- Messages
- 5,839
- OOC First Name
- Zach
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Straight
- Wand
- Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
- Age
- 53

Full Name:
- Justin Cliffeton
Date of Birth:
- November 24th, 2011
- November 24th, 2011
Current Age:
- 15
- 15
Basic Appearance:
- Justin is a shortish kind of person, and he has brown hair which tends to curve in towards the centre of his forehead. Justin has some permanent bruises on the left side of his stomach from his parents.
- Justin is a more kind hearted person then what you would expect from somebody who was bullied by his own parents as a child. He's always willing to help people out if they need it, and he doesn't tend to let people get to him all that easily. Justin would never betray a friend, no matter what they did to him. He prefers to keep peoples secrets other then just throw them away into the world.
Justin doesn't like to think much about his parents, and that's pretty much the reason he's always a nice guy, and isn't quick to get angered. He hates his parents for what they did, and he's never going to forgive them unless they give him a really good reason for what they did to him. He may not like his parents, but Justin still can't handle people who go out of their to say mean, or hurtful things about his family, and he doesn't let them get away with it.
- Justin is a more kind hearted person then what you would expect from somebody who was bullied by his own parents as a child. He's always willing to help people out if they need it, and he doesn't tend to let people get to him all that easily. Justin would never betray a friend, no matter what they did to him. He prefers to keep peoples secrets other then just throw them away into the world.
Justin doesn't like to think much about his parents, and that's pretty much the reason he's always a nice guy, and isn't quick to get angered. He hates his parents for what they did, and he's never going to forgive them unless they give him a really good reason for what they did to him. He may not like his parents, but Justin still can't handle people who go out of their to say mean, or hurtful things about his family, and he doesn't let them get away with it.
- Justin has a large kind of family. First off, he has two parents living. His father is named Alexander Cliffeton, and his mother Melissa Cliffeton. He dislikes both of them because of the way they treated him as a child. He has an Uncle named Eustace whom he adores because he took, and still takes good care of him. He doesn't know the rest of his family very well.
- Justin has a large kind of family. First off, he has two parents living. His father is named Alexander Cliffeton, and his mother Melissa Cliffeton. He dislikes both of them because of the way they treated him as a child. He has an Uncle named Eustace whom he adores because he took, and still takes good care of him. He doesn't know the rest of his family very well.
- Justin doesn't have any pets.
Area of Residence:
- Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Christchurch, New Zealand.
Blood Status:
- Half Blood
- Half Blood
- Justin grew up with his parents in Christchurch, but from the moment he was able to understand what was going on in his house he wanted to move out. Both of his parents are of New Zealand birth.
Special Abilities:
- None at this time.
- None at this time.
Interests or Hobbies:
- Justin enjoys reading, learning, and studying magic.
- Justin enjoys reading, learning, and studying magic.
Additional Skills:
- Noneee.
- Justin is a compassionate person, and a very good friend. He tends to see the best in people, and gives most people second chances quite easily. He tends to like a lot of people, and he doesn't make enemies very easily. Though, he doesn't know whether or not people like him some of the time or whether they're just pretending.
- Justin is a compassionate person, and a very good friend. He tends to see the best in people, and gives most people second chances quite easily. He tends to like a lot of people, and he doesn't make enemies very easily. Though, he doesn't know whether or not people like him some of the time or whether they're just pretending.
- Justin has few weaknesses, but his greatest weakness would be that he always likes to see the best in people. This tends to make him see past flaws that people have, but that isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes people take advantage of him and he doesn't even realise it until it's already happened and there's nothing he can do about it.
- Justin has few weaknesses, but his greatest weakness would be that he always likes to see the best in people. This tends to make him see past flaws that people have, but that isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes people take advantage of him and he doesn't even realise it until it's already happened and there's nothing he can do about it.
Describe your character in three words:
- Honest - He doesn't lie unless it is to help somebody out, and even then he hardly ever does that. The only time Justin ever with holds the truth from somebody is if he thinks it would hurt them so much more to know that truth then if he lied to them.
Hardworking - Justin always does his best at everything, no matter what it is. It doesn't matter whether Justin likes or dislikes what he is doing, he'll always give it a good go and he won't complain about it.
Kind - Justin is a very nice person a lot of the time, and welcomes new comers with open arms. Justin is never mean to people he first meets, and he basically helps anybody out if they need help. He's always open for people who want to ask questions.
Favourite place to be:
- Justin's favourite place to be is at Hogwarts, or basically anywhere where he can be with all of his friends and especially Trinity, the love of his life.
- Justin's favourite place to be is at Hogwarts, or basically anywhere where he can be with all of his friends and especially Trinity, the love of his life.
- Justin has a lot of friends, and they all mean so much to him. He wouldn't give any of his friends up for the world, no matter what happened.
- Justin has a lot of friends, and they all mean so much to him. He wouldn't give any of his friends up for the world, no matter what happened.
Hogwarts House:
- Ravenclaw
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Justin wants to be a Prefect, and even possibly be Head Boy when the time comes around for those people to be chosen.
- Justin wants to be a Prefect, and even possibly be Head Boy when the time comes around for those people to be chosen.
Best school subjects:
- Charms, Transfiguration, CoMC.
- Charms, Transfiguration, CoMC.
Worst school subjects:
- Potions.
Extracurricular Activities:
- Justin is a member of the Brotherhood, something that he quite enjoys.
- Justin is a member of the Brotherhood, something that he quite enjoys.
- Not occurred as of yet.
- Not occurred as of yet.
Current Job:
- Assistant at the Magical Menagerie.
Plans for your future:
- Justin wants to own his own business, and even possibly become a Professor. Justin also wants to marry Trinity, though he wouldn't admit that to her quite yet.
- Justin wants to own his own business, and even possibly become a Professor. Justin also wants to marry Trinity, though he wouldn't admit that to her quite yet.
Your Patronus:
- A cat.
- A cat.
Your Patronus memory:
- The first time Justin met Trinity.
Your Boggart:
- Trinity and his Uncle dead on the floor.
- Trinity and his Uncle dead on the floor.
Your Animagus:
- A Golden Labrador.
- A Golden Labrador.
Mirror of Erised:
- Him married to Trinity with a family, and him the Charms Professor at Hogwarts.
A page from your diary:
- Dear Diary,
Today I had a really interesting time in Charms. We learnt a pretty cool spell called Confundo, and the teacher tried it out on me. I nearly tripped over an landed on my head, it was kind of funny. There's still been no sight of Trinity, she hasn't been turning up to classes either. Word is that she just stays in her common room all day, and doesn't talk to anyone. I'm really worried about her, and just want to know what's wrong with her ..
- Justin
<i></i>- Dear Diary,
Today I had a really interesting time in Charms. We learnt a pretty cool spell called Confundo, and the teacher tried it out on me. I nearly tripped over an landed on my head, it was kind of funny. There's still been no sight of Trinity, she hasn't been turning up to classes either. Word is that she just stays in her common room all day, and doesn't talk to anyone. I'm really worried about her, and just want to know what's wrong with her ..
- Justin