Claire Belle Adkins

Claire Aurelious

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OOC First Name
Alas! Ear wax!


Our new celebrity
Claire Belle Adkins
Hey my name is Cole!! I've been rockin this world for
nineteen years, but I've only been chillin in the rp world for
about seven years/months. Meanwhile you should
check out my other characters like Prudence Armstead. Okay that's it.
kay bye!
<COLOR color="grey">Even In The Harshest Winters
i still feel warm
<FONT font="monaco">

Fullname: Claire Belle Adkins
Nickname(s): CB (by her father), Claire-Bear (by close friends)
Age: Born March 24, 202, Claire is 18 years old
Gender: Female
House/Job: Graduated from Beuxbatons, when she attended HNZ she was a Gryffindor. Currently she works as a waitress to support herself and her boyfriend.
Even When The Makrs Climb Up The Wall
i still feel small

Hair: Claire's hair is a dark brown, almost black color, and curls lightly. When she was a child, she had light brown hair, that gradually got darker with age, just like her father's did. Being a farm girl, a lot of Claire's styles for her hair revolve around up-dos. She loves to wear her hair down, but with all the work she does, it tends to get in her way. She loves wearing pig-tails, and a braid down her back. she prides herself in her looks, and her hair is included in that pride. When she is given her small allowance, she spends it on hair product to keep it smooth. She trims the ends herself, learning how to cut from grooming the horses. She still has issues cutting her bangs, so usually she just lets them grow out with the rest of her hair, not seeing a point in paying someone to cut them.
Eyes: Electric blue, is the first description that comes to mind, when Claire looks at her eyes. though she doesn't care for them all that much, she still admires them, having been taught to love who she was and how she was made. Her eyes are what could be considered close set, with perky lids. She has eyes that light up brightly when she smiles, and cannot hide any of her emotions. She is an open book through her eyes. They could almost be considered hazel, because they seem to change to grey when she's a little more sad. Though Claire appreciates her eyes, she has noticed that her right eye is a little smaller than her left, and considers it a flaw.
Body Style/Complexion Claire has a very typical body type for a girl her age. She has just started to hit puberty, and is growing with few curves. She has an almost athletic build, and is skinny. She weighs about 115 pounds, and is about 5'3. She is expected to grow at least two more inches before she is 15, but there is no telling if she will hit another growth spurt or not. Both of her parents are relatively tall, but her grandparents are short on her mother's side, so she has a chance of being short. Claire is rather pale for being an outdoors kind of girl. She doesn't have the smoothest of skin, but her pores are small, which means she will most likely not have very much acne. She does, however, have a skin tag right under her right ear, which could be considered a blemish.
Distinguishing Marks: Claire has a small red mark right in the middle of her left pinkie finger. It doesn't have a particular shape, just a small red dot. Her father says that that's where the angels kissed her. Claire also has multiple scars, having worked around big machinery and animals all her life. The most prominent scars are on her legs. When she was a child, she was trampled by a horse. Her right leg was broken and she had surgery on it, so she has a scar from the surgery. She also has the curve of a hoof print on her left thigh from the trampling. Besides that Claire has that smile that seems to brighten the room. Her smile is almost always genuine, and is almost always followed by a small giggle. It is not a rare sight to see, she is almost always smiling.
Celeb: Astrid Berges-Firsbey
This Is My Home, This Is My Home,
where i go when i've got no where else to go

Likes: Claire enjoys rainstorms (not thunderstorms), riding horses, being outdoors, charms, country music, being picked up in the air, helping animals, and making friends.
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, brain freeze, the dark, when there is an odd number of things, being told she's too young to do things (as she sees herself as an adult), being picked on,and being told her friends are being picked on.
Fears: Though animals and insects don't frighten Claire, she is afraid of the dark something fierce. She doesn't know what it is about the dark, but she has always slept with a night light, and probably always will. She hates going out at night, and hopes that she can bring a light with her to school. She is also easily startled by loud noises, and isn't a huge fan of trains. She doesn't like that they have the bright lights and make really loud noises.
Strengths: Claire finds her strengths in friend making and animal care. She is very confident of herself, and is very sure that she can make friends with just about anyone. She is very strong mentally, and can handle a lot of work. Though she doesn't have huge muscles, she is still physically strong as well. She has been throwing and bailing hay since she was old enough.
Weaknesses: Saying that kindness is a weakness may be cliche, but with Claire, it's true. She could get walked all over by anyone, and not even realize it. Also, she has a slight intelligence issue, not being as smart as some children her age. She struggles with learning, which is why she was pulled from school and is home schooled. Other than that, she also has a weakness to puppy dog eyes. Anyone who says please makes her putty in their hands
Habits: She tends to chew on her lips out of habit, picks at her nails, and often crosses and uncrosses her legs during a conversation in which she is uncomfortable.
Goals: To get a job that is magical, rather than just waitressing, to have a family not like the one her dad had, and to own her own farm of magical creatures one day.
Overall Personality: Claire is just a genuinely sweet, and kind girl. She is a pacifist and has been raised that way from day one. She has been raised to treat people the way that she wants to be treated, which may not work out so well once she is in a school with so many other students. in a lot of ways, her kindness may get her in trouble, since Claire is what psychologists would call an Altruist. Altruism is the general concern for others. Though this may not seem like a bad thing, this could lead to her not taking care of herself, because she is taking care of so many others. She tends to put others before herself to an extreme, but she does not yet see the repercussions of this. Claire is always a smiling child, she can always find something that is bright in the world. Living on the farm, she has also learned to love all animals. Horses are her favorite, and she fulfills the southern-western, farmers daughter stereotype. She isn't always the brightest child, but she really is a sweet person.
Where I Go When I've Got Nowhere Else To Go
this is my home

Hometown: Crawfordville, Georgia


Name: James Micheal Adkins
Age: 43
Relation: Father
Job: Real Estate Agent
How They Get Along: Claire and her father have a really strong bond. Even after her mother's infidelity, Claire has stuck by her father. She loves him dearly and would do anything for the man who raised her. She worries for him though, as he hasn't been the same since the divorce.


Name: Tara-Lynn Marie Adkins
Age: 38
Relation: Mother
Job: Horse Trainer/Boarder
How They Get Along: Since Claire's mother cheated on her father the two haven't really talked. Claire feels that her mother doesn't deserve to have her in her life, as she is an extension of her father. However, it is quite obvious to her close friends that it pains her to keep distance from someone she loved so much for so many years

Siblings: None, though she always wanted them
General History: At least 6 sentences. They had to get here somehow.
I Know Everything About This Place
it wears your face.
This plot was made by Devil_in_Disguise of Caution. Take it and claim it as your own I will send a weevil to eat you[/center]

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