Closed Classroom Confusion

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Miro was caught up in both his mind and emotions as he walked out of his Defense against the dark arts lesson that day. A subject he had thought would be fun and interesting in learning about defending against dark magic had instead turned out to be theoretical and boring, one where he found himself slouched back in his chair, finding kicking at the stone floor beneath him far more interesting than the subject matter. He wondered if it would be worth it to even go to the next class, but almost as soon as he had this thought he dismissed it, because it was just the first class during the first week of the semester and what could possibly go wrong if he went to the next one? at least if he did it could turn out that the subject was more interesting during the second class than the first which had been a boring introduction, and this would make the effort of going worthwhile. Too distracted by his own thoughts, Miro hadn't realised exactly where he was walking and accidentally bumped into a student leaving the same class. Miro fumbled with his books, almost dropping them but just as quickly managing to catch them again before they could fall. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you." Miro said quickly, looking up from his book and to the girl he had collided with. "I'm Miro." He added with a bit less enthusiasm than he usually would, given he was still going back and forth in his emotions.​
Summer had spend very little time paying actual attention to the professor during their first defence against the dark arts lesson of the year. No, that wasn't entirely true. She had paid some attention to the professor when she had been wondering how old he was, but any words he had spoken had just been floating around her head trying to find a way in. She had been completely zoned out and had a page full of terrible doodles to show for it. Summer had still been putting her notebook back into her bag when she was already making her way out the classroom, not paying attention to anything around her until she collided with someone. She quickly bit her tongue rather than immediately blaming the other student. "Oh, no, it's totally cool. I wasn't looking either." She responded instead, putting on her best smile as she spoke to her classmate and finally managed to stuff her notebook into her bag. "Hi Milo, I'm Summer."
Miro felt his frustration flare up as the girl introduced herself and said his name wrong. If it was a normal situation on a normal day when he had bumped into her by accident he would have laughed it off and happily corrected her, but given he was already in emotional distress over the disappointment of his first defense against the dark arts lesson he felt more bothered by it, frowning in reaction and allowing it to fester into his already bad mood before he responded. "It's Miro, not Milo. Nice to meet you Autumn." He retorted, somewhat sounding like he was joking sarcastically but also making it clear he was annoyed by the interaction. "That class sucked, didn't it?" He asked in an attempt to make a conversation because this was in his nature but also still being too bothered by his emotions to really care how the girl responded.​
Summer was about to apologize as soon as the boy mentioned she had said his name wrong, but she swallowed that apology as soon as he called her by another name. Rude was what she had wanted to say but surely that wouldn't make this any better of a first impression. "I just misheard you." She replied perhaps a little defensive. There was no way she would now be apologizing, but she could at least tell him she hadn't purposefully call him by the wrong name. Not like he had. "Couldn't tell you, I honestly wasn't paying attention." Summer shrugged. "Although if that's your summary of it I'm glad I didn't." She added. "What was so bad about it? The professor seemed alright. Young."
Miro frowned further, squinting his eyes as Summer said she had only misheard him. While this was a totally logical response and made sense as Miro's name was occasionally mistaken, he was still too caught up in letting his emotions fester in his heart and letting it control him rather than taking Summer's side into account and apologizing for his outburst. "I don't like the classes or professors. They don't do anything fun. They're stupid." Miro added, focusing still on his frustration and anger fueled by his disappointment. He had wanted to learn magic because this was the point of going to Hogwarts, not sit bored each day as a grown up explained theories to him. He wanted to use his wand and cast spells and become a wizard, not feel like he was stuck in a classroom. "They didn't show us any magic. They just talked on and on, it was boring. What's the point in going to Hogwarts if they won't teach us properly?" It was clear that Miro's opinion of being taught 'properly' differed to that of the professors who were teaching him, but he was adamant his opinion was right even if this wasn't the reality.​
Summer didn't particularly care if Miro believed she said his name wrong accidentally or not. She didn't need him to believe her. She probably did need him to like her though. If only just enough to think of her as fun. "I don't blame you for that, class is boring." She agreed with him. Summer would far rather spend her time at school doing fun things, or even practicing actual magic if she really had to be in class. Theory and rules were just plain boring. "If you're that keen on practicing magic you could just try it yourself. Who needs professors anyways." She shrugged, eyebrow slightly raised almost as if she was challenging him. Which she wasn't. Obviously. That'd be dumb and she wasn't dumb. If she would be challenging him, which she wasn't, she'd be curious to see if he took the bait. That'd already make him more interesting than the class they had just been forced to sit through.
Miro still felt a pit of anger in his gut, mostly focused on how both annoyed and disappointed he was by his last lesson but of course also at how impatient he felt to finally learn magic. He wanted to cast spells instead of take notes, and he simply couldn't understand why he hadn't been given the opportunity to do this immediately. He nodded as Summer spoke but only really half listened to what she was saying at first, although as she spoke he found he able to really listen after a moment, finding that in spite of his anger still being raw he felt slightly more distanced from it than he had been a moment ago. This was likely due to the fact he out of the boring class and for the moment left to his own devices. He couldn't help but inwardly agree to Summer's suggestion he practice spells on his own rather than waiting for the boring professors to teach him, as he couldn't see another way to learn if the professors were too busy making him bored. "Do you think I could get one of the older students to teach me?" Miro asked with a friendlier tone, finding with this thought in mind he was a bit distracted from the emotions otherwise controlling him and he actually had the capacity not to be rude. "Do you want to see if we can find an older student to teach both of us, me and you?" He then added, wondering if despite his rudeness Summer would be interested in joining him, and thinking this may be an acceptable indirect apology for his earlier actions.​
Summer patiently waited to see how Miro would respond to her idea. Perhaps he'd shoot it down. Or maybe he'd be silly enough to actually decide he would be going to practice on his own. She did understand his frustration though. School was boring enough as it was, they didn't need to make that worse by promising them magic but only offering them lectures. She was sure the magic would follow, but right now things were just boring. "Maybe. If you pick the right one. I'd say avoid any and all prefects." She responded with a small shrug. If he really wanted to get an older student to help him practice he might have to find someone who wasn't too sweet on rules anyways. "Uh, yeah, sure. We could do that." Summer smiled innocently. "It's not like I've got much better to do at the moment." Plus, it'd be fun to see how this went down. She was also curious to see what Miro was really like. He hadn't really made a solid first impression and she wasn't sure whether she had either so putting a little extra time in figuring that out couldn't hurt.
Miro tried for a moment to bury his remaining emotions even if he knew he wouldn't be able to fully avoid the pit of anger in his stomach. It would likely linger the rest of the day or until he found something to fully distract himself and it seemed with Summer's suggestion they find an older student - though not a prefect - to try and teach them real magic he had almost found said distraction. His eyebrows furrowed further for a moment as he wondered where they could find an older student that would help them, and how they would convince them to help as if they had no better way to spend their afternoon. "Do you think someone in your house will help?" He asked after a moment, noting Summer must be in Slytherin by both her robes and the class they had just shared, and of course by the fact he hadn't recognized her from the Gryffindor common room. From what he had heard of students sorted into Slytherin, Miro assumed they may be easier to convince than his own house or Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. "I don't think any of the Gryffindor students would help." He added in an attempt to explain his reasoning.​
Summer admittedly had a little difficulty figuring Miro out. He had seemed rude at first but was slowly starting to sound a little more fun to be around. It was clear he very much disliked their classes, which was understandable. Most of them were boring, she had no reason to disagree with that. "My house?" She questioned before raising her eyebrows curiously when he mentioned a Gryffindor wouldn't be willing to help. "Funny, I thought Gryffindors were all about bending rules and being daring.. stuff like that." Summer replied a small grin. Truth be told, she had never paid much interest to what defined each of the houses. The information she used now mainly came from what she had heard others mention about the house. "But hey, I could ask around, sure. It might take a little while to find the right Slytherin though." She wasn't against doing a bit of questioning, but she'd have to be careful not to ask a prefect or some sort of goody two shoes. It'd have to be someone that gave off the right vibe. "Although that would mean I'm doing all the work. What would your contribution be..?" Summer smiled sweetly. If she was going to take a risk, even a tiny one and even if she'd benefit from it too, she might as well be compensated. It seemed unfair for Miro not to do something for the both of them as well.

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