Clea Everett-Price

Clea Everett-Price

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Clea Scarlett Everett Price
Name Meanings:
Clea : Glory
Scarlett : From her scar on her forehead
= Scar + L for Love + Last three letter
from her mothers last name Everett.

+The Basics. . . +
Full Name:Clea Scarlett Everett Price
Nicknames:Clea, Scar, Blondie.
Date of Birth:September 5th
Current Age:Seventeen (17)
Blood Status:Currently Unknown
Area of Residence:Born in New Salem, Massachusetts but grew up in many places
like Bulgaria, Australia, USA and New Zealand are some.

Play-byBritt Robertson
WandBlack Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
. . .
Basic Appearance:
Hair: Long Blond Hair
Eyes: Purple Eyes
Height: Standing at at around 5' 2½" or 1m59 tall
Style: Loves Urban and Vintage outfits, long or ankle boots. Anything form fitting.
Other Distinguishing Features: Has a scar on her left forehead.
Heritage:Mother is Half-French and American. Father is Scottish

+A Little Deeper. . . +
Describe your character in three words:Sarcastic, Quiet and Athletic
Personality:Clea is a quiet and shy girl, due to losing her parents at a young age she
remained private and unspoken to others. Can be quite sarcastic and a bit of a tad tough cookie when angered.
She's used to being labeled as a loner, though she's quite a friend to be.

Family:Both parents of Clea are dead. Her father Thomas Jeziah is "Tom" Price died the day she was born. It is said that there were evil wizard who wanted to kill Tom's family and Tom tried to save his family but apparently were killed by Death Eaters. Clea's mother Clarissa Marie Everett-Price saved her child and decided to leave New Salem and hide in Ipswich, Suffolt UK for some quite time. Clarissa opened a bakery to support her child but life was too hard to deal with as some wizards wanted to kill the mother and daughter. Clea' and her mother moved to Bulgaria, then in the USA, Australia, Greece, anywhere really just to hide themselves. It said that wizard wanted something from them, it still remained mystery up to now why they wanted to kill Clea's family. When Clea turned sixteen her Mother was murdered when she was on her way home. Clea thought that she was now really orphaned and so did the government which made her stay on different foster homes. She had no clue that she was a witch until she met her grandfather. Her grandfather pulled her away from the foster homes and supported her and explained everything about her being a witch as well. Clea being an only child never really interacted with any other people except for her cousins.
Pets:Doesn't own any pets at the moment.
. . .
Special AbilitiesPending
Interest and HobbiesClea loves to read books and write stories. Archery, Running and Fencing.
School Attended:Clea went to muggle schools around the globe, then when her grandfather cared for her she attended Salem for about one and half year. A fresh new graduate.


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