Corentin Cesar Driscoll,
All those days that pass me by,
i can't believe, I'm still alive,

All those days that pass me by,
i can't believe, I'm still alive,
[name] Corentin Cesar Driscoll
[etymology] The name Corentin is a boy's name of French origin meaning "tempest, hurricane". The name Cesar is of Spanish origin and the meaning of Cesar is 'head of hair'. Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hEidirsceóil 'descendant of the messenger', from eidirsceól 'go-between', 'intermediary', 'news bearer' (a compound of eidir 'between' + scéal 'story', 'news'). Bearers of this Irish surname claim descent from a single 10th-century ancestor.
[nicknames] Corentin has two nicknames, one that his wife used to call him sometimes; Tintin but more commonly he's known as Cory, by his twin brother and his old friend and work colleagues.
[alliance] Ja Corentin's alliances are to whom he sees as family, so when his parents were alive it was to them and his twin brother. after they died and he was somewhat rejected by his twin, they turned to his then girlfriend and future wife. They also in turn were to her family. Since her death his alliance has been only to his son.
[birthdate] December 2039
[zodiac sign]
[age] twenty-six
[gender] male
[sexual orientation] Corentin would describe himself as pansexual, he has mostly dated girls, and was married to a woman for almost ten years but he has kissed and dated men before that and identifies at Pan
[dialects] english, russian, polish, bulgarian
[hometown] Auckland, New Zealand
[residency] Auckland, New Zealand
[vacation destination] St. Petersburg, Russia
[heritage]1/2 russian, 1/2 kiwi (with irish roots)
[blood status] Muggle born
[blood type]
[children] One - a son - Amias Driscoll - December 16th 2054
[relationship with her] Corentin had a good relationship to his mother while he was very young. He loved her dearly. He knew they grew distant when he left for magic school but he still deeply loved her and was so far away for her and her heritage. At the point of her death he hadn't seen in in almost a year. [etymology] The name Corentin is a boy's name of French origin meaning "tempest, hurricane". The name Cesar is of Spanish origin and the meaning of Cesar is 'head of hair'. Irish: reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó hEidirsceóil 'descendant of the messenger', from eidirsceól 'go-between', 'intermediary', 'news bearer' (a compound of eidir 'between' + scéal 'story', 'news'). Bearers of this Irish surname claim descent from a single 10th-century ancestor.
[nicknames] Corentin has two nicknames, one that his wife used to call him sometimes; Tintin but more commonly he's known as Cory, by his twin brother and his old friend and work colleagues.
[alliance] Ja Corentin's alliances are to whom he sees as family, so when his parents were alive it was to them and his twin brother. after they died and he was somewhat rejected by his twin, they turned to his then girlfriend and future wife. They also in turn were to her family. Since her death his alliance has been only to his son.
[birthdate] December 2039
[zodiac sign]
[age] twenty-six
[gender] male
[sexual orientation] Corentin would describe himself as pansexual, he has mostly dated girls, and was married to a woman for almost ten years but he has kissed and dated men before that and identifies at Pan
[dialects] english, russian, polish, bulgarian
[hometown] Auckland, New Zealand
[residency] Auckland, New Zealand
[vacation destination] St. Petersburg, Russia
[heritage]1/2 russian, 1/2 kiwi (with irish roots)
[blood status] Muggle born
[blood type]
[children] One - a son - Amias Driscoll - December 16th 2054
[Relationship with him] Corentin had a fairly good relationship to his dad, the relationship with his dad faltered and whithered much more quickly than with his mother when he left for school. He always tried his best, especially during school breaks, but he was always unable to engage much with his father's interests. Before his death Corentin had become pretty certain his dad didn't like him.
[siblings] One Twin brother - Corvin Driscoll - muggle
[Relationship with him] Their relationship in the beginning was very close, near inseparable, aided too by them being indentical. But in the end when Corentin had magic and Corvin they grew apart. He tried but it was difficult, they grew up without each other. Eventually after their parents death when Corentin returned he tried to reconnect but it didn't go very well and Corentin felt very rejected by his brother. They've kept in contact and try but it's never gone back to what it was.
[first wand] Straight 13 1/2" Sturdy Fir Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
[occupation] Currently unemployed but previously was a financier for his wife's father's company.
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] None
[Relationship with him] Their relationship in the beginning was very close, near inseparable, aided too by them being indentical. But in the end when Corentin had magic and Corvin they grew apart. He tried but it was difficult, they grew up without each other. Eventually after their parents death when Corentin returned he tried to reconnect but it didn't go very well and Corentin felt very rejected by his brother. They've kept in contact and try but it's never gone back to what it was.
[first wand] Straight 13 1/2" Sturdy Fir Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
[occupation] Currently unemployed but previously was a financier for his wife's father's company.
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] None
Jumping right off the edge,
Freedom, it's freedom,
Freedom, it's freedom,
[five words] confident, workaholic, adrift, insecure, focused
[beliefs] Holds no beliefs
[boggart] the loss of his son, or further rejection from his twin
[fears] being completely alone
[likes] vodka, maths, languages, snow, equations, charms
[dislikes] bullies, letting people down, flying, being alone
[goals] at this point he just wants to provide for his son and repair his relationship with his twin brother
[strengths] he is driven, he'll work harder than anyone else in the room. He is smart, great with numbers and equatiions. He's dedicated and loving when he's allowed to be, he's kind and confident when he's allowed to be.
[weaknesses] he overworks, to the point beyond exhaustion, often ignore his personal life and the people within it. He's always felt like he has to earn his place at any table, and is so often rejected from it that he just works in the hopes of getting something. He's prone to hiding his emotions, and pushing down how he really feels in favour of appearing confident and in fair of other people
[magical talents] excells in charms
[other talents] can knock back vodka like it's water, speaks four languages fluently
[patronus form] game fowl
[beliefs] Holds no beliefs
[boggart] the loss of his son, or further rejection from his twin
[fears] being completely alone
[likes] vodka, maths, languages, snow, equations, charms
[dislikes] bullies, letting people down, flying, being alone
[goals] at this point he just wants to provide for his son and repair his relationship with his twin brother
[strengths] he is driven, he'll work harder than anyone else in the room. He is smart, great with numbers and equatiions. He's dedicated and loving when he's allowed to be, he's kind and confident when he's allowed to be.
[weaknesses] he overworks, to the point beyond exhaustion, often ignore his personal life and the people within it. He's always felt like he has to earn his place at any table, and is so often rejected from it that he just works in the hopes of getting something. He's prone to hiding his emotions, and pushing down how he really feels in favour of appearing confident and in fair of other people
[magical talents] excells in charms
[other talents] can knock back vodka like it's water, speaks four languages fluently
[patronus form] game fowl
I was sleeping, diving, eyes closed, blinding,
Now for the first time, I can see,
[relationship status] widow
[whom/when] spouse died in december of 2054 due complications in childbirth
[past relationships] he had no prior relationships, nothing of note.
[first kiss] to some guy in his third year
[innocence] to his wife
[Living together] Corentin lives with his son, since his wife is dead he cannot live with her[whom/when] spouse died in december of 2054 due complications in childbirth
[past relationships] he had no prior relationships, nothing of note.
[first kiss] to some guy in his third year
[innocence] to his wife
[children together] one - a son - Amias Driscoll
[pets together] none - she was never interest in pets
[relationship with in-laws] terrible - his wife had been a pureblood woman from a highly respected Bulgarian/Russian family, so she married beneath her. the condition of their marriage was once married that Cory work for her dad and that they not receive any aid from the parents. his wife's parents never treated him particularly well and since his wife's death have cast him out. They tried to take custody of his son but he won.
[most beautiful thing about them] her smile, in Cory's eyes she'd had the most beautiful smile and always smiled only for him
[favourite thing about them] her brain, there was nothing he loved more than reading and speaking with her, arguing playful at the beginning of their marriage about the state of the world.
[proposal] after his parent's death and feeling rejected by his brother, he went back to her in Bulgaria and used most of his small inheritance to buy a ring. He took her out for a walk and then proposed to her. She immediately accepted.
[married] They were quickly married, once everything had been agreed, when Corentin was just shy of 19 years old.
[thoughts at wedding] Corentin was in awe, his father-in-law had paid for everything and it was an extremely extravengant and lush wedding. His wife was beautiful and he felt very in love with her, if not a bit overwhelmed by it.
Sometimes I gotta pinch myself,
Well let me introduce myself,
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] short very dark, nearly black hair
[hair modifications] he doesn't do much with his hair, but it is kempt tidy and sitting formally
[eyes] brown eyes
[height] a little above average height - 6ft 3
[weight] lean, thin, he works a lot and doesn't often take care of himself
[complexion] hpale, having spent a lot of time in wintery Russia and New Zealand.
[scars] no known scars
[smile] he has a very small smile when he's really smiling, but when he's putting on a front he's got a much wider smile
[body build] on the leaner side
[body modifications] none
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] has a very formal style, wears a lot of suits and fancy clothes. he doesn't often dress down. from his relationship with his wife, she picked out a lot of clothes and helped him have a more formal style. he's not a perfectionist by any means but he likes to look formal.
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] short very dark, nearly black hair
[hair modifications] he doesn't do much with his hair, but it is kempt tidy and sitting formally
[eyes] brown eyes
[height] a little above average height - 6ft 3
[weight] lean, thin, he works a lot and doesn't often take care of himself
[complexion] hpale, having spent a lot of time in wintery Russia and New Zealand.
[scars] no known scars
[smile] he has a very small smile when he's really smiling, but when he's putting on a front he's got a much wider smile
[body build] on the leaner side
[body modifications] none
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] has a very formal style, wears a lot of suits and fancy clothes. he doesn't often dress down. from his relationship with his wife, she picked out a lot of clothes and helped him have a more formal style. he's not a perfectionist by any means but he likes to look formal.
No more living in denial,
See it, breathe it,
See it, breathe it,
[school] Koldovstoretz
[hogwarts house] n/a
[sorting post] n/a
[special titles and awards] prefect
[extracurricular activities] charms club
[favorite subject] charms
[best subject] charms
[loathed subject] care of magical creatures
[worst subject] flying
[grade average] Os
[apparition] passed first time
[year of graduation] 2049
[graduation post] N/A[hogwarts house] n/a
[sorting post] n/a
[special titles and awards] prefect
[extracurricular activities] charms club
[favorite subject] charms
[best subject] charms
[loathed subject] care of magical creatures
[worst subject] flying
[grade average] Os
[apparition] passed first time
[year of graduation] 2049
They said you'll need the dark to shine,
it's like I can see for the first time,
it's like I can see for the first time,
Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from gorgeous by illenium
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye
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