Closed Connecting The Dots

Ares Kuya-Tine

overthinking | determined
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Hawthorn Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Ares couldn't believe it as soon as Weston told him. There was no way that Jordie was the one sending him those letters last year. Especially after everything they had been through together, there was no way Jordie even had the smallest amount of feelings for him. The teen needed to find the Hufflepuff however and get everything straight. Ares was sick of not knowing the truth and he just needed to find Jordie and hope that Jordie would be honest with him.

Ares waited in the fourth floor corridor that morning, leaning against the wall. He knew Jordie would be heading out of the common room soon for some breakfast and hoped to catch him before that. The Slytherin kept his head down as a group of Hufflepuffs walked past, only glancing up a little to see if any of them were his friend. When he finally spotted Jordie, thankfully he was on his own. "Hey, Jordie!" Ares exclaimed, waving over at him. "Do you mind if I talk to you for a sec?"
Jordie was facing massive new levels of frustration. At least he'd gotten the perfect badge. And was still on the team. But dammit Ares was dense. Jordie had been up since his sunrise jog, agitated that the boy just wasn't getting Jordies hints. He'd been writing out drafts for new notes, thinking of subtle but obvious hints that only he would know. Eventually, it was time for breakfast.

At least, he hoped it was still time for breakfast. Throwing his notes into his bag, he walked out of the dorm. He was quick to spot Ares, and couldn't help the smile that lit up his face. Even when he was annoyed he just loved being with Ares. Jordie stopped, hands in his pockets. "Hey! Yeah, of course, anything. What's up?" He asked, looking up to Ares with a warm smile.
Jordie seemed happy to see him and in all honesty it made all of Ares's frustration go away. He wasn't sure why Jordie always made him feel so calm, even when anger was boiling inside of him. Ares nervously looked down at his feet. "There's uhh... something I just wanted to ask." he said, quickly trying to formulate something in his head. He really should have practiced before diving right into this. He looked back up at his friend, trying his best to put on a brace face. "You know those letters? Those things I've been getting lately, especially last year?" Ares hesitated a little before just coming right out and saying it. "Were they from you? Were you sending me those letters? And not just as a joke, but like, for real?"
Jodie's heart stopped when Ares mentioned the letters. Of course I do, idiot. He thought, feeling the blush on his cheeks. Had Ares finally figured it out? Jordie hadn't thought this far ahead. Ares was so dense he'd honestly thought he had more time.

Jordie blushed, sticking one hand in his pocket and scratching his cheek. He could feel how red he was. "Ummm... And if they are?" He avoided answering the question, scrambling to figure out the best way to come clean. Or if he should. Or if Ares was going to be mad at him.
Ares couldn’t help but be a little annoyed when Jordie didn’t answer the question straight away. He thought Jordie could be honest with him, but clearly that wasn’t true. Why did no one ever want to answer his question? Ares just watched as Jordie clearly seemed nervous, but Ares had no idea why. Why was he acting so weird? What did he know that Ares didn’t? “Well, I’m not going to tell you until you answer my question.” he said, frustration clear in his voice. He paused however as he realised how rude he was sounding, and he definitely didn’t want to take it out on the boy. He knew how fragile Jordie could be. “I just mean, I don’t want to tell you how I feel about the letters because… what I feel is private… and only between me and the person who is sending me these letters. That is, if the letters aren’t just some practical joke.”
Jordie let out an aggravated sigh. "They aren't a joke!" He snapped, his annoyance overriding his shyness. He turned to look to Ares, exasperated. "Ares, I adore you, but god, you are so unbelievably dense." Jordie took a small step closer. "I'm trying everything here, if you don't like me will you just say so already? I've told you my insecurities, I've brought you home, I've given you gifts and notes, I make out with you regularly, what the hell do I need to do to get through to you?"
Ares was a little taken aback at Jordie’s reaction. He called him dense, which was a word that Ares never thought he would hear from his mouth. He never thought Jordie would say something like that to him and Ares just stood there, dumbfounded, as he struggled to come up with a response. Jordie really did like him, and suddenly Ares felt like slapping himself. Valeria was right. In fact, everyone was right. Jordie really, truly liked him, and as more than friends.

“I-I’m sorry.” Ares stammered, not really sure what else to say. He figured however that he should also be honest, especially after Jordie just poured himself out like that. “I like you too. I really do. I was just confused. I didn’t think ever… in a million years… that you would like me back. That’s why I’ve been struggling to believe it. But I know now. And I wish I knew sooner.” Ares took a step closer to him, taking his hands out of his pockets and holding them in his own. “I’m sorry Jordie, please forgive me.”
Jordie's bravado immediately vanished, his knees went weak, and he made some sort of sound resembling a squeak when Ares took his hands. Jordie's face was absolutely burning at this point. "I-i-i-" Jordie stammered, before pulling back and dropping to sit on the floor rather unceremoniously. He buried his head in his hands, his heart thundering in his chest. What was he supposed to do now? "I was not prepared for this today," he managed with a nervous, high pitched laugh. He'd been so focused on the notes he'd never thought about what to do with Ares if they ever worked in getting his attention.
Ares watched as Jordie proceeded to squeak, then sit on the floor. “Are you okay?” he asked, with a little chuckle. Ares was suddenly feeling the happiest he had ever felt. His stomach was doing backflips inside of him. He couldn’t believe that he wasn’t dreaming at that moment, but at least he was a little more prepared than Jordie for the interaction. “I’m sorry, I guess that’s my fault.” He shrugged. “I shouldn’t have come bombarding you with this. At least not until we’ve had something to eat. Did you want to come down to the Great Hall with me?”
Jordie was having one moment processing. "One sec," he squeaked, laying back on the floor, keeping his hands on his face as he tried to take a few deep breaths. After a few moments, he dragged his hands down his face, keeping them over his nose and mouth, and just stared at the ceiling. "What just happened?" He asked, mostly to himself, still unable to actually look at Ares.
Ares raised an eyebrow as Jordie continued to stay on the floor. People were walking past looking at them now and Ares couldn’t help but feel a little awkward as he stood there and watched. “Jordie, come on.” Ares muttered. It took everything in him to not also fall onto the floor with happiness, but he was able to suppress this much easier than the Hufflepuff. “I’ve just confessed myself. Please get up. We’re wasting time together before class starts.” Ares couldn’t help the whine in his voice now as he desperately wanted Jordie to listen to him.
Jordie sat up, pouting. "You're no fun," he mumbled, embarrassed in turn. Feeling stupid, he pushed up, shoving his hands in his pockets, and started off down the hall. He had no idea what he was supposed to do now. The notes in his bag were useless. After his three previous failed relationships he wasn't sure how to act- or if this was even a relationship.
Ares frowned as he watched Jordie get up. He clearly didn't want to, but Ares didn't want to be embarrassed by him anymore, especially as his stomach was starting to rumble. As Jordie headed down the hall, Ares quickly followed after him, his hands nervously back in his pockets. He didn't want things to be awkward, so he spoke. "So what are you thinking for breakfast?"
Jordie was definitely pouting, but he couldn't decide why. Maybe it was just because he didn't know what to do now. He was brooding enough he didn't quite hear Ares' question. "I'm confused," he offered after a moment of silence. "What just happened?" He looked to Ares a second before glancing away. Jordie had spent so much time trying to impress Ares, going out of his way to try and win the Slytherin over, but Jordie still had no idea what Ares was even thinking, or what they were, or if they were anything.
Ares stopped walking when Jordie said he was confused. It made sense, and truthfully Ares was a little confused too, but he wasn't sure if now was the time to talk about it. Jordie definitely seemed to want to though, which made sense, and so Ares just sighed before talking again. He hoped Jordie wasn't mad or anything. "I just told you I like you, okay? And as more than friends... And I wanna be more than friends." he said honestly. It wasn't often that he could be honest with things like this, but he was definitely sure Jordie liked him back now, or at least he hoped he did.
Jordie's heart twisted and flipped in his chest as Ares confessed again. "Ah. Right. Yes." He swallowed nervously. They were coming up on the corner of an unused hallway. He waited a moment, and as they were passing it he grabbed Ares' arm. He yanked the boy with him into the hall, pushing him up against the stone and latching onto his neck. Jordie spent several moments leaving a large, impressive hickey on Ares' skin before pulling back with a smirk. "I marked it, it's mine," he said coyly, running his hands over Ares' shoulders.

And then he lightly shoved Ares. "You dense brat!" Jordie scolded him. "Do you have any idea how crazy I've been? I've tried making out with you, I tried opening up and telling you how important you are and how nervous I've been, I went into that damn house trying to impress you! And I mean granted I forgot to sign that first note I was so nervous but then you annoyed me and I had to prove a point. And then you thought it was Weston! Weston!" Jordie smacked his hands on Ares' chest before laughing.
When Jordie grabbed his arm, Ares almost fell over backwards, but luckily the wall behind him that Jordie slammed him against held him up. The Hufflepuff began sucking at his neck, and Ares smirked, biting his bottom lip as he did so. When he was done, Ares couldn’t help but chuckle at his words as he put his hand up to his neck where the mark now was. It was then that Jordie began lecturing him, and Ares suddenly felt vulnerable, frowning slightly as he called him a dense brat and pointed out every obvious move Jordie had been making towards him. It made Ares feel stupid. He could see everything clearly now, and thought perhaps he had been letting his insecurities get the best of him. Jordie really did like him.

“I’m sorry.” was all Ares could muster before he laughed along with the teen. “I just didn’t think you’d ever like me like that. I wanted to, I wanted to believe it. But you just seemed too perfect to me. And you still are.” Ares looked up at him, hoping he would be able to forgive him and his stupidity. It made Ares realise that the boggart incident really was all his fault, and he could feel the guilt burning inside of him.
Jordie chuckled as Ares apologized. He just shook his head. "You're a dumbass," he stated plainly, pushing up on tiptoe and kissing Ares firmly before the boy could say anything. Jordie kissed him for several moments before pulling back, sighing happily and laying his head on Ares' shoulder, relaxing against him.

"You're mine for all the dances now," he told Ares. "There's gunna be kissing and slow dancing so if you wanna practice before we can." Jordie smirked. "And at least once a week I'm stealing you for a few hours of cuddles." Jordie pulled back and smiled up at Ares. "Deal?"

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