Clair Laura Blaine

Clair Blaine

New Member
OOC First Name

Fullname: Clair Laura Blaine
Nickname(s): Clair Bear, Blainey
Age: Currently eleven
Gender: female
House/Job: Currently unsorted
Canon or OC: OC

Hair: auburn
Eyes: bluey-green
Style: relaxed girly; jackets with skirts and jeans
Distinguishing Marks: nothing as of yet...
Celeb: a model from Michael Turney Agency - can you help me find a better one?! I cannot even remember her name!

Likes: books, nature, muggles, art, learning, history, making things, food, quidditch, family
Dislikes: potions, cheaters, death, duelling, being alone, seeing people hurt, bullies, snakes, some breeds of dogs, rats
Fears: losing my parents, another war, not getting into Hufflepuff, sleep walking at school, not making any friends
Strengths: being a good listener, academic, strong willed, ambitious, helpful, caring
Weaknesses: chocolate, some muggle authors, can become angry, can have an explosive temper, large dogs
Habits: staying up too late reading, boys that pay her a complement, whirling her hair in class
Goals: to work at the Ministry of Magic in the Magical Accidents & Catastrophes department,have a family but firstly finish Hogwarts with the best grades possible.
Overall Personality: Clair is smart, nice, thoughtful, patient, sensitive, and likes to joke around. But when she get’s past her pressure point, she will explodes with anger. She's ambitious, helpful and caring with it comes to her people. By nature, Clair is an academic. She loves to learn. She is loyal and protective when it is needed.

Hometown: Piddington, UK
Father: William Blaine; 35; Pure Blood; Ministry of Magic: Magical Accidents & Catastrophes - Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
Mother: Kelsey Blaine (nee: Andersson); 34, Muggle Born; Ministry of Magic: Magical Accidents & Catastrophes - Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
Siblings: River Blaine; 15; Hogwarts student
General History:

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