Corey Lynn Lovre

Corey Lovre

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name


Full Name: Corey Lynn Lovre
Nickname(s): Cor (by Her sister Lolli)
Etymology & How The Name Fits: Corey isn't really sure why her parent's named her Corey but she has always loved the name even if some people say isn't really a girl's name.
Date of Birth: April 2nd
Hometown: Paris, France

Hair Color and Style: Corey has long blondish/brown hair which she wears down or in a braid most of the time. For quidditch Corey always ties her hair back to keep it out of the way. Other than that she doesn't really due much with it unless it's a special occasion.

Eyes: Corey has very pretty large blue eye's which lighten a bit when she's happy. If you look closely they appear to have specks of green and silver mingled in with the blue that glitter in the sun.

Body Type, Height, and Weight: Corey stands at about 5' 6” which to her isn't too tall or too short. She has a relatively small frame but is toned somewhat from years of dance, karate, and quidditch. Corey is thin but not underweight at 122 pounds. She may seem tiny but that's why she took karate, you some self empowerment.

Complexion and Skin Type: Corey isn't pale but she isn't very tan either. She would be considered somewhere in the middle. Corey doesn't know a lot about her heritage because her parent's really never told her and she doesn't know of anyone to ask. Corey has small pores and rarely ever get's breakouts, except for times where she is very stressed.

Smile: Corey's smile is contagious, once she starts smiling everyone else is too. She tends to have a big smile showing lots of teeth, especially when you get her laughing hard. Other time's she may give a small smile just to show she's listening.

Scars: Corey has lots of teeny scars all over from playing quidditch. None are all that noticeable unless you really look, but Corey knows where they are.

Birthmark: Corey has a small freckle on her cheek that she considers her birthmark.

Personality: Corey is really a mix of things, she generally tries to be nice to everyone and has learned not to judge being as she was born deaf. But she is also very passionate about the things she loves and can be quite competitive at times. If you get her upset she will normally go off on you, but that is only because she doesn't want to be used because of her kind-heartedness. She loves her family with all her heart and would do anything for them even if it put her in harms way.

Boggart: As a child Corey was always afraid her parent's would come back to life as zombies, the fear kind of stuck with her thus creating her boggart.

Fears: Corey is scared that something terrible will happen to her sister Lolli. Lolli is already in the hospital for weeks at a time due to her pituitary dwarfism, it make's Corey worry about her often.

Interests or Hobbies: Before Corey's parent's died Corey used to dance. When she moved to the Bayveiw Orphan edge Corey stopped dancing but took up karate in it's place. Once she got to Beauxbaton's Corey joined the quidditch team as a chaser. Corey plans on going on to be a professional quidditch player as an adult.

Strengths: Corey is strong physically and mentally, she won't let anything get to her and won't take any crap from anybody. She may be sweet but she won't be walked over by people.

Weaknesses: Corey is very competitive to the point that she get's into heated arguments and is a bit quick to lose her temper at times. You really don't want to make her angry or she'll go off on you like there's no tomorrow.

Describe your character in three words: Sporty, Pretty, Hot-Headed

-Unbiological Father-Name: Richard Carell Ricci III
Age: 46
Occupation: Helps to run the Bayview orphanage with his wife, but is looking for other work, such as a job in a restraunt or even to open up his own restraunt.
How They Get Along: Corey likes Richard, he knows when you are slacking and can do better. He pushes you to do your best, but she resents him a little for trying to replace her father.

-Unbiological Mother-
Name: Dianna Ross Ricci
Age: 40
Occupation: Runs the Bayview Orphanage with her husband. She is basically a stay at home mother.
How They Get Along: Corey and Dianna don't have a good relationship. She knows that Dianna dosn't like Lolli, and herself. She also knows that it is her job that she needs to take care of them, but she always spends more time with the other kids than her and her sister.

-Unbiological Brother-Name: Richard Carell Ricci IV
Age: 22
Occupation: Piolet for muggle passenger planes
How They Get Along: Corey likes Richard for the fact that he is so good to Lolli. She knows that Lolli gets along best with Richard and that in turn make Corey like him.

-Unbiological Brother-Name: Anthony Lee Ramone
Age: 18
Occupation: He works as a kitchen hand in the orphanage, adn stays there at night. it pays little, but they do not charge him rent, and he gets to eat with them. He had lived and worked in the orphanage when he was younger, and decided to stay as a full when no one came to adopt him.
How They Get Along: Corey likes Anthony the best out of anyone in the orphanage. She even had a puppy crush on him. She knew nothing would ever happen between them, but still she hoped for a long time..

-Unbiological Sister-
Name: Andria Rose Ramone (Anthony's Twin Sister)
Age: 18
Occupation: Babysitter (recently graduated Beuxbaton)
How They Get Along: Corey and Andira get along alright, they talk and hang out together. But Corey can overreact when she picks on Lolli.

-Unbiological Sister-
Name: Traci Cori Rachetti
Age: 17
Occupation: Attending a Muggle school
How They Get Along: Corey has never really gotten to know Traci well. She knows she is friends with Lolli, But they really don't see a whole lot of each other, which makes becoming friends harder.

-Unbiological Sister-Name: Laura Ray Simone
Age: 17
Occupation: None (Expelled from B:cool:
How They Get Along: Corey and Laura don't get along at all, half of the time they are either arguing or trying to pull each others hair out. 

-Unbiological Brother-Name: Noah William Starr
Age: 16
Occupation: Durmstrang Attendent
How They Get Along: Corey thinks that Noah is a little goofy at times, but all in all a good friend and a good brother.

-Unbological Sister-Name: Carri Lynn Alexander
Age: 15
Occupation: Beuxbaton student
How They Get Along: Carri really keeps to herself, and Corey hasn't really gotten to know her, but thinks they would be friends if they ever hung out.

-Unbological Sister-Name: Lynnie Ray Alexander
Age: 14
Occupation: Beuxbaton Student
How They Get Along: Lynnie and Corey get along really well. They help each other at school, and talk a lot. They have a good sisterly relationship.

-Unbiological Brother-Name: Kaysee Eric Lornn
Age: 13
Occupation: Durmstrang Attendent
How They Get Along: Corey respects Kaysee, but dosn't know a lot about him. He talks to her more than anybody at the orphanage, but she still dosn't fully understand him.

-Biologiacal Sister-Name: Lolli Lovre
Occupation: Student
How they get along: They are as close as can be and do everything together. They wear the same clothes and read the same books. It's like they are two halves of the same whole.

Pets: A rat named Senior Mouse
Blood Status: Unknown
Special Abilities: Extremely good at quidditch
Best school subjects: Care of Magical Creatures and Defense Against The Darks Arts
Worst school subjects: Divination and Potions
Your Patronus: A rabbit, soft and cuddly on the outside but not afraid to bite you on the inside.
Your Patronus memory: Hearing music for the first time, it made her cry.
Your Animagus: A Blue Jay, they are free to fly and protective of there family
Mirror of Erised: Her as a professional quidditch player.

Favorites - -

Number: 1
Explanation: That's what she hopes her quidditch team will always be, #1
Saying: Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Mother Teresa
Explanation: This has always reminded Corey of herself.
Movie: Talladega Night's: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Explanation: Funniest movie EVER
Song: Changes to often to say
Explanation: Corey is one of those people that becomes obsessed with a song for a week or two until she find's something else that she likes.
Color: Pale Pink
Explanation: It reminds her of sunrise and sunset, her favorite times of day.
Animal: Blue Jay
Explanation: Corey loves birds, the coloring and protective qualities of the blue jay are what draw her to it.
Food: Pizza
Explanation: At the orphan edge they used to order tons of pizza for everyone on special occasions, so every time Corey has pizza she remembers those times.
Holiday: New Years
Explanations: It's sorta like a fresh start every year.
Season: Fall
Explanation: The leaves begin to change and the weather is perfect for flying.
Color Of Eyes: Blue
Explanation: Like her own, blue eye's which shine and sparkle.


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