Come meet Kyle Cavanaugh

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Kyle Cavanaugh

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
Hello everyone,

This is my very new character Kyle Cavanaugh. He has been sorted into Gryffindor :woot: and I can't wait to start roleplaying.

Kyle is a friendly boy with a nice attitude. He has never had many lasting friends in his life and he has hopes of finding many at Hogwarts. He is smart but not a geeky genius and has a passion for Qudditch. He has been brought up in a rich household on the outskirts of London and his parents own a broomstick manufacturing company called Thunderbroom. He likes animals but has never been allowed to have a pet of his own. Kyle does not get into fights easily but is protective of the people whom he truly considers his friends.

What I have in mind for Kyle:
-I wanted Kyle to have a group of friends who all would RP together and separately at times.They could get into fights or arguments,make it up to each other,fall in love(but more about that later) and their friendships could evolve over the years :D

Preferably this group of friends who would all be 1st years and would have a balanced number of girls and boy (or almost balanced) like 5 or 6 people.And also it would be nice to have students from all houses because that would bring different personalities and ideas. This could really become a nice plot line and i hope that it sounds good.And this isn't just a RP with me but with a few other people who might show interest in this idea (i hope :) ).So if it sounds good please reply to this topic or pm me

-Any other friends, enemies, acquaintances are also welcome. In case you just want to RP with Kyle and don't like the group idea and that is fine too.
hey i have lillian here who is a spoilt brat but is also kind so she has two sides to her so kind of two faced. but when she meets some one she thinks is a true friend then hey only see the kind side.

thats some bits of her. just thought id put her out there
Lillian and Kyle
She sounds fun! Kyle too has been spoiled a bit as he is used to a rich standard of living. I think they would be good friends. Are you interested in being part of a group or would you rather just get to know Kyle first?

I could start a topic if you like in either case :D
yh dude sounds good umm group as im looking fo a entourage for her but this would work. i will start give me two secs
Indiana and Kyle
I'd love to offer Indiana as a friend for Kyle but she's got so much going on for future plots that it wouldn't really work out in the group. But just the two is perfectly fine with me! As she's already got enough friends and plots adding a group one would be hard for me to remember for her xD

Bituin and Kyle

I also have Bituin who is in need of some plotting and such. As she's going to be having a traumatic time with dating another guy so I'd like her to have friends to reply on after the fact.
Indiana and Kyle
That sounds great. Would you like to start the topic?

Bituin and Kyle
Sure Kyle will be there when Bituin has her traumatic breakup :cool:
I can start this topic. Would you like it to be anywhere specific or can I put it up by the Lake?
Indiana- Sure I can but I have a phone interview which is suppose to be happening now. So I'll start it later :r

Bituin- She likes water her older sister likes it more but I can see her going down towards the lake for some reason or other :D
As long as I remember I'll make it later today, as it is now after mindnight xD

But feel free to get to the one with Bituin whenever.

I have this beautiful first year who loves to make friends, loves to play nice, and has an almost completely open future. I'm still looking for a user, but that doesn't seem like something that Kyle would do. So maybe just friends. She would never pick a fight or ever say something mean. At least not without being extremely provoked. What do you think?
Claire and Kyle
Claire sounds like a great and friendly person.Could I start an Open RP in the Great Hall and we could hope some other Gryffindor first years to join us later but we can start it off.
Heyy Khushi!

I think that Kyle and Tybalt could get along quite nicely. I don't think they'd ever be that close, just two guys who know each other, and who hang out every so often. Nothing more than just friends. So he wouldn't really be a part of the group, unless he just was there every so often. But, Tybalt is a shy guy. He's pretty easy to scare and he worries a lot. He cares a lot about people and not so much about himself. He thinks of himself as pretty selfish, when he's not really. But he is however, friendly and kind and would do anything for anyone he considered a friend. Plus Tybalt would be pretty amazed by him, since he's got family in the UK, and that Kyle comes from a rich family, where as he doesn't would probably fascinate him, like how the other half lives kind of situation.
So, what do you think?
Hey, I can offer you up Grant here, I'd quite hoped he'd make a group of good friends so that would work for me if we could pull one together!

Grant's a genuinely nice, good guy. Friendly, happy, enthusiastic and oozing positive energy. He's not one to ever get mad or angry and could probably be the 'peace maker' of any group. He's not got a bad bone in his body. He's always looking on the bright side of life, easy-going, bit of a goofball, always up for a carry on or an adventure. I've not rp'd with him at all yet and really do want to get started, so if you think they could work please let me know, I'm open to any ideas :D
Tybalt and Kyle
Yes, Emzies that would be cool. I was just thinking about sending you a PM. Kyle hasn't roleplayed with any guys yet which would look weird . Friends sounds great to me :D :hug:

Yup and Kyle doesn't actually like the kind of discipline he is suppose to have when his father throws big parties and such. Kyle has hardly ever done chores or mixed with people without knowing their background but coming to Hogwarts, Kyle wants that chance without being bossed around and Tybalt sounds exactly the person Kyle needs to meet to see the other half side of people :emzies:

Grant and Kyle
Nice :) I am about to start this topic in the Great Hall about breakfast and getting to know other first year Gryffindors, would you like Grant to meet Kyle at the breakfast? If yes, I'll post the link here in a few minutes :D
Sounds good to me, I'll meet you over there ^_^
Yeah, they could always do the open Rp, just link meh when you have it!
Kyle Cavanaugh said:
Tybalt and Kyle
Yes, Emzies that would be cool. I was just thinking about sending you a PM. Kyle hasn't roleplayed with any guys yet which would look weird . Friends sounds great to me :D :hug:

Yup and Kyle doesn't actually like the kind of discipline he is suppose to have when his father throws big parties and such. Kyle has hardly ever done chores or mixed with people without knowing their background but coming to Hogwarts, Kyle wants that chance without being bossed around and Tybalt sounds exactly the person Kyle needs to meet to see the other half side of people :emzies:
I was going to PM you as well, but then I remembered that this topic existed, so I thought it would be better to post here.

I think the two could make good friends. It would be fun.
Would you like to start something or shall I?

Tybalt Archer said:
Kyle Cavanaugh said:
Tybalt and Kyle
Yes, Emzies that would be cool. I was just thinking about sending you a PM. Kyle hasn't roleplayed with any guys yet which would look weird . Friends sounds great to me :D :hug:

Yup and Kyle doesn't actually like the kind of discipline he is suppose to have when his father throws big parties and such. Kyle has hardly ever done chores or mixed with people without knowing their background but coming to Hogwarts, Kyle wants that chance without being bossed around and Tybalt sounds exactly the person Kyle needs to meet to see the other half side of people :emzies:
I was going to PM you as well, but then I remembered that this topic existed, so I thought it would be better to post here.

I think the two could make good friends. It would be fun.
Would you like to start something or shall I?

You can start it :)
Cole and Grant and Kyle
Here is the link to the open RP

I have Desiree here. Here's something about her:

Desiree was born in Moscow but her family moved to Russia. Her mother is Russian while her dad is American. She has two siblings in which she is in the middle. She's a vegetarian and has passion for mother earth. She's rebellious and doesn't like it when people tells her what to do. She's most concern with the World Crisis and hates it when people question her. She's nice to people who's nice to her but she can be mean if she's not in the mood. However, she can be sweet when she wants to. She's tough and is reckless and is determined to make the world a better place.

She can be a friend or an enemy. Depends on you, really.

Desiree and Kyle
Desiree seems like a friendly person and Kyle wouldn't want to be enemies with a sweet Hufflepuff girl. Her attitude of hating people who question her seems something that could get her and Kyle into an argument. How about Kyle and Desiree being friends who have constant arguments or fights yet they are nice people and they continue their friendship?
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