Clara Antolini

Clara Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Kingwood 15 1/2 with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Full Name:
-Clara Adelina Antolini
Clara - Clear, Bright, Famous.
Adelina - Noble Kind
Antolini - Powerful and complete

Date of Birth:
- December 15 2023

Current Age:
- 13

Basic Appearance:
- Blonde, naturally curly hair.
- Big blue eyes
- 132cm/4 foot.
- 30kg

- A straight up sweetheart. Clara is a very good friend, and very loyal. She hates anyone being upset, and will always be the first to comfort them. She is a fantastic listener and a solid secret keeper. Clara brings light into a room, however deep down she is very insecure. This makes her more sympathetic to others, and soft hearted, but she doesn't easily trust people due to early childhood bullying. Clara constantly thinks others are talking about her, or are just using her.

- Alvise Antolini - Grandaddy, wizard.
- Adelina Antolini - Grandmom, witch.
- Carlo Antolini - Father, wizard.
- Bianca Antolini - Mother, witch.
- Rosa Antolini - Sister, witch.
- Orsino Antolini - Brother, wizard.
- Vicenzo Antolini - Brother, wizard.
- Alfonso Antolini - Uncle, wizard.
- Gabriella Antolini - Aunt, witch.
- Dario Antolini - Cousin, wizard.
- Enrico Antolini - Cousin, wizard.
- Maria Antolini - Cousin, witch.
- Naomi Antolini - Cousin, witch.
- Gemma Antolini - Cousin, witch.

- Clara doesn't have any pets at the moment, though she would love a kitten.

Area of Residence:
- Wellington, New Zealand.

Blood Status:
- Mixed Blood

- Italian.
Grandparents moved to New Zealand to start afresh, and to build their wealth. They go back to Italy a lot, and Carlo met Bianca in Italy, and moved her over to New Zealand. Alfonso met Gabriella over in Italy as well, but they stayed there.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Sports; including but not limited to: Swimming, rock-climbing, snowkiting.
- Animals; all kinds, even creepy crawlies!
- Loves being around people.

- Fantastic at listening.
- Good secret keeper.
- Great comforter

- Insecure
- Trust issues
- Very sensitive

Describe your character in three words:
- Bubbly, Insecure, Sweetheart.

Favourite place to be:
- At Hogwarts

Hogwarts House:
- Hufflepuff

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Clara would love to make some good friends. She hasn't had many while growing up.
- Studies-wise, Clara would like to achieve top grades for Potions and CoMC.

Best school subjects:
- Potions
- Care of Magical Creatures
- History of Magic
- Muggle Studies

Worst school subjects:
- Transfiguration
- Defense Against the Dark Arts
- Astronomy
- Divination

Extracurricular Activities:
- Member of the Heta Omega

- 2041

Current Job:
- Student

Plans for your future:
- Nothing big at the moment.

Your Patronus:
- Dolphin
More Impulsive than Calculating: You sometimes make decisions quickly, following your gut feeling and not always thinking them through or weighing all the consequences.

More Compassionate than Apathetic: You wish no harm to others, and feel sorry for those who are in bad situations. You feel no one deserves to suffer, even if they've made some mistakes. We're all human and we should all strive to help each other.

More Loyal than Self-Serving: You honor your allegiances and friendships, even when the consequences for doing so may be difficult to face. You keep your word and stay true to your friendships, relationships, and yourself.

More Knowledge-Seeking than Ignorant: You love learning. You love learning for work, you love learning for fun; learning is just another hobby to you. You probably feel a day gone by where you didn't learn anything is, if not impossible, a total waste of a day.

Your Patronus memory:
- When the Sorting Hat called out Hufflepuff.

Your Boggart:
- The faces of her tormentors.

Your Animagus:
- Deer
Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Gracefulness, Sensitivity

Mirror of Erised:
- A loving family of her own.

A page from your diary:

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