
Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
With one child propped up on her knee and the other sprawled out the floor colouring in you could say Kida's life was rather fulfilled, but there was always something missing.

Her young cousin Aeon had come to visit which was almost a rare occurrence, he used to come over for dinner once or twice a week and before that every night when he lived with her but he was rather busy now, working full time and starting a life of his own. Kida was happy for him but she did miss having him around. With Ashton living in the studio apartments at the back of her property and Perseus at boarding school keeping himself away from magic she felt as if most of her family had left her and now she was here with Scarlet and her youngest Leonidas. Aeon hadn't met Leonidas yet so she was finally excited to introduce them. The young boy had lightly olive skin like his mother and brown hair matching his older Sister, Both of Kida's children had taken on her traits with a few exceptions here and there.

Bouncing her knee's gently the young boy giggled whilst Kida sung him a little nursery rhyme. 'Giddy Up horsey go to Town, Buy some candy by the pound, Whoah, horsey don't fall down, Then Suddenly You're On The Ground!' and with the last line she tipped her son off her lap still holding his hands so he never left her knee but rocked sideways. He squealed with glee and Kida kissed him on the cheek. Kida sat up when she heard the familiar sound of a broom sailing overhead. At the same time Scarlet sat up and stopped colouring, her long brown hair covered her face, she pushed herself off the ground as hard as her little arms could and ran to the window and looked at the sky 'Uncle is here!' she shouted and ran towards the front door. 'Scarlet, Coat.' she called out to her daughter, the weather was particularly cold this winter she was glad she upgraded the house and got a reverse cycle aircon/heater installed to keep the house nice and warm.

Kida wrapped her arm around her young son's waist and hoisted him up as she stood and swung him onto her hip and made her way to the front door. Scarlet pulled on her winter boots and jacket while Kida put a jacket on Leonidas whilst Aeon landed.
Scarlet was basically clawing at the door to get out, it had been 7 months since she had last seen her Uncle and she was excited to see him. 'Scarlet, Calm down, my gosh' she said as she opened the door. Scarlet shot out the door, she had a natural talent for being fast like her mother. Aeon had just dismounted his broom and made his way to the door when Scarlet connected with his waist, she wrapped her little arms around him tightly. Kida followed not long after, she held one arm out and wrapped it around him pulling him in tightly on a half hug so that they didn't crush Leonidas. 'It's Good to see you.' she said over his shoulder. Kida swiftly propped Leonidas onto Aeon's hip knowing that he may avoid it if she asked and quickly and took his hand in hers along with Scarlet's and made her way back to the House.
Too cold to play outside. Those words made Scarlet crinkle up her nose, she loved being outside and playing games but with this Winter being so cold she was always inside with her younger brother colouring books or her carpet road rug she couldn't really fly her broom around inside of the house. Scarlet did have some figurines of various quidditch players but there were only so many times she could have pretend games with them before she had to find something else to play. Ever since her uncles had all moved out she felt bored, Leonidas is too young to play any games with her. Scarlet was content with colouring in a picture of an Owl when she heard a sound, it was the sound of a broom. Scarlet pushed herself up and ran to the window and looked out it brushing her hair out of her face whilst she examined the sky. She noticed the man on the Broom, his blonde hair was a dead give away 'Uncle is here!' she shouted and ran towards the front door, her mother called out after her to put on her coat and she skidded slightly to pull her coat out of the cupboard. Tugging it over her sleeves and buttoned it up and then went to look for her shoes, once was in the cupboard so she grabbed that and pulled it on over her fleece stockings and the other was next to the door. Scarlet clomped over to the front door and sat down quickly pulling on her other boot.

Standing up she brushed her hair out of her face again and reached up for the door handle to open it, her small hands pulling on the handle showing her mother she was eager to go outside, she was told to calm down and she let go and put her hands in her pockets with a slight pout. However as soon as the door opened she shot out as fast as she could, she saw Aeon dismounting his broom and she threw her self at him to give him a hug 'Uncle, Uncle, Uncle' she said happily as she connected with his waist, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him with all her might. 'You're back, You're here, Did you miss me? what have you been doing?' she said rattling away at a million words a second as she pulled away to look up at him. Scarlet's view was blocked by her Mum giving her uncle a hug and she tugged on Aeon's jacket. Her Mother offered Scarlet her hand to take and she shuffled around and took it and walked with them back to the house.
Brightstone Village passed below Aeon's broom as he soared by overhead, exercising his old Firebolt for the first time in almost a year. The wizard had little need for it recently, now that he and Brodie lived in Obsidian Harbor, going to work every day at the Magical Menagerie consisted of a mere few minutes walk down the road. Long trips became unnecessary and the few times he had to travel anywhere further than an hour away, he'd succumbed to the conveniences of apparition or the Floo network. Though there had been the occasional ride on Brodie's enchanted motorcycle, but the vehicle was illegal and Aeon avoided going out on it too often, their trips were exclusively late in the night to minimize the chance of them getting caught. The last time he'd been out on the motorcycle, Brodie had taken him out to a park and proposed. The wizard had conjured up a false sky and written the proposal in the glimmering stars. Aeon hadn't told anyone of the engagement so far. That was partially the purpose of his trip, to see his cousin, his closest relative, and tell her the news. That, and she'd recently had a son, whom he still hadn't met.

In no time at all, Kidas house came into view. The property was hard to miss, with the small quidditch pitch she'd set up quite visible from the sky. Aeon leaned forward and dived down toward the earth, making sure to pass through one of the quidditch hoops as he streaked through the air. The Firebolt swung by the front of the house and came to a smooth stop. Summers dismounted and stretched his legs, using one hand to remove his flying goggles and sit them atop his wind-tussled hair. The flight had taken him about an hour from his house and he was glad to be standing again. The wizard barely managed a few steps from where he landed before he was attacked by a small girl. Scarlet had grown so much since he'd seen her last. "Hey, Princess." He said, returning his...what was she, his second cousin? His second cousin's hug. "Of course I missed you! Your mother needs to take you round to visit my shop some time. Maybe I can convince her to get you a pet. but shh." He continued, but pressed a finger to his lips as Kida approached, her son in hand. The wizard leaned in and wrapped his arms around her as she too gave him a hug, but immediately regretted it as she sneakily forced him to hold the latest addition to the family. "Oh gosh dammit, why do you do this. I might accidentally drop your child, Kida. It'll take a whole nine months to make another one." Aeon complained, holding the baby awkwardly in his arms as the four of them trudged back to the house. He and Brodie had plans to have kids of their own, but he wasn't sure how well he'd do as a parent. Babies were just so fragile.
'I heard that' she called out to Aeon as he mentioned getting Scarlet a Pet. 'The house isn't chaotic anymore since you lot all moved out, I think you require my life consist of constant chaos' Kida commented before accepting Aeon's embrace. When Kida pulled away the look on Aeon's face was amusing to Kida, he looked as if someone had just pulled all his circuits out. Aeon made a complaint to Kida about accidentally dropping her child and she smirked tapping her son on his nose and he giggled 'Trust me Aeon, He won't let you drop him' she said, The one year old had one of his hands grasped onto the back of Aeon's collar as he was held. 'And I know how long pregnancy lasts, that's two i've gone through now and I don't see you pushing any babies out ' she joked. Kida's long brown hair was picked up by the wind as the Sun moved to mid morning, she looked over to Scarlet who seemed to want to drag Aeon into the house 'What have you been doing with yourself my mysterious cousin' she asked. There was a time where Kida knew what Aeon was doing most of the time, he was under her roof after all.

Kida made her way up the steps and grasped the cold door handle to open the door. Scarlet ran in first kicking off her boots and making a brrr sound due to the cold. Kida let Aeon walk in before following and closing the door behind her. 'Could you take his jacket off for me, I don't want him getting too hot' she said as she walked to the Kitchen only to stop in the door way and glance behind her to see Aeon's expression 'He won't bite. Scarlet can help you' Kida added before turning into the Kitchen and putting a kettle on the boil and pulling out various biscuits and putting them on a tray. Once the Kettle was boiled she transferred the boiling hot water to a tea pot and pulled out some cups along with milk and sugar playing them on a tray so she could easily pick it up without the fear of dropping everything and made her way across the foyer to the front room where Scarlet had directed Aeon.
'Real Food later, Now deal with this and tell me everything you've been up to' The Witch made her way to the coffee table and placed it down in the centre. Kida took a seat across from where Aeon was and poured two cups of tea and added Milk to hers and Aeons, she hoped he hadn't changed the way he drank Tea since he had been gone.
Kida crossed her legs and leaned back on the couch with her teacup in the palms of her hands 'His name is Leo by the way' she said with a small smile 'Leonidas Seralius Frost'
"I can see that." Aeon grunted as he shifted his hold on the baby boy. The infants arms were like getting caught in Devil's Snare, he definitely wasn't letting go of his grip any time soon. "And unfortunately I can't just pop out babies myself, as pleasant as that sounds. I don't exactly have any plans to conjure myself up a uterus." His tone was sarcastic but light as he trudged after his cousin, lead by the tiny hand of her daughter. It was surprising how fast she'd grown in what felt like such little time. It seemed as if it wasn't all that long ago that she had been the same size as her younger brother.

Entering the house, Aeon felt a comfortable familiarity wash over him. Not much had changed in the time he had moved out with his partner. It was nice to be back, if only briefly. His attention turned to Kida as she asked him to remove the infants jacket, something he wasn't sure he was too comfortable with. He held the boy up in the air, scrutinizing the item of clothing. He was certain he might accidentally pull the fragile arms off of the little human if he attempted to take the tiny garment off. Instead he waited for Kida to leave the room with an awkwardly reassuring smile, before dropping to his knee and passing the kid over to his apparently more competent and less-likely-to-break-him sister. Once Scarlet had pried it off, he picked the infant back up and wandered aimlessly around until he found a crib in the corner of the room, quickly ditching his cousin's offspring in the safety of the small white box. "Stay" he whispered, before turning away to slump down across an armchair. He knew he should really start getting some experience in when it came to kids, especially when Brodie and he would probably have their own in the future. It was a scary thought.

Sitting up as Kida returned, Summers took the offered tea and got comfortable in his chair, taking a sip as Kida told him her son's name, a fact he hadn't thought to ask about yet. "Seralius? Really? I don't know what to say." The wizard said with a smile, his cheeks turning a soft shade of red. Seralius was his middle name. It was a nice gesture for her to name him that, even if he himself had the name passed on from his grandfather, of no relation to the Frost side of the family. "As for what I've been up to, well, phew, a lot really. I've been at work mostly, running the Menagerie in Obby Harbor. Recently I got offered a position as a Transfiguration Professor back at old Hogwarts New Zealand too, so I'll be working there over the year." He said, taking another drink. He hoped the fact didn't spur memories of her deceased godfather. Remus had the same position whilst they were in school. Changing the subject to keep her thoughts for straying, he held out his hand, showing off one of the silver rings decorating his finger. "Oh, and Brodie asked me to marry him! He took me out to Taka...roro...whatever park and we had a cute little picnic, then he wrote the proposal in the stars. It was absolutely beautiful."
'Really Really' she said as she glanced over to Leonidas who was standing in his play cot with a pouted face, she tsked at Aeon before putting her Tea down and picking her Son up and placing him on a Blanket on the floor next to the table and handed him a Toy which as soon as Kida turned away he Threw the Toy back into the Toy box. Kida sat down and saw the Toy gone and rolled her eyes 'Children born to me can throw things I swear' she said remembering Scarlet who liked to throw her food. 'I'm surprised I'm not a Chaser instead of a Beater' she quipped as she picked up her cup of Tea and took a Sip. 'Obby Harbor, really Aeon.' she mumbelled under her breath as he said it, she Grew up Australian just like he did but she didn't shorten everything she said, unless it was Cuppa. When Aeon mentioned his new position as Transfiguration Professor a bit of her hurt, she looked over to the mantle where there was a Picture of Kida and Remus at Hogwarts, him in his Professor robes and her in her Uniform standing for a photo and laughing. 'If you find anything of Remus' make sure you bring them to me okay?' she said with a small smile 'and Don't go easy on those Kids or else you'll never have any capable of becoming Animgai.' she had a small smile on her face, she was teasing him but wasn't sure if he would get the joke.

Then Aeon held out his hand showing the ring. Kida stood up and put her Tea down and stepped over the coffee table to sit next to him and examine the ring 'You haven't even Introduced this guy to me and now you're Engaged!' she said as she pretended to throw his hand back to him. 'When is it? Where are you going to Have it? You should have it here! Oh..' she said as she walked over to the book shelves lining the back wall she picked up a chest and brought it over to Aeon and sat back down next to him with the small Chest on her lap she unhooked the latch and opened it. 'Here have these, I was going to use them but never got around to it' The chest contained Wedding magazines and pages Kida had collected images for different themed weddings and made an artist page for about six different themes. as well as samples of fabrics for napkins and table clothes and small bouquet arrangements the flowers magically charmed to stay alive 'I Need to meet this guy BEFORE the wedding' she joked.

Kida placed the chest next to them and closed the lid before hugging Aeon tightly 'I'm so Happy for you, You've come so far since you've left here' releasing him from the Hug she grabbed his left hand with hers 'It's stunning, did you design it or did he?' she said. Kida reached over and picked up her cup of Tea and took a sip before placing it back down on the coffee Table. 'I better be Invited to this wedding' Kida gave him a gentle nudge.

'We must Celebrate. I'll Call Ashton down and he'll take the Kids for the night, I have the Spare house set up for Ashton to stay in with the Kids when I need to go somewhere so they'll be fine. We're going to Brightstone to Celebrate.' Kida Pulled her Wand out from under her sleeve, she Always has her wand on her Wrist or Ankle now a days so it was easy to access. with a swift movement Notte her Owl flew down and landed on her Arm. Kida got up and walked towards the front door and opened it and Notte went up to the Granny flats at the other end of her property which wasn't forest to Ashton's. Kida shut the door and walked back to Aeon and plopped down next to him 'Ashton will be here in Five, and No buts, We're Celebrating.'
Aeon pursed his lips at Kida's request that he bring her anything he found of Remus', deciding it was best not to remind her that it had been well over ten years since his death and that it was unlikely there'd be anything left of his. Still, he reluctantly nodded in agreement, if only to keep her happy. There had probably been multiple professors through his office since then. That was always the case with that school, very few professors seemed to stay on for more than a few years. He'd heard that his old Herbology professor still worked there though, having moved to Defence Against the Dark Arts. Styx had been one of his favourites, despite the man not being the most approachable of people. It would be strange working with his old teacher.

Pleased to see that his cousin had quickly moved on to his change of subject, Summers let her admire his engagement ring, its silver metal decorating his left hand. "It's so pretty, right? I never imagined I'd ever be wearing one. I hadn't really thought about marriage until recently." he commented, smiling as she threw his hand back. "And gee, we haven't really planned any dates yet, or where it'll be. I guess-" he stopped as Kida cut him off, shooting too many questions at once. Married at the property? It was an idea at least. She had the land size for it, he'd just have to run it by Brodie. He definitely wanted it to be somewhere outdoors. A chapel was out of the question.

Taking another sip of his tea, Aeon watched with a slightly amused expression as Kida excitedly got up and retrieved a small chest from the shelf. As she returned, he moved slightly over on the couch to give her more room to sit. He wasn't sure what to expect as she opened it, but was relieved to see that it only contained some magazines and wedding ideas, not some old dusty family heirlooms as he'd feared. There were fabrics for the napkins and tablecloths, another thing he hadn't even given a thought to. Getting married was so complicated. "Thanks, Kida. This'll be a lot of help. There's so much I didn't realise I'd need to consider." he pocketed the chest into the satchel by his side, the object disappearing into its extended space. "Anyway, you've already met Brodie! We dated back in school from fifth to seventh year. Though he used to be a bit of a blood supremacist back then. But he's changed now, and I'll bring him along to meet you again soon, it'll just be a bit difficult to find the time with me working at the school now."

As the two continued to talk, he reassured her that of course she'd be invited to the wedding, especially if they decided to have it on her land, and that Brodie had been the one to design the ring. The proposal had come as a complete surprise. It wasn't too long before Kida was suggesting they go out and celebrate. Aeon watched as she sent off Notte with the message, despite Ashton only living behind the house. Aeon rolled his eyes. "That is so lazy."

Five minutes later and there was a knock on the door. Getting to his feet, Aeon raced Scarlet to the front of the house and gave the doorhandle a turn, swinging it open to reveal Ashton. "Hey!" he said, giving Kida's older half-brother a hug. As Kida got the two kids ready, Summers took the time to chat, before Leonidas and Scarlet were palmed off for the wizard to take care of. Returning to the living room, now with just Kida, he shoved his hands into his pockets and leant against the archway frame. "Well, I'm ready to head out whenever you are. Did you want to get changed or anything or are we good to go?"
In his lower section of his loft house at the far end of his Half Sisters property he pulled a bottle of Orange juice out of the fridge and filled up a glass. A Girl upstairs leaned over the upper loft edge and looked down at him wearing his shirt from the night before 'Do you have a spare Toothbrush?' she called down to him. Ashton turned around and rested against the counter top, his track pants hanging on his waist. 'Fourth Draw, there should be a few packets spare, Pick a Colour you like' he said with a half smile.
He was much happier not living with his Family but still on the same block of land, he had privacy and stability which he had never had before. He watched as the girl spun around and walked back to the Bathroom, he raised his glass to his lips and smirked to himself before taking a Sip. He was interrupted by the sound by an Owl pushing its way through a modified Dog "Window" and landing on a perch.
Ashton placed the glass behind him and lazily sauntered over to the Bird and pet its chest. 'Notte, Let me guess Baby sitting duty' the Bird nipped his finger and he pulled away and shook his finger at the Bird 'Aight. okay, I get it Urgently.' Ashton took a few steps over to the Bookshelf next to it and pulled out some pellets and placed them in his open hand and held them in front of the Bird 'I'll be down in five. he said to the Bird.

Once the Bird took off Ashton made his way upstairs and towards the Bathroom. Folding his arms and rested against the door frame admiring the girl in his Bathroom. 'Sweetheart' he begun 'I'm going to go pick up my Neice and Nephew to take care of for a Bit, Would you mind?' he added with an attractive Half smile on his face. The Girl turned around and brushed her blonde hair out of her face, she had that look in her eyes as if he had just passed some of her tests. 'You wouldn't mind me staying?' she asked and Ashton smirked again and pushed himself off the wall and walked over to her, slowly brushing his hand against her face, swooping her hair out of the way 'It wouldn't bother me at all' he said as he leaned in for a Kiss.

'I'll head down to the front House to collect them, I'll be back in 10' Turning around he walked into his Walk in robe and pulled on a long sleeved shirt and jacket before heading downstairs and pulling on his ugg boots and made his way outside. He opened the door and was hit with the cool air, It was still a bit chilly for the time of year but it should be getting warmer. Ashton grabbed a small red wagon which was next to his front door and wheeled it behind him.

Walking up the front Step's Ashton knocked on the front door and heard thundering footsteps. The door swung open and he saw Aeon who gave him a Hug. Ashton gave him a few solid pats on the back before picking up Scarlet and giving her a kiss on the cheek 'Hey Man, When did you arrive?' he asked Aeon before walking into the front room where Kida was with Leonidas getting him ready, Aeon watched and Ashton rolled his eyes 'Thanks for the Help dude, They don't bite you know' he said as he helped Scarlet pack her colouring things into a Backpack and zipped it up.

Once all was packed Ashton took Leonidas from Kida and held him up high blowing a raspberry into his stomach, Leo chuckled before settling on Ashton's hip. 'Come around and pick them up once you two are done celebrating, I'll just be home. Entertaining and keeping them Entertained' Ashton had a mischievous smile on his face and he quickly ushered Scarlet out and shut the door behind him. Scarlet jumped in the red wagon and Ashton ran and pulled the Cart behind him quickly up the small incline ignoring anything Kida said behind him.
'Weddings are always a lot to organize, but then again, I planned my perfect wedding, It just never happened.' she said with a chuckle. Kida had planned her perfect wedding and where it was going to happen the only thing she got from her Private ceremony was the flowers, She hoped one day she would be able to get the dress she designed made and actually wear it like planned. Kida let out a small sigh.
Aeon mentioned that Kida had met Brodie in school and that he was a blood supremacist and she cringed her nose, Aeon insisted that he had changed but Kida was still uncertain 'I'd have to meet him again, I don't remember him' she didn't have anything against Brodie, just blood supremacy bothered her, She was a Muggle born with Magical lineage but some people just didn't care and used it against her regardless. 'We'll have a Dinner or something next week, Brodie, you me and the kids, and if you want we can ask Ashton to come down' she said with a smile.

Aeon called her lazy for sending her owl off instead of going herself and she scoffed 'Like I'd leave you with the Kids while I went to go ask Ashton if it was okay, I'd return to them being blue' she said to him but not long later Ashton knocked on the door. Kida was about to stand up and go answer it when Scarlet and Aeon had a look and suddenly sprung up and raced to the Door. Kida rolled her eyes and picked up Leonidas instead and carried him to pack up his things that Ashton would need. Ashton walked into the front room and she smiled, walked over to him and gave him a Kiss on the cheek before passing him a bag for Leonidas. Ashton was helping Scarlet pack up her items and Kida put some warmer clothes on Leonidas. 'Scarlet, put on your boots please' she said. Kida handed Leonidas to Ashton and gave him a kiss on his forehead, Ashton picked him up and blew on his stomach and he chuckled 'Are you going to play with Uncle Ashton today?' she asked her Son and he smiled 'Wow, well you better be a Good boy for Uncle Ashton' Leonidas smiled again and Kida walked with them to the front door with Ashton and she opened it for them. Just before he left Ashton mentioned about Entertaining and keeping the Kids Entertained and Kida wasn't fast enough to grab his arm 'You make sure she doesn't try steal my children or feed them something bad Ashton, or else I will bite your ass' she called out after him but he had all ready made his way up the incline 'Wolf teeth, I swear.' she swung the door shut and shook her head as she faced Aeon. 'I hope that this is the same Girl he's been seeing for the past 3 weeks and not some new one.' Ashton had a habit of sleeping around but he has slowed down a bit as he got older.

'Alrighty then, let me go change my top and grab some boots to be less comfortable and more outsidey and I'll be down in a bit.' Kida ran up the stairs to the top floor and walked into her room. Unlike most girls Kida didn't take that long to get ready, she Brushed her long hair pulled out a different top and grabbed a Pair of Ankle boots before walking back down and meeting Aeon in the Foyer. Kida linked her arm in his and opened the door 'Okay, Where to.'
"Ashton hasn't changed much then, huh?" Aeon commented with a click of his tongue. He wasn't going to openly judge Kida on the subject, but personally he wouldn't let someone with a promiscuous streak who couldn't hold a stable relationship babysit his future children, as nice as Ashton was. That wasn't the kind of environment he'd want his Aeonlings to grow up in, maturing with the idea that sleeping around was an okay thing to do. Still, he didn't voice his opinion, the man was her brother after all. Instead he waited for her to retreat to her bedroom and change into something more suitable for leaving the house.

Once his cousin had gotten dressed, the wizard met with her in the foyer and the two linked arms. He followed as Kida lead them out the front door, exiting her house, and down the steps of the front porch. Blinking against the morning light, Aeon was quick to bring up his free hand to shade his sensitive blue eyes. His flying goggles still sat atop his messily windswept hair, but they would do little to block out the sun's rays. As his eyes readjusted to the light, Kida asked where they'd be heading to. Huh. "Uh, I assumed you had an idea, considering it was your suggestion." Summers responded with a sideways glance at the brunette. After all, he rarely visited Brightstone nowadays and she was far more familiar with the area. As long as they stayed far from the Borely Mansion, he was happy.

Before Kida could respond however, a flash of red light caught Aeon's attention, resonating from the normally white-coloured band of metal decorating his thumb. Lowering his hand from his eyes, the animagus stared with an expression of shock, with the slightest hint of dread, at the glowing ring, it's colour a deep, almost bloody scarlet. The ring in question was one he'd bought during his teenaged years. Friendship rings, they'd been referred to as, and were sold in pairs. In this case his ring's twin was worn, or at least he still assumed after all this time, by his own identical brother. Of course, in the ten or so years they'd been separated the ring had changed from it's usual pristine white to a light red every now and again, but never as dark, nor as strong as it did now. His brother was in a lot of pain - more than he'd been in before. He could almost feel it. "Wait. Kida, it's Sern. He's hurt." Summers said, trying his best to swallow the worry that was thick in his throat. He retrieved his broom, which he'd left leaning against the porch rail. "I'm sorry, but I have to go find him. It - it looks bad. It feels bad." He explained. Normally, he didn't believe in the psychic twin-linked bull that others claimed, anything that happened to one that the other felt he passed off as coincidence. Even now, he knew that the sudden dull pain running through his body was just a trick of the mind, but that didn't change the fact that Sern's condition was bad. As he mounted his broom and got ready to kick off, all he could think of was how thankful he was that the ring wasn't black - yet. Black meant dead.
Nudging him in the ribs gently she chuckled 'Well you didn't really call ahead for me to think ahead, How about Honeydukes to get something sweet and then we can head to Hogs.... head.' Kida was cut off by Aeon saying that Sern was hurt. she was gobsmacked, watching Aeon he looked at the ring on his thumb she was hit with a wave of guilt, over the past few years Kida hadn't written to Sern or asked her family if anyone had heard from him, she had become so used to the Idea that he wouldn't talk to them again that she had put it out of her mind. Aeon unhook his arm from hers and had grabbed his Broom from the porch, he said he had to go find him but Kida wouldn't let that happen. 'Aeon Wait!' she said, as she quickly half walked half jogged over to Aeon and his Broom, she placed her hand on the Broom so Aeon couldn't kick off. 'Be Rational, what is your plan here? are you just going to fly off with no plan and with no company?.' she said her Hazel eyes looking into his blue ones 'I am Coming with you.' the Gold specs in here eyes seemed to be brighter than usual, her Animagus side was reacting to her emotion. 'Before you start telling me you can do this by yourself, He's my Cousin just as much as he is your Brother, We will find him together. Now come with me'

The Animagus pulled Aeon's broom behind her so he either had a choice to jump off and follow her or be awkwardly dragged along for the ride. she was heading towards the Quidditch pitch behind the line of large Tree's on her Property, it was a smaller version of a normal Pitch which she used for messing around or practice when she was at home. On the side of the Pitch was a small Shed which looked like it belonged to a Groundskeeper of some kind however it wasn't the case at all. The Small Shed had the undetectable extension charm placed on it. Kida held Aeon's broom in one hand and dug the keys out of her pocket with another to unlock the shed. Looking back at Aeon she slowly turned the Handle. Kida had always kept this Shed locked and never let anyone inside and she had a good reason, but Today she was going to make an exception/ 'I don't know if I told you, but during my Spare time when I have some or while I was pregnant, I make Broom's' she opened the door behind her to reveal a Large wooden Storeroom, Kida walked inside and once Aeon was past the threshold she shut the door behind them both. 'and I've made a lot of them' all along the walls different Broom's were on display all made with Different types of wood and with different designs, some with cross bars and some without. Kida walked through her Shed and gestured for Aeon to follow, 'I have a pair of Broom's I made while I was pregnant with Leonidas, They're extremely fast, I kind of made them by accident, the Design was something I thought of while lying around at home and the result was an Extremely fast Broom. So I made two to make sure it wasn't a fluke. I haven't named them yet but I assure you they're faster than any store bought Broom, Although not Quidditch regulation.' against the wall was a large cupboard, she opened the double Doors and there were five or six different Brooms hung up vertically. Kida pulled out two matching Brooms with Cross Bars and handed one to Aeon and she carefully closed the two Door's behind her. 'These will get us across New Zealand in No time'

Kida had probably fed Aeon too much information that his brain would be able to comprehend especially since he was more concerned about his Brother. Kida instead linked her arm in his and pulled him to the door of the shed, Kida opened another Cupboard and pulled out a Pair of riding goggles which were fashioned to look like a pair of Aviators and placed them on top of her head. 'Okay, center of the Pitch, let me lock this up and I'll meet you there, Test out that Broom I'm not lying when I say it is Very fast' she watched Aeon make his way to the centre of the Pitch and kick off, he seemed a bit uneasy for a moment but after a few laps he adjusted to the Broom's speed, Its maneuverability was Average, but the Broom was made for speed not maneuverability. Using her Keys to lock the Shed Door and tucking them back into her jacket pocket zipping it shut.
The Quidditch Player mounted her Broom and kicked off with one foot to meet the height of her Cousin. Kida reached out and gently grabbed his hand with the ring on his thumb and looked at where it was pointing 'That look's like its heading towards Auckland, maybe a bit short but in that Direction.' she said confidently. Before they took off in that direction Kida gave Aeon and slight rub on his back 'We're going to find him, We won't stop until we find him.' lowering her goggles over her Eyes they set off towards Auckland.

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