Closed Close because of a rose

Ruben Right

Triplet| Moody| Friendly| Stubborn
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Ruben was roaming around the corridors of the castle with nothing to do, he could be studying but he guessed he had done enough of that for now and that he would just relax a bit, at least until tomorrow. He decided to see where his feet would take him but his muscular memory had leas him right to the last place that he wanted to go, the library doors. Ruben tried to dismiss the impulse he had of entering and grabbing some more books by trying to find someone to talk to, after all that corridor also had the Hufflepuff house and Hufflepuff were great people to talk to.
The Slytherin boy was just thinking about that when he saw a skin cocoa colored and some dark locks that he knew too well. That was the girl that had delivered him his pink rose. "Hey stranger" he said as he jogged towards her, Merlin did work in mysterious ways and clearly Merlin also didn't want Ruben in the library.
Ana Sofia had been busy painting some of the new pots Rose had brought into their dorm. She enjoyed how much plants the girl brought because they brightened up the room in a way but she loved the fact that her friend had kept the pots blank so she could decorate them even more. After painting a couple of them her inspiration had run out though and Ana had stared at them blankly. It happened sometimes. Whenever she'd lose inspiration like that she either resorted back to her usual flowers and butterflies or she'd go someplace else in an attempt to gain some inspiration. Seeing as she wanted to paint something original on them Ana went with her second choice and headed out into the castle, her hands and fingers still decorated with specks of happy coloured paint. She had only taken a couple of steps outside of the common room when she noticed someone jogging up to her. "Hi!" Ana greeted him with a smile, the pink paint on her own hands immediately reminding her of the first time she had really had an interaction with the boy. "So," She decided to be bold and just ask him right of the bat, still curious about things. "Whatever happened with your whole pink rose situation?"
Ruben was actually wanting to talk to Ana about the rose, he did told her that he would give her the inside scoop later but he never did seem to find her. He couldn't help but be surprised that she still remembered the whole pink rose thing and how straightforward she was "Wow, straight to the point aren't you?" he said chucking lightly. He had no idea where to start but he guessed he should at least tell her what happened at the picnic.
"So we had a picnic in the garden" he started saying "and things were a bit awkward at first not gonna lie. But eventually I got a justification" he said pausing a bit to cause suspense "She said she loved pink that's why she send the rose. She didn't really cared about the meaning attached to it" he told Ana "The real question is, are we buying it?" he asked the Hufflepuff girl laughing, he couldn't help but feel sketchy about the whole thing, the justification didn't seem totally believable but he could just be overthinking it so Ana's point of view could indeed be useful.
Ana Sofia chuckled at Ruben's response. She had definitely been straight to the point but then again she had been waiting to ask him about it for a long time. "Well you kind of left me hanging." She responded jokingly. "I mean a pink rose isn't nothing." Ana added, although she wondered if perhaps at their age she shouldn't look to much into it. Maybe it hadn't been super serious, maybe it had just been a nice flower. Pink roses did look pretty after all. She listened intently as Ruben started telling what had happened, trying not to chuckle when he said things had started off a little awkward. Ana put her hand to her chin for a second thinking about the situation when Ruben asked if they bought the explanation he had been given. "Hmm, I'd say we do." She nodded eventually. "Pink roses are pretty after all." Ana smiled. "Unless you want to.. not.. buy it?"
Ruben chuckled with her "Sorry about that" he said apologetically. He did have to agree with Ana, pink roses aren't nothing, there was definitely some more to it but that could also be his overthinker side that was analysing to death every bit of information. "I think for now I'm gonna buy it" he concluded.
"Anyway what are you doing?" he asked her noticing that the girl had just peft the Hufflepuff common room probably to go somewhere "And why are your hands pink?" he asked a bit confused about the reason that could have gotten Ana to get her hands with, what was hopefully pink paint. Maybe she was in the arts club?
Ana Sofia smiled an scrunched her nose for a second as if to say things were fine when Ruben apologized. She hadn't really been hung up on that much but she had been pretty curious about what had happened with the rose. "Good." She nodded when he agreed on the fact that they were buying the explanation for now. They were young so it seemed silly to think more of it than it might be anyways. "Just trying to gain some inspiration." Ana gave a happy shrug as she answered his question, before looking down at her own hands again at the next one. "Oh, I was painting my friend's flower pots." She chuckled, putting her hands up to show the colorful creation they had become to him. "What were you doing?"
Ruben got a surprised look on his face but he was also relieved that Ana was bonding with her roommates, Ruben didn't really have a close relationship with his, they weren't many anyways. "Is your friend okay with that?" he asked just to make sure, not that Ana seemed the type of people that would do things just to irritate others.
"Well I was keeping myself from going to the library to study...I have absolutely nothing to do so I'm spending these few days before class reading every class book but I seriously need to stop before I burn out", he explained to Ana not really sure if she was aware of his nerdy side.
Ana Sofia chuckled when Ruben asked if her friend was okay with that. She'd never do anything like that without permission, no matter how much she wanted to, but she realized she didn't know Ruben that good and neither she him so he couldn't know that. "Oh, yes." She nodded at his question. "She even made sure to bring plain pots so I could decorate them." She smiled brightly, happy Rose liked her painting the flower pots so much. She figured the other girls in their dorm wouldn't mind it either, they did make their dorm a lot more fun. Ana's eyes widened for a second at his mention of reading books before class had even started. She had trouble doing so when class had started so she was surprised to hear he had already started. "Do you.. like studying?" She asked, trying not to make it sound rude. She liked learning things as well, but having to actually study and read numerous books was a bit of a problem for her.
Ruben was surprised, he didn't even knew Hufflepuff girls were that close. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous deep down, he barely had any Slytherin friends that were guys. "That's pretty nice of her. I presume you like painting and all that artsy stuff?" he said not really sure if she liked it enough to make a job out of it or if it was just a hobby. Ana didn't seem the artsy type, she didn't really striked as one. She was definitely a free heart, living life at her own rhythm not worrying about anything and Ruben couldn't help but feel a little jealous, he wished he could live without his mind overthinking and just live life in the moment, like Ana seemed to do.
Ruben laughed at her obvious dislike for books, he was used to that question "Not really no" he said "I can't just sit in front of a book and read the same fitfy pages over and over again for hours. I hate studying honestly. What I do like to do is more like...learning you know?" he added not really sure if she was getting his point "I like to read about thing I haven't learned, pure curiosity. Thirst for knowledge if you wanna call it that way" he joked. He really did hate studying, he was a pretty good student but he never studying a day in his life for anything. He would say to himself that he would but eventually he procrastinated, but luck always seemed to be on his side and make them able to get awesome grades.
Ana Sofia had been extremely lucky with her roommates. They were nice and she got along well with pretty much all of them, feeling like they were just one big group of friends. "Yeah!" She smiled brightly at Ruben's question. "I'd paint pretty much anything, so if you ever need something decorated you know where to find me." She chuckled, feeling that decorating something for a boy might just be a little bit of a challenge. She mostly stuck to her usual things like flowers, clouds, butterflies and such but she'd be happy with any creative challenge anyone could throw at her. Ofcourse she also knew boys could be happy with the things she mostly painted, but she wanted to grow, enhance her skills, learn to paint a whole lot more than just the things she knew she was good at. Ana listened curiously as Ruben answered her question, trying her best to understand his explanation. "Right, I think I get it." She nodded, mentally still disecting his answer. She got it though, learning and studying weren't the same. She liked learning new things as well just not specifically by reading about them. If only she liked reading she'd be so much smarter by now. But she didn't, she struggled with it every now and then, enjoyed more practical ways of learning about things. "So basically you're just so eager for class to start you've already read up on everything? Because you wanna learn new things?"

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