Cleo Huyhn

Cleo Huynh

Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care


head full of dreams & pockets full of stardust

Name: Cleo Huynh
Nicknames: None
Birthday: 3rd June
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Nationality: New Zealand
Hometown: Coromandel, New Zealand
Education: Hogwarts New Zealand
Zodiac: Gemini



Hair: Long and dark with a fringe. She likes to tie it up with ribbons, and never wears the same coloured ribbons in her hair two days in a row.
Eyes: Brown doe eyes
Build: Tall for her age and with a slight frame
Style: Cleo has a fondness for big, cosy jackets, soft fabrics, and colourful handmade jewellery.
Distinguishing features: Cleo is a pensive looking young girl who usually has a smile on her face. She likes to paint her nails frequently in different colours.



Cleo is a kind-hearted girl who is generally easygoing, but can be finicky and gets upset easily when things don't go her way. Cleo is fairly intelligent, but she has no drive to apply herself academically and loses track of her train of thought often. This makes her come off as not too bright, however she is very perceptive and pays attention to her surroundings. She likes to keep track of what people around her are up to, but mostly because she uses social norms to fit in herself. She has a deep insecurity as a result of being bullied during her childhood and does not have the confidence to stand up for herself, but will stand up for others.


- Strong sense of empathy and kindness
- Attentive to detail
- Fiercely loyal to her friends
- Optimistic and looks for the best in every situation

- Sensitive to betrayal and will hold grudges
- Deals with change badly
- Can be very literal and rigid in her thinking, often misunderstanding people in social situations.
- Low self esteem

Hobbies and Interests:
Cleo has a range of interests and tends to jump between them. She has been taking dance classes her whole life and enjoys a range of athletic activities, though has always felt organised sports were too much pressure. She likes being around other people and doing activities with them, particularly baking or exploring. Cleo loves to document memories and keeps a scrapbook where she'll put anything sentimental in. Her dad taught her how to fix old cameras and Cleo adores taking pictures or filming her friends.

Peach chamomile tea
Old cameras


Sour foods
Crowded places
Strong perfume


Cleo is an only child and was raised by her parents. Her father, is an engineer, and her mother is a botanist. Most of her extended family live in Australia. One of her cousins is a fairly well-known soccer player in a muggle team. Cleo is one of the youngest out of all of her cousins and does not interact with them very often. She has a negative view on them due to their age and comparative success, feeling as though she can never measure up.

Cleo grew up in a quiet, rural town, in an old cottage with her parents. Cleo's childhood was spent exploring abandoned buildings, collecting oddities, and reading fantastical stories. She first started showing signs of magic very young, although any unusual happenings were brushed off and regarded as a trick of the light. Cleo once caused her toys to animate themselves and dance around the room. Upon excitedly telling her parents, they were gentle but disbelieving and took her to a child psychologist. Cleo was determined to be a healthy child with an overactive imagination. This "imagination" caused her trouble in school, because nobody believed her when she continued to insist the magic she had witnessed was real.

She was labelled a liar and bullied harshly by other children, but also managed to befriend other children who were also considered outcasts in their small rural school. Upon finding out that she was a witch, Cleo felt like it explained everything that was "wrong" with her and was excited to start at Hogwarts.


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