Corey Arata Edogawa

Corey Edogawa-Mckenna

tengu seeker • finally have his name • dummy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core

Name: Corey Arata Edogawa
Corey was named after his mother's cousin. His name means hollow and is of Irish origin. His middle name means fresh and new and is of Japanese origin.
Birthday: 13 April 2038
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Independent, Generous, Optimistic, Enthusiastic, Courageous
Moody, Short tempered, Self-involved, Impulsive, Impatient
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Heritage: Japanese/American/Italian
Corey's dad is Japanese while his mom has American and Italian blood.
Blood Status: Mixed-Blood
Current Occupation: Hogwarts Student
Wand: Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
  • A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
  • The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
  • Cherry creates a wand of truly lethal power, highly prized by those of Japanese descent.
  • Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having this wand turn against them.
  • A wand which can quickly cast spells but may need to cast more than one to accomplish the job.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Corey wasn't really sure what house he'd end up and he had no complete preference really. As a first year, he wanted to be sorted into either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff - both of which were his parents' houses. When he had been sorted into his dad's house, he had been ecstatic. He was probably sorted into Hufflepuff for his loyalty and perseverance. Having grown up in a family with siblings and with cousins about his age, he values family above all else. His perseverance stems from the fact that he isn't very academically inclined and so has to constantly push himself just to get a passing mark. Knowing that he isn't going to get very far with his brains alone, he trains to be versatile in a lot of things such as sports and handiwork.

Personality: Corey is a really outgoing and friendly character. There is no hesitation in making friends and only a bit of apprehension in making enemies. He is really helpful when he can be and is an overall enthusiastic person. He is adventurous and is not afraid to try anything new. He loves sports - muggle or magical - and absolutely hates studying. He is generous in both material things and affection. Corey is unendingly loyal until his trust is broken, he always wants to see the best in people and he takes it personally when he is proven wrong. His loyalty and trust are frighteningly easy to gain, hard to lose, and almost impossible to regain. He will forgive but he will never forget. He also has a tendency to be impulsive, the reason why he is almost always failing his classes - he will pursue what he wants to do and that will be that. Another factor would be his impatience, he just cannot sit quietly, he always needs to be doing something - though it doesn't really matter if its productive or not. Corey is an open book, incapable of hiding his true emotions.

Appearance: Fully grown, Corey stands at 5'8 and weighs about 145lbs. He has curly, black hair inherited from both his parents - the color from his dad and the curls from his mom. His eyes are grey-blue also inherited from his mother. He has a slightly tanned complexion due to spending a lot of his time outdoors and has distinct asian features inherited from his father. Corey usually dresses in clothes that are slightly loose so that he can be active and play sports anytime he so desires. He is usually seen wearing jeans, shirt and sneakers.
Playby: Sakaguchi Kentaro


Father: Conan Edogawa

Japan Ministry Worker, Alive
Corey's relationship with his dad is playful. His father is not a very strict man but is a constant presence in his life. His father is very encouraging when it comes to his hobbies and is also supportive whenever he has trouble with his schooling. He usually enjoys time with his dad by playing soccer during the school breaks.

Mother: Taylor Anika Blare-Edogawa

Professional Quidditch Player, Alive
Corey has a close relationship with his mother having gotten his love of Quidditch from her. He aspires to be a professional Quidditch player like her and he loves her never-ending support. Ever since starting school, he forgets to write his mother though he never fails to give her affection during the school breaks.
Sister: Yukiko June Edogawa
01/14/2041, Alive
Brother: Kakeru Preston Edogawa
09/02/2044, Alive
Sister: Jericah Shiori Edogawa
09/02/2044, Alive
Sister: Hinata Michelle Edogawa
09/29/2046, Alive
Sister: Rose Amaterasu Edogawa
09/12/2050, Alive
Brother: Jonah Seiichi Edogawa
09/12/2050, Alive
Brother: Elijah Kenzou Edogawa
09/12/2050, Alive
Sister: Sayuri Lily Edogawa
07/23/2051, Alive
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One of Corey's biggest strengths is his optimism. He never fails to see the joy in everything and the best in everyone and he doesn't ever want to lose that aspect of himself. He wants to enjoy life as much as possibly despite his own faults and inadequacies. Corey is one that looks for the brightest spot in every situation and tries to make the best of it.
Corey's loyalty runs deep and it is his driving force to do most of the things that he does. It can make him do things that he wouldn't usually do as it is also the source of his protective nature. His loyalty to his friends and family are nearly unbreakable and not at all fragile. However, once it is broken, it is shattered completely and can never be fully rebuilt.
While Corey is not very suited for academic activities, he take pride in his own versatility. He is able to adapt to situations so that it would be to his liking. Added to that, Corey is never idle and can be frequently seen practicing his skills, typically in sports, so that they are never dull. In his mind, he'd rather be a jack of all trades since he doesn't think he'll be able to master many skills.
Corey had known how to fly a broom for as long as he could remember. His mother also frequently told him that she had had him on a broom ever since he was a baby. It is because of this that Corey is particularly skilled in Quidditch. He had not lacked training growing up as his mother is a professional Quidditch player herself. Corey prefers the seeker position as it suits his rather lithe form and he finds the chase rather thrilling. He also makes a decent beater though he doesn't quite like it as much as he being a seeker.
Karate, Soccer, Muggle Sports
While his mother encouraged love of Quidditch, his dad encouraged his interest in muggle sports - particularly Karate and Soccer, both of which his father were proficient in. Corey had started taking Karate lessons when he was about five and had received his advanced Brown Belt (1st Kyu) before heading to Hogwarts. Though he had to stop attending his lessons, Corey still keeps up with his training during his free time. Soccer is something that he and his father enjoy playing together for fun though he is particularly skilled at it and plays the Right Midfielder position. Other sports that Corey has dabbled in includes Basketball and Swimming.
Amongst his school subjects, Corey finds Charms to be the easiest next to Flying. While he is fairly capable at Charms, he still barely understands the concepts underlying them. Corey finds the practical portion of Charms to be the most interesting and helpful. It was always fun to him that he could do a lot of things with just a wave of his hand. Unfortunately even with his decent skill at the practical portion of the subject, the theories and concepts that might show up in a written exam still confuse him to no end.
Patronus Memory:
Mirror of Erised:

Corey has a tendency to be impatient especially when it concerns things he does not particularly care for. Having large amounts of energy, Corey finds it hard to stay still and be patient, and while his patience has been improved through his martial arts practice, there's still much to be improved. He also doesn't care much for waiting - although there are exceptions, such as family, friends, and Quidditch. Aside from that however, he tires of waiting easily and tends to forget about it - not because he's forgetful but because he just wants to ignore it.
  • Academics
  • Music
  • Cooking
Fears/Phobias: Kinemortophobia
Boggart: Zombie Siblings

Best School Subjects: Flying
Worst School Subjects: Transfiguration
Extracurricular Activities:
Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
Brotherhood of Magic
Wild Patch Club
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: Hufflepuff Quidditch Team Seeker
Plans for the Future: Professional Quidditch Player
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