Confusion Goes Here

Taylor Mercer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Taylor found writing down her thoughts made them easier to understand. She also found people around her werent always there when she needed to say something. Or they probably didnt want to listen if it was something that only she would worry about. It could also be that maybe she just didnt want to tell anyone at all. Regardless, she was now striding through the First Floor Corridor, a blanket and a journal in hand. It was a fantastic day and there was not one person on the first floor. Most were outside, which made it all the better to be indoors on a day like today.

Reaching a bench that was placed in a concave which she had discovered on her way up to a class from the Great Hall one day she took the folded blacket and placed it down so she could lean against the wall, without it hurting her back. Pulling out her Journal and quill she leant against the wall with her feet up on the bench, starting to write. She once again wrote about everything. Although as she wrote about her Mum and about school and her friends, she found the most common name coming up was Knight.
Abbey sitting in her dorm room, when she had the urge to go play the guitar, she excused herself from her friends and walked up to the Gryffindor house, asking Willow if she could borrow her guitar. Thankfully her friend accepted and she gave her a hug before taking the guitar and began walking back down.

Abbey found that the dungeons were quite packed so she decided that she would go onto the first floor corridor. Once she reached the corridor she smiled weakly to herself, seeing that it was pretty well empty and sat down on the ground and she began playing A Lack of Colour by Death Cab for Cutie, she knew that it didn't really show her mood and emotions all that well but she loved that song and was bored to tears. And of course because no one else was there she had to expose her awful voice. Singing wasn't one of Abbey's musical high points so she sang it quietly, incase someone did come by.

lame sorry couldn't think of anything ^^
Taylor was still scribbling away when she heard a guitar start playing. Curious, she poked her head out of the inbuilt section of the wall. Glancing down the corridor, she saw a girl, not much older than herself sitting on the ground playing. She is quite good, Taylor thought. Taylor wondered breifly if the girl knew she had an audience. Her mind was made up when the girl began to sing, I guess she doesnt realise she has an audience. Shutting her journal, she whispered the locking charm and set it down on the bench. Before flinging her legs over the side and leaning forward, so she would be in plain sight of the girl. She smiled before she cleared her throat a little to get the girls attention. "Your quite good at playing you know." She said lamely, but still meaning it.

[Neither could I :p ]
Abbey's violet eyes widened nervously as she heard someones voice, and she turned her head towards the girl that spoke, and nodded herself sheepishly as if saying a quick thank you. "I'm Abbey Lurken," she introduced, hoping that this girl wouldn't be one of those girls that happened to hate her and her friends because they were in the Glam Squad, she had just heard about, but apparently was in, it really didn't make much sense to her.
Taylor nodded back at the girl when she did as if saying its okay. "Taylor Mercer. I havent seen you around." She said indifferently, the girl might be in Taylor's year, but if she hadnt seen her then she didnt think she would be, although the amount of people Taylor hadnt yet met from her year was amazing. Taylor noticed the girl had violet eyes and thought for a moment if they were contact lenses, because the color was striking.
"Taylor Mercer. I havent seen you around."

Abbey shrugged her awkward and sickly bony shoulders. "I don't get out much during the day," she said honestly, she much preferred night, day made her feel too anxious and afraid. It was a complicated situation, even though she knew that the person at the orphanage was not here, and couldn't get here, she was still afraid at the option that he could find her.

"We probably are in different houses anyways," she droned with a small roll of her eyes as she began tuning Willow's guitar. Abbey had changed a fair amount since she was sorted and now she probably would be in Hufflepuff. Abigail cringed, the thought of being in such an awful house disgusted her to no end.
"True." Taylor said simply when the girl stated she didnt get out much during the day. Then she nodded when she said they would be in different houses. "Yeah, I'm a Gryffindor." She said, as if it really mattered. "First year." She added as an almost afterthought. She couldnt wait until she wasnt the youngest in the school anymore, when she could say she had completed that annoying first year of Hogwarts and no one would look down at her like she knew nothing anymore. She had, after all, been raised as a pureblood. Taylor sat back in the seat and began swinging her legs, the girl could no longer see her, but she still knew she was there, so what difference did it make?
[I was so tempted to have Abbey be like "Where'd she go?" lol ]

"Yeah, I'm a Gryffindor... First Year."

Abbey almost got up and left at hearing that Taylor was a first year, she really didn't care for the group for first years HNZ had brought in, she only hoped for the few of her friends that were still back at Hoggies Scotland had a better bunch. "Slytherin Second Year," she retorted simply, she had decided that the less amount anyone knew about her was the safest, for her and them.

Abigail pursed her lips in thought then asked, purely for conversational purposes, the girl really didn't seem like one of those stuck up first years that thought they ran the school, "So how are you liking school?"
Oh okay." Taylor said simply when the girl stated she was a second year Slytherin. Taylor was a little weary. How would the girl react upon finding Taylor was a Gryffindor. It brought memories back to the second year boy Taylor had met in the library, he had seemed harmless, maybe Abbey wouldnt be too bad either.

"Yeah, school is all right, thought it will be better when people dont think your just an immature first year." She said voicing her thoughts from earlier. She then thought maybe that wasnt the correct thing to say, but oh well she had said it now no taking it back.

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