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Kate Archer

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Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
<FONT font="Georgia">Hey HNZ​

So lately I haven't had much rps with this charrie Kate Moon due to just being busy and focusing on other characters.
I'd like to ger her more active again because she is one of my favorite charries!
Though I won't be as active lately just because my holidays are usually jam packed with various activities,so it might take me some time to reply to any rps!


So Kate Moon,fifth year Hufflepuff,sweet girl who as been through a lot and is still going through some stuff.A lot of sh!t and change has happened in her life over the past five years though some people aren't taking it seriously due to the RHI magazines who seem to like featuring her.She doesn't listen to anyone's opinion of her unless its from someone important to her.She is strong,friendly though more cautious to new friends.She is sometimes sarcastic and likes helping people when they are down or sad,she loves to give advice.Though not as bubbly and happy as she once was she still tries to enjoy life and is trying to fix the situation with her brother and not worry about Stefan.She id doing her best to distract herself from the current problems.She is at a happy weight and no longer looks very thin

So basically I'm looking for new friends for Kate.People who can just be there for her,distract her from her life and let her live a bit more.People who don't know everything about what's happened to her (though that is hard with the magazine and all :r ) but some people choose not to believe that so just people who don't know everything about her but will become new friends for her.Or maybe there could be someone who wants to bully her or be mean to her about her current situation and make references from the RHI magazine.Make her feel worse,or at least try to.I'm open to anything really ^_^

So that's it guys :D
Hey Johanna!

I have this guy here, Kayden Night Georgiana's twin brother.
I was thinking prehaps they could meet up again and since Georgie isn't big into the gossip at school she wouldn't of have told Kayden so he'd have no clue about all the things that have happen with her recently. While they are "at school" we could have them exchange owls and communicate that way. And they could meet up over breaks and stuff and just be really good friends that way. :)
It does not matter to me :)
Hey there. I have Nat (Natalya Turner) who is fifteen and may be a good friend.

She is a Durmstrang student so she wouldn't know about all of the stuff in the magazine. She is a lot like Kate but less bubbly; she is very kind person who tries he best to be as nice as she can. She is very quick to take people under her wing and will happily help those in need. She can be argumentative if she knows she is right and can get very protective over the people she loves.

Tell me what you think?
- Summer
yeah they can be in new Zealand since it is his summer break then he could be visiting his sister in NZ
Steph-Okay so,I'll post Kayden the link when I'm finished

Summer-Okay so,I'll send Natalya the link too
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