Clearing my head

Riley Mauven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hornbeam, 12 ¼", Puffskein Fur.
Riley slumped onto the warm grass and kicked off her shoes, she had only been back at school a few days and she was already going stir crazy. Her long blonde hair shone in the immaculate sunlight as she let her petite feet dip lightly into the warm current of the lake. This place was peaceful and quiet, which was what she needed right now after the holiday break Riley had. The small girl picked up a smooth grey stone and angled her wrist before letting the pebble go, sending it skipping across the water. She picked up a second one and looked down on it, she was so angry and upset, why did she have to go back to school now of all times? Things had become chaotic with her family, and it didn't help matters when she ran away from home.

The day was so perfect, but Riley felt anything but perfect right now. What was she supposed to do? Her parents wanted her to be something she wasn't, which only mad her temper flare even more. She threw the second pebble violently into the water with a grunt before turning her head, hoping nobody saw. But Riley was suprised to see another girl around her age standing behind her "Oh, I-um, sorry" she said, hoping she hadn't ruined the peacefulness of the spot for the other young girl.

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