Connor Barnard

Connor Barnard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Full Name:
- Connor Elizabeth Barnard
Connor= Wolf/Hound Lover. Elizabeth= Consecrated to God. Barnard= Brave as a Bear.
Why: The name Connor, is because despite every
mother's wish to have a daughter to call their own,
Connor's mother had been wishing for a Boy and Girl.
When greeted by two beautiful little girls she decided
to give one a unisex name, but instead it turns out
Connor is mostly boy but it stayed and her nickname
of Connie came about when she was younger but now
she wishes the nickname had never been invented.

Date of Birth:
- Feburary 4th, 2012

Current Age:
- 21.

Basic Appearance:
- Long dirty blonde hair that usually sits in an un brushed manner on her head.
Because her eyes don't percieve color the same way as normal beings,
to Connor her hair as a pink/red look to white coloring.
She cannot see the blonde coloring of her hair.

She has blue eyes.
Which she has been told are a brilant shade of blue matching
to what she percieves as green however when she see the
blue in her eyes it's a much darker color.
She doesn't wear many colors when it comes to clothing,
usually just blue or red as those are the only colors she really knows, as well as black clothing.


- She's a pretty dark person, being that she stays quiet
most of the time and enjoys watching the younger students
at the school get hurt, but not damaging. She enjoys duels,
but only when she has the upper hand. Alot of times her fights
are about colors, as she as a form of colorblindness called Tritanopia
where she confuses green with blue and yellow with red.
Meaning she can't see yellow or green and Blue is all in different shades then normal.

People always simple questions to her, like What's your favorite color?
And this bugs her, because even though they might not know about her eyes,
she is constantly knowing that there are things out there she can't see.
It's like a Astronomer knowing that theres another Star out there to find
but it's to far away and he'll never be able to see it. For her thats her issue
with seeing yellow and green. She'll never know how true it is that the Sky is
Blue and Grass green, to her both are Blue and the sky isn't even a true Sky Blue to her.

Most of her personality is based on this simple fact.
She is jealous of her Twin sister, who can see every color in the world,
and sometimes it seems even more. As a child Connor gets into plenty of fights with
others over colors and had been taken out of Muggle school to learn from her
mother at home based on what her sister was learning at school. She also got plenty of
early training in the knowledge of Magic because of it. Learning basic History facts
along with Lumos before her sister had gotten the chance to learn the spells.

- Andrei Barnard(father) Muggle. Loves her father dearly but the fact
he is a muggle upsets her as she has learned at Durmstrang they
aren't very good beings and are below her.

Cher Barnard(mother) Witch. Has issues with her mother
who likes to make Connor dress in poofy outfits. She is a
witch and a very nice woman, but doesn't understand
Connor's dislike of girly things. Of course most colors she picks
out for Connor are the ones the young girl cannot see and this bug the girl.
Cher has good intentions however and tries to get her youngest daughter to open up and talk.

Eliska Barbard. Connor's twin sister is basically all girl, all the time.
Their mother is forever trying to dress them up the same but it usually
fails as Connor does like fancy dresses and her sister can't bring
herself done to the level of normal clothing.
They are basically the opposites of each other yet still manage
to love one another and get along as best as they can.

- none.

Area of Residence:
- Bulgaria and France but mostly Bulgaria.
She can speak the two languages of the country
as well as English, which she needed to know at school.

Blood Status:
- Half Blood

- Both parents come from a french background.
However her father is mostly Bulgarian and so they live in Bulgaria year round,
explaining why Connor choose Durmstrang. As the school is mostly populated by Russians and Bulgarians,
famous students in the place being Viktor Krum from Bulgaria
Her sister however decided to go to the school known more
for the beauty of it's girls rather then tough mostly male school.

Special Abilities:
- She is good at spotting red colors even from a far distance.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Dueling with the younger students and also poetry.
She can be a romantic person, but hides that side of her in the tough school.
She spends alot of time practicing her Spells though is limited to knowing how
well she does, because some spells are based on colors that she cannot see.

- Hexes and Curses

- Colors

Describe your character in three words:
-Partly-Colorblind. Tough. and Misconstrued.

Favourite place to be:
- In her room at home where she can rest and dream.

Best school subjects:
- Dark Arts.

Worst school subjects:
- Potions, alot of the things potions uses are color coded
and therefore she often gets the wrong thing.

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- 2029

Plans for your future:
- Still uncertain. Prehaps a Death Eater helper or a stay at home mom.

Your Patronus:
- A Hound.

Your Patronus memory:
- A dream she has everyonce in awhile where she
can see ever color in the world.
Connor is always dissappointed when she wakes up from it.

Your Boggart:
- A dark cloaked figure that covers all light making it impossible to see.
Your Animagus:
- Owl - Wisdom, Truth, Patience

Mirror of Erised:
- Colored pencils which she can names every single color without looking at the name.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
Today I found out that my mother has plans for her me and Eliska to go shopping. I dread the experience, as usually I'm forced to wear girly dresses that all I wish to do to them is rip them off and set them on fire. Which wouldn't actually be too hard to do if we were allowed to do Magic out of school, but considering Mother is the magical parent she'd be quick to put it out and get me back into the awful thing so she could see how I look. I don't understand how different my own twin and I can be sometimes, she's all pose and I'm just awkward. Of course she's nice enough, but still atleast she can really see how the color she wears matches her. If I wear anything "yellow" it looks the same as my skin, all pink, and I feel naked. It's an awful world I live in.


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