than a couple, the two are best friends. Sharing a special relationship, as Raffaelo's older than Cosette by a year. On Raff's last year on Hogwarts New Zealand, the two went together at the Yuleball, and after would stargaze, as Cosette always loved to stargaze. Raffaelo graduated soon enough and was off to Bulgaria to pursue a Quidditch Career, on the other hand Cosette stayed in Hogwarts New Zealand with her last year there. The two last saw each other months ago, as Raff didn't attend his own graduation, leaving Cosette devastated and even questioned their relationship. Months after, Cosette tried to send him a letter which Raffaelo surprisingly replied quick. He assured her that he still loves her and with that they were still a couple, in her last year in Hogwarts. The two still continues to write each other during their free time, within their letter sending, Raff gave her a golden locket where in their pictures are inside of it, their initials written on the outside and the words, "I love you, always." This being her last year in Hogwarts New Zealand, Cosette wants to leave a few good words behind, for people to know her more, other than her gift and beauty. She remains the friendliest and sweetest puff you could ever meet, gaining a whole lot of friends here and there. She won another award for the cutest costume in her last year for Halloween. Cosette hopes and ambitions are changing as she grows up, from a model she's thinking to be a healer or maybe both. In the future Cosette hopes to meet a man of her dreams, she isn't sure yet if it's Raffaelo but at the moment she is madly in love with him. Soon she'll love to have a family of her own and live in Paris or wherever she wishes in her twenties.
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& role-plays;

Our Family             Wandering for a Wand               Under the colours of Hufflepuff             Inevitable             Dancing?             

Finally underway             The day goes on, and on...             C'mon Puffs! Don't let them beat us up!             Still not coming home

Glee Club Meeting             Among the grass             Flower Child             Making A Friend ; Was it possible?             I present to you             

Chase the Morning             A Lonely Stroll             A Sudden Change of Mood             I didn't see you there             Sunrise, sunset.

Letters to Home             Misery Loves Company             The Butterfly Effect             Dragonflies             Nature and It's Magic

The Stars Are Calling Our Name             Ballads and All             A Spoonful of Sugar             It Will Rain             

New and Prepared             Prefect meeting year 15             Someone to Watch Over Me             Y15 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try-outs             

Temporary Solitude             Rumor Has It V.2             I'll Take Care of You             Graduation 2031             Running Into You             

Y16 Prefects Meeting             Cheer For Me             Je t'aime, toujours

~Code made by Goosey of Caution 2.0 She worked her butt off and she just so happens
to know a pack of ravenous penguins that she will unleash on you if she finds out you
stole it. And Song Lyrics is Put Your Hearts Up by Ariana Grande
Credits to Annaleise for making the gif, images. ♥​
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