Clyde Sumiragi

Clyde Sumiragi

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
The Basics
Character's Name: Sumiragi, Clyde
Character's Birthdate: December 05, 2006
Hometown: Japan
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Hair: Brownish-black
Eyes: Deep Purple
Height: 5'9
Style: Appearance is not necessarily a must, but neatness is important to Clyde. If you don't look respectable, then everyone has the right to mock you.
Other Distinguishing Features: A scar on his right hand
A Little Deeper
Personality: Clyde is a logical thinker. He acts accordingly to what he thinks is rational and useful, though playing the violin was against that part of him. He has a deep perspective on music. It is one of the few things that can clam him down. Because of his tactician personality, Clyde often use people for his own benefits, manipulating them up to a certain level. But most of the time, he is kind, never getting rid of the naive personality he had as a child. There are rare times when he gets really kind because of it. But those are rare times, almost impossible to see. Despite of his logical thinking, Clyde is a bit ignorant about romantic relationships and the like, most likely not noticing girls who has the hots for him. He has a low stamina, never liking classes where he should use physical strengths and in the point of skipping them.
History: Clyde grew up in New Zealand, though sometimes he visits Japan every once in a while to meet some cousins. Despite knowing magic since he was still a child, he was never really interested in it, much preferring the simple life of muggles. It is due to the fact that Clyde was a natural rational thinker, supposedly not believing in magical stuff to prove things. But it proved him that no one can ever escape the fate drawn in blood. His mother was a very talented witch, an Auror in the Ministry. Her talents, it seemed, had been passed on to Clyde, pulling him more in the magical world. There was a short history too about him and his cousin Wisteria. For some reason, Clyde's mother bound Clyde to an Unbreakable Vow with Wisteria, that never shall Clyde betray her. The reason for this action is yet to be known. Up until now of course, Clyde had kept the vow.

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