Corinne Spaskaya

Corinne Spaskaya

New Member
Full Name:
- Corinne Nikolaievna Spaskaya
Corinne is usually called Rin by friends, or sometimes Cori. Her family use her full first name when addressing her. She often says her last name is Spasky, because it is slightly easier to remember.

Date of Birth:
- December 5

Current Age:
- 11

Basic Appearance:
- Rin has brown eyes and long brown hair with a slight curl. She stands at 4"8', though likes to wear platform shoes to make herself seem taller. Her skin is quite fair, but does tan a little in the summer. Rin's clothing style changes daily, although she does like to wear dark colours. Clothing examples = [1] [2] [3] Rin is not stunningly beautiful, and never wishes she was. She has a slim build, although she gains weight easily. Rin is perfectly happy with her current appearance.

- Rin is not a bad person, though she does struggle at times when it comes to being nice. She will try to be nice to a person, and usually succeeds, but all too often her temper gets the better of her. She is very impulsive, a little reckless and gets mad easily. Rin is not a patient person and she is not good at waiting. She is slightly anti-social because of her early life, where she didn't have the opportunity to meet other children that weren't in her family. Rin liked to read adventure stories, and they contributed to her boldness. She is rarely shy, though in some situations she may try to hide from people. She isn't used to not having control over things, and could be described as a bit of a control freak.

- Rin's parents are Russian, though her mother grew up in New Zealand. Rin's family lived in New Zealand until she was six, then they moved to Russia. Rin has two sisters; one elder and one younger. Her elder sister, Viktoriya Mariya Spaskaya, is a haemophiliac and was not allowed to attend Hogwarts when she turned eleven. She is two years older than Rin and the two sisters are quite close. Her younger sister is Katerina Lilia Spaskaya, and will attend Hogwarts in a year.

- Three homing poodles. They are trained to find Rin and her sisters at home if they are hiding, or get lost.. Rin hates them and thinks that they are ridiculous.

Area of Residence:
- Kashin, Russia

Blood Status:
- Half

- Russian

Special Abilities:
- Fluent in English, Russian and Spanish. She learnt Spanish at school, and English and Russian were spoken by her parents.

Interests or Hobbies:

Hogwarts House:
- She doesn't know what house she wants. Maybe either Gryffindor or Slytherin.

Best school subjects:
- Transfiguration

Worst school subjects:
- Potions

Extracurricular Activities:
- None

Plans for your future:
- No plans... Yet.

Your Boggart:
- Spiders. They just really scare her.

Mirror of Erised:
- Having parents who are actually proud of her.
:) I hope you don't mind me asking some questions.

Will her family be returning to New Zealand while she goes to school? If not, will she be homesick?
Which parent is a muggle?
What is her relationship like with her parents?
Does Rin like animals?
Why if her Erised vision of her parents being proud? Are they currently not proud of her?
What kinds of things does she like to do with her sisters?
What is one thing she must bring with her when she leaves for school?

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