Connor Clifton

OOC First Name
<FONT font="Courier New">Connor Clifton

<COLOR color="midnightblue">Character's Name: Connor Clifton
Character's Etymology: (I don't know)

Role-player’s Opinion/Reasoning for Name: When I created this character, I just let Laura makes it :p

Character's Birthday: July 19 2011
Character's Age: Fourteen years old
Character's Wand: Top Secret :p
Character's Blood Status: Half Blood.
Character's House: He is studying at muggle school and Jade becomes his tutor about magic.
Why? Because his parents didn't allow him to go to Hogwarts.
Character's Hometown: _____, Liverpool, England.
Character's Current Area of Residence: New Zealnd.
Character's Relationship Status: Single and looking for some girls.
With Whom?

Character's Eyes: Dark brown.
Character's Hair: Brown hair.
Character's Weight and Height: Weight ? I don't want you know. Height >> 5ft 5 in
Character's Distinguishing Features: Stratches at his stomach. His father made it.
Character's Overall Appearance: He loves to wear exotic clothes. He loves fashion and try to become fashion designer besides his athlete and dance career.


Character's Personality in Five Words: Energetic, emotional, smart, dilligent, creative.
How Character Treats Others: He is easy going so he can interact easily with others. He treats others very well but sometimes he is egois.
Family: He loves his sister, Jade. He hates his father because he married with another woman when his mother is dead.
Friends: He has a lot of muggle friends.
Lovers: He never found a lovely girl yet.
Character's Fears: Being lonely.
Character's Strengths and Weaknesses:
-Muggle sport
-His father
-A full moon
-Loud voices
Character's Beliefs: He believes that he can make his life better.
Character's Aims in Life: To graduate Harvard University at the top of his class.

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