Circle Of Life

Maya Fergusson

Well-Known Member
Curved 10 1/2 Inch Rigid Sycamore Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Maya Corby sat in front of the fire. It was October already and nearing the end of it actually, and she had yet to figure out all this magic stuff, it was all so new to her, she didn't understand half of it as much as she would like too. She was forever sticking her head into books to try and figure out what one thing or another meant, it was terrible really. She pouted and watched the flecks of fire rise up into the top of the fireplace. Even when it was warm, the fire was always going, Maya had a hunch that it was a magic fire and was on all of the time. She wondered if it was ever turned off and if it wasn't was this the same fire that students a thousand years ago were looking at. The thought excited her a bit and Maya sat up on all fours to get a better look at the fire. Naturally, the closer she got the warmer the fire was and she suddenly realised how silly it would be to get too closed, so she sat back again and reached her hand out towards the fire, feeling the warmth of it on her fingertips. Smiling to herself, Maya got up off of the floor. It was a warmer day today then it had been recently and Maya was glad she understood this weather. It was colder then Alice Springs, but it occasionally got warm days reminiscent of her time back home. She enjoyed those days and she knew it was because she was beginning to feel homesick, but who wouldn't. She had never been without her family before so it was a perfectly reasonable reaction to suddenly having to spend so much time away from home. Maybe she could go somewhere else instead of staying in the common room all day. She hadn't really had much of a chance to explore, being stuck in the books so much recently, but she was almost caught up, so a little exploration would be okay, right?

Flicking her hair over her shoulder and with a determined gleam in her eye, Maya made her way out of the common room and just started walking. Completely not even caring that she was horrid with directions in a place she was unfamiliar with, Maya just continued walking, going wherever her feet chose to take her. Walking up a bunch of stairs that suddenly decided to move on her, Maya grabbed hold of the banister so that she wouldn't fall over. She was still getting used to the fact that these stairs seemed to have a mind of their own. It was bad enough that she was lost without the help of stairs to mess her around. When she finally escaped the stairs she turned around and glared at them, knowing full well that it was going to make very little difference. If anything, they would be more likely to get her lost again. Humphing and looking around to try and figure out where she was, Maya walked up more stairs, though these ones did not appear to move and found herself in a circular room with more sets of stairs, and what looked like doors to classrooms.She had not been here before, she realised and instead of going up the other set of stairs, Maya moved to look out of one of the windows and marvelled out how high she was. This must be one of the towers! Looking out over the landscape, Maya was awed by the size and beauty of the grounds. Down on the grounds, it didn't look that big because you could only see sections of it at a time, but up here, it was breathtaking. No views like this back home!
Sage Ottavi was good at many things, one of those was not making friends. She was perfectly friendly, but only when she wanted to be. There were just some days, okay well, a lot of days, where she just didn't care, and didn't want to bother with any of it. However, as she was now a fourth year, and growing up, she felt like she maybe needed a few friends. Or even just a few people that she knew, a few people she could talk to on occasion. Despite lacking in friends, she wasn't necessarily lonely. The slytherin teen was perfectly content on just being by herself. There was just a small part of her, that thought that perhaps she should at least give such a thing a try. Which was she had decided that she would go to the great hall and attempt to make some friends, as strange an idea as that sounded. Which didn't go according to plan in the slightest. After getting dressed in casual but nice clothes, the girl simple put her hair up and added a small amount of make up before leaving the dorm room, heading to the Great Hall. She had stood at the entrance of the hall for a few moments, until she had decided that she wasn't so keen on her previous idea. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but not so much any more. It was just not the right thing to be doing. There were too many people, and Sage wasn't interested in attempting to make friends in those situations. The Slytherin had in the end turned and left the room fairly quickly. However she did not head back to Slytherin. The fourth year wasn't keen on that either. She liked being a Slytherin, and wouldn't have wanted to be anything else, it also wasn't the place that Sage wanted to be right in that moment. To her it would be like going back to square one, it just wasn't what she was looking to do with her day. Which had lead to her just aimlessly wandering through the halls of Hogwarts. Heading just in a general direction upwards towards the high floors that Sage rarely saw outside of attending classes up there. She wasn't sure where she was going, or what she'd end up doing once she got to the top. It was just something she wasn't really able to tell. The Slytherin girl hoped that she might just run into some boys or something. While in the previous years, Sage hadn't been too interest in boys she realised there were a lot of good looking boys that Sage was interested in pursuing.

The teen had grown a lot over the last holiday, and her body was forming. She had a slim build and long legs. Sage was a girl with a high self-esteem, and she knew she was beautiful, and she had the perfect halloween costume to show off her forming figure. Finally the girl reached the North Tower. From a small distance she noticed a young girl, who Sage figured had to be a first year, looking out one of the windows. For all Sage's harshness that she sometimes expressed towards the school, even she had to admit that the view was always pretty incredible. Sage just stood at a distance watching the younger girl. From what Sage knew little about the young first year slytherins, this girl was not one of them, but Sage could be wrong about that. However, watching her, she was pretty sure this girl couldn't be a first year. The slytherin teen realised she had a number of options open to her. She could just let the girl be, she could be friendly towards her, or she could be mean towards her. There were a lot of options open to her really. She wanted to be nice to the girl, but what if it turned out that this girl was like a hufflepuff or something. Sage had nothing against Hufflepuffs per say, just as long as they didn't bother her. Perhaps that was one of the reasons the slytherin had few friends. In the end, it became clear to the teen that she couldn't just walk away, and perhaps being nice and friendly couldn't hurt her. After all, she could just talk to her this once, and then move on. Sage gave a light cough so that she hopefully didn't startle the younger girl too much as she walked towards her, "it's stunning isn't it?" Sage spoke politely, clearly thinking over which words to pick and say. Her tone was not overly friendly, although it was clear she was trying. "It's hard to believe that muggles can't see this massive castle, or that some people won't ever get to see this amazing view" Sage didn't get overly close to the girl. Maybe this young girl wasn't interested in making friends and would completely shut her down. Sage didn't think that they'd actually become friends, but it never hurt to at least try to be friends with her. To give it a try. Just be friendly for once, see how it goes, and maybe apply it to other situations. Might get her some more friends. Female friends. Boys, the teen was more interested in playing with. "I'm Sage" She introduced to the younger of the two, this time, Sage's smile was friendlier, brighter. It had less of smirk to it. She was really giving this her best shot.

I hope you don't mind me joining!
Of course I don't mind. Sorry for the wait though!

Maya was very happy to be here. Even though she missed her brothers and her father, as she knew she always would, she had to admit that she was really enjoying being about to do something on her own. As far as she knew, none of her brothers had magic. It was sad in a way, because it meant she would be spending the whole year for seven years away from her family. She would only be back with them for the holidays, but they would mostly be at school, seeing as the holidays didn't seem to coincide. Maya could only assume that this was a branch off of a school somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, seeing as all Southern Hemisphere schools started in January or February and finished in like November or December. Hogwarts, from what she had gathered up, started in September and finished in June or July. It was a strange system. It was going to take a while for her to grow used to it. The first year continued to look out over the widening expanse of the school lay out before her. It was all so very green, a colour she was not quite accustomed too, but was very happy to see. Sand and dirt and brown was more her speed, save the few cactus plants her mother had planted in the front garden years ago. Maya had never seen her father or mother water them even once and she supposed that was why they were so common for her town. Seeing as they kind of lived in the middle of no where in Alice Springs. It wasn't really the middle of nowhere, as it was supposedly a city, but it was nothing like the city of Sydney that she had seen on television. At least she didn't live in Coober Pedy. She had a cousin there, they lived under ground because it was so hot there. She had visited once. She had to spend nearly an hour with her mother in the shower, trying to scrub the dirt off of her face and in her hair. She'd been six at the time. It had not been pretty.

A cough from behind her alerted her to the presence of someone else. Maya turned her head, her blonde waves slowly spilling over her shoulder as she did so. The girl she saw was older then her, quite obviously from what Maya would say. She was more defined as a girl for a start, whilst Maya still had the body of a child, the girl in front of her did not. She had to be a couple of years Maya's senior at least. Maya smiled and moved over, wondering if the girl should want to share her window. "Stunning is certainly one of the words I would use. Though overwhelming tends to come to mind too. I'm from such a brown place. This much green almost alarms me." Maya admitted to her companion. She wasn't to say that she hated it. In fact she felt quite the opposite, but it was still strange. The word muggle sprang from the girls mouth and Maya turned to look at her again. She had been hearing that word a lot, in conjunction with another word she had been told she should be taking offence at. But it seemed harmless enough. "I don't know. Sometimes I think they would sleep much better not knowing this was here. Especially my dad. He could do without this I think." Maya had not outrightly admitted to being a muggle-born, but it would mostly be how the girl chose to take it. Maya didn't mind so much though. The insults normally flung her way had little impact. She did not understand them, and chose not to listen. "It's nice to meet you Sage, that's a lovely name, a spice or herb of some sort, is it not? I'm Maya."
The fact that she had known to cough, meant that Sage did not startle the younger girl in front of her. it would not be particularly kind of her to do such a thing, and this was the point of her even talking to the girl. She wanted to make a friend, as strange as that would sound. She wasn't quite sure how to go about it. Sage was incredibly out of practice. Aside from Preston, she didn't really have any friends. Really even, when she thought about it, Preston was not really a friend in the slightest, just some boy that she had fun with. It wasn't anything really beyond that. However, this was not the thing really holding Sage back. She was looking for new friends, or at least the ability to try to make friends. It was hard for the Slytherin that was actually just so out of practice to do such a thing. She forced a small smile to the blonde girl in front of her, as she turned to glance at Sage. Sage ran a hand through her brunette hair and kept the smile on her face, attempting to make it look a lot more natural than it actually felt. The girl in front of her, Sage realised, was actually quite a pretty girl. The Slytherin was sure that when she started growing up that she's be a pretty beautiful person. Sage already knew that she was beautiful, but it was always nice to find others that she could tell would be as beautiful as her. Sage didn't really have the option really to place limits on who could be friends with her, but it was always nice when the people you hung out with were as beautiful as she was. Or would eventually be. Closing the gap slightly between them, sage let her eyes drift past the girl and to the grounds outside the window. There were days when Sage simply could not believe that this was the view that she could chose to see. That there were some who could not actually see this view. It was beautiful. It was incredible. It was just so beautiful. Glancing back to the younger girl in front of her, she nodded along. Agreeing with what she was saying. She thought it was still a little strange that the girl didn't see that much green, but since a lot of the kids at Hogwarts New Zealand came from different areas, she knew that it was just because she was not from around these parts.

Sage continued to smile, though it was a lot more natural now, she was more relaxed and the view helped a lot. It was a much nicer smile, not the sort of smirk that she used when it came to talking to Preston, or really any boy for that matter. She listened as the other girl continued. It sounded very much like the girl was saying that she was a muggleborn. Now sage had no problem with muggleborns. She did not. Sage was not fussed by blood. She would rather make her child's blood purer than hers, but it was not a primary objective. She didn't really want to be around that many muggleborns, but it wasn't something she was completely closed off from. This being said, she knew that she really had two options, she could continue to be nice, or she could be a little bit mean. It was a tricky choice because she wanted to make a possible friend, but in the same way her instincts were asking her to do something different. "So you are a muggleborn?" her words were clearly carefully chosen. "What a change that must be." of course there was the possibility that the girl's mother was a witch, but she hadn't mentioned it, and Sage chose to not think over that, or even factor it in. Instead she focused on what had been said, and what was right in front of her. She listened as the girl complimented her name, and then proceeded to say her own, Maya. "Thank you, Maya. It is an herb, I think. Though I may be wrong. Maya is also a lovely name" she nodded as she spoke! wondering if she was right about her own name and knowing that while she did like the girl's name that was not usually something Sage ever really said. "Are you a first year?" Sage asked, moving to stand beside the girl, leaning against the wall beside her. Prushing a small strand of hair that had fallen into her face. "You aren't a Slytherin." Sage stated with a smile. She had not seen this girl kicking around the Slytherin common room, so she assumed that the girl could not therefore be Slytherin.

Sorry this is pretty bad, and sorry for any mistakes, I'm on my iPad.
Maya nodded as the girl asked about her, what they called, blood status. Maya didn't really understand the need to label things that people seemed to have. Wasn't it just a way of making others feel inadequate? Maya had enough of that in her muggle school. She was the only blonde one out of her brothers. They were all darker skinned and black hair, it just wasn't fair. Maya was like a fish out of water compared to them. Shaking her head she looked back over the beautiful expanse in front of her. "Change is definitely the right word. Nothing like this anywhere back in my home." Thinking about her home made her reminisce about the total difference between Hogwarts and her home. There was definitely a lot more sand in Australia then there was here, heat, sunlight, a lot less water too, which considering she lived on an island, was kind of a strange thought, but it was the truth none-the-less nothing was going to change that. As she stepped back and away from the window, she smiled slightly at Sage and waved dismissively. "Maya is a pretty common name where I am from, though it does vary in its spelling. Your name is so unique though! Named after a herb! I think that's really cool!" She told her new friend. Well, Maya thought of her as a friend, she wasn't sure if Sage thought the same of her, but it was fun to think of her as a friend either way. "I don't know anyone named after a herb or anything else interesting like that!"

Maya really enjoyed meeting new people, it was why she always loved going to the watering hole, despite the fact that her skin really didn't agree with the sun. Her best friend used to laugh at her sun burns, but it really wasn't very funny at all. She nodded at Sage question and smiled enthusiastically. "Sure am! Got here this year, nearly chocked on my water when I saw a moving picture for the first time! Wow, it was so terrifying! I mean, we have movies, but moving portraits, in a wall, paintings and things, that's something entirely different all together!" Though Maya had been excited about them after he initial reaction, that first time had really been a bummer, that was the truth. At her next question, Maya tilted her head slightly. The way she had phrased it was slightly alarming. Was the girl disappointed that Maya was not Slytherin? So that mean that this girl was a Slytherin then right? She seemed to be okay with Maya's blood status, why would her house matter? Though she had heard people talking about the face that the houses didn't like each other, but she and Franny were friends, so... why would this make a difference? Did it make a difference? After all she had not answered the girls question yet. "No... I'm in, um... Hufflepuff! I like this house, it's yellow and the common room is real nice. If it was pink or purple it would be so much better, but I think its fine how it is now!" She was glad things had come out this way. She had a couple of friends which was really nice, some of the older ones helped her with her homework when she had trouble and that was always a good thing. "Are you a Slytherin then. My friend Fran is in Slytherin. I think her other friend is too, which i guess doesn't mean much, I mean they are in the same house after all, so they are bound to run into each other a lot and so of course Franny would want to hang out with him over me, but he is a boy, what's so special about him. I have friends that are boys and I don't make extra special effort for him. Oh my gosh! Maybe they are together! Do you think they are together, could that be it?" She thought about it for a second. "Ew! I hope not, boys are gross!"

Sorry about the quality!
Sage was not particularly lonely, though she lacked friends. She grew at times bored of others, of the stupidity of those who surrounded her. Sage was happy with just being alone a lot of the time. She was only lonely at very small periods of time. Very small pockets of time in which she just wanted someone else she could maybe talk to. So, this weird young girl in front of her, was possibly quite the distraction. She herself knew that a change like that would be hard. She was mixed blood but, Sage had never been to a school like this, until she'd started and really learning magic in first year was a little full on for both. She was just much more adjusted to it now she was a fourth year, going into fifth year. Nodding as the other girl spoke, she wouldn't say anything on the matter, since she was letting this other girl, Maya tell her about it. As the conversation moved on, Sage shrugged. She liked her name, and she didn't think that the name Maya was a common name. "If it helps you are the first Maya I have met. Seems pretty unique too." Sage smiled slightly, less of a smirk this time around. "I do however like my name, Sage is a nice name, and a nice herb" Sage added with a smile. She did like her name, it wasn't the kind of name she would've wanted but, that didn't really matter. She was stuck with it. The slytherin wasn't altogether that fussed about the name. In New Zealand it made much more sense, and it was pretty easy to remember, so folks who learned it, and knew who she was were not easily about to forget her. Not that Sage imagined that any of them would nowadays.

As the girl spoke again, Sage turned her full attention back to her. She was answering the question which Sage had posed her, though Sage was sure she was right. It was interesting to hear about this girl's experiences which were so different from most. It was always strange to think that there were some at the school that hadn't seen moving pictures or anything like that until they'd stepped into the school. Until they had walked into any of the corridors here and seen those paintings move. "I can only imagine how strange all those magical things would've been for a muggleborn like yourself." The young slytherin didn't really mean what she said in a bad way, she was merely stating fact. Sage didn't particularly care about blood types, she found it boring. She like messing with people about it though. That was more fun. So, she was perhaps thinking that she could have fun with this girl. If friends became unachievable. The girl confirmed that she was not in Slytherin, but was a hufflepuff. Sage just continued smiling and nodding along as she spoke. "Well done, Hufflepuff is a good house. You should be proud" Sage cared a little more about houses, but to her they were just another way of messing with people. Before Sage could even tell this girl her house she just started talking, and did not appear to stop to breath. It was actually proving fairly hard to keep up. Although, as she listened, Sage would admit this was interesting. She didn't know any of the people this girl was going on about, but it didn't mean it couldn't be interesting for her. At her last statement Sage laughed lightly and smirked slightly at Maya.

"Sweetie, you are too young to see that boys aren't as gross as you think" Sage laughed again, "I am a slytherin, and I'm sure that your friend and this boy aren't together. They are a little young to be doing such things. Your friend maybe just likes being in Slytherin common room, and he just happens to be there." Sage shrugged."Tell you what, you tell me what she looks like, and I'll see if I can spot her, and ask her about this boy, see if they are dating. Then I can tell you" Sage didn't really care about these people, she didn't care if this other girl was with the other boy, it might be fun to pretend she knew, and being nice to people was part of being friends. "What do you think?"

This is pretty bad.
Maya was surprised when she discovered that Sage had not met anyone with the name Maya before. She had to admit that she actually only knew one Maya with their name spelt the same as hers and she had been in Sydney at the time, so it was nothing special. Maya smiled at the girl. "I do admit that of all the Maya's I know, only one other girl I ever met had her name spelt like mine. M-A-Y-A. A whole bunch of the other Maya's were spelt like M-A-I-R which is kind of more like Mare really, but then there was also M-A-I-A and then I met a girl with her name spelt M-Y-E-R which is like the giant store!" Maya was excited at the thought that her name might be unique within Hogwarts. She would be very excited to have her name to herself again. Over the course of her short life, Maya had met maybe fifteen other people by the name of Maya and six of them went to her school. Those six had names like Mya, Myer, Maia, Mier and then there were two with the spelling of Miya. That had been the strangest one she had heard as it also looked really weird. Sometimes Maya even asked other Maya's how they spelt their names. "I often ask people how they spell their names, because I like seeing the variety." Maya nodded at Sage again as she spoke, because she very much agreed with the girl. "Sage is indeed a nice herb, I agree! My mum used to make Salmon rolls with a Sage flavouring when I was younger. It was one of my favourite dishes."

Maya nodded at Sage again and leaned against the wall. "As much as I enjoy learning about all of the new magical subjects and having fun with the spells and leaving behind some muggle subjects like Math." Though she had to admit she didn't hate math and she definitely wasn't especially bad at it either. "It was so different coming here. Not just the whole fact that I was in a completely different country, without a passport no less, but the fact that I am in a boarding school, some many different accents and kinds of people, my teachers are called professors, we are split into houses..." Maya had to cut herself off as she looked back over to the window. It was certainly strange all the new scenery, the new culture, the people and not to mention the weather. "But I do love it though, its all so much fun to explore!" Maya threw her arms out and twirled around, having stepped away from the wall. She nodded at Sage as she mentioned that she should be proud of her house. Maya was of course very proud, though she didn't really understand the need for houses, but from what she had seen, they were divided up according to the dominant personality traits of the students, sort of, maybe, she was probably very wrong. "I love the common room, its so comfortable and warm!" She told her new friend, smiling slightly. When Sage kept talking Maya pouted slightly and shook her head. "Hm, eh, nah, it's not that bad, i guess i can live without knowing, i s'pose it's really none of my business anyway." She admitted shrugging. "Why did you come up here anyway? I never asked. Am I annoying you or keeping you from something?" She asked. Maya hoped she was not annoying the girl. She knew she could be a very annoying person, people had told her that before after all.
As Sage listened to the girl talk about what her name was spelled like, she really realised that she didn't really care about it. It was nice to have this girl talk to her, and not have her be annoyed at the fact she was a slytherin, or the lack of people in her year that were people she could talk to. But, she hadn't really given much thought on how Maya would be spelled. It seemed straight forward to her that it would be spelled M-A-Y-A, and not whatever other way she was attempting to spell it. But, it didn't matter. This girl was just excited, or happy to be the only one of her name in this school currently, or that Sage had ever met, it didn't seem right to tell her that she hadn't spent much time before Hogwarts in an English speaking country. It didn't matter, and it also didn't seem right to bring it up with her either. The girl went on to say that she generally asked how some spelt their name. Sage smiled at this, there was really no other way of spelling Sage. "Sage is pretty easy to spell" She said smiling at the younger of the two as she spoke, and as the younger of the two, told her about the dish she liked Sage on. It made Sage smile a little bit, "That does sound lovely" He admitted with a smile at Maya. As much as she told herself that this conversation was silly, this girl was fairly interesting. It was nice to talk to someone who didn't have some other agenda, or who wasn't stupid. It wasn't that easy to talk to people really at times in Slytherin. And really, Sage spent a lot of her time finding boys to mess with. That was the kind of fun she liked to have.

As the girl then went on to talk about magical subjects versus muggle subjects, she couldn't help but laugh a little bit at it. This was a little bit funny. "I was never very good at maths, glad to have left that behind." She chuckled slightly, while listening to the girl continue on. While Sage didn't really notice that the girl didn't sound like she was from New Zealand, she then noticed it. As the girl talked about it. Sage just smiled at her, from the sounds of it she was probably from Australia. Which was nice. "Houses are fun." She said, she loved her house, but she enjoyed the rivalry that there could be between them. She liked how some students who were adamantly against other houses who then ended up realising that it was really pointless. "Houses become less of a thing the older in the school you get" She shrugged at this, when all the houses had classes together, that made it less of a clear rivalry, the only time it really played a roll was when they had those quidditch matches. Sage smiled at Maya as she spoke of Hufflepuff, and then replied to Sage's proposition. She did like the idea of getting in the middle of their lives, it would be fun. Much fun to see, she had doubted that this girl would've ever said yes to it. This girl seemed like a nice person. The slytherin shrugged, "Your loss" She smiled at her, before then the second question was posed to her, about what Sage was doing, "I was looking for some fun." She said, fun to her was messing with boys, which was probably not what Maya found fun. "You are keeping me from nothing, Maya. In fact I'm very glad I have met you" Sage smiled at the girl. "You seem like a very lovely person" Sage continued, "Do you have a favourite class or professor yet?"
Maya never really thought about how much she liked to talk. She really just generally talked and kept talking until she had nothing else to say. She thought of it as a generally good thing, but she did suppose that she could be annoying to some people. She didn't think about it very often, but on the rare occasions that she did, she sometimes thought she could be annoying, but normally it didn't worry her and she went about her life not worrying about it. So she wasn't going to worry about it now. "Yes, Sage is pretty easy to spell. I've only evah come across one spelling of that name." Maya nodded to herself and to Sage as she spoke. Maya liked Sage, she seemed like a really cool and really nice person. She was being really nice after all. When Sage commented on the food she was describing, Maya laughed slightly and shook her head. "Nah, it tasted like crap, but it was the thought that counted. My mum was never an especially good cook." It was true. Despite how much Maya loved her mother, there was no denying that she couldn't cook. Even she knew it. She knew she was a bad cook which was why she tried so hard to learn. Eventually she had wracked up a repertoire of about six meals she could cook really well. Toast and eggs didn't count. Not according to her mother anyway.

"Math is a favoured subject of mine, if you think about it in terms of how well I did. I was always pretty good because my dad is really good at Math. He mostly helped me with my homework too, Mum always said it was something I had to work out for my self, or something." Maya sometimes found it hard to remember exactly what her mother had said, but she figured that as long as it was around the same lines, she was fine. Maya nodded as the girl mentioned that houses were fun, she agreed that they were, but she didn't really understand the need for them. She was going to ask, but then she might sound silly, so she decided against it. "They become less important?" May was a little taken back by that. She guessed that it made a lot of sense and it was why there were so many older students making friends between houses. It did sound really cool though. Maya was happy that Sage was happy. Being able to brighten someone's day and make new friends always made Maya happy and she was glad that she could call Sage a friend, at least she hoped that she could. "Not especially, but i enjoy the ones where I get to use magic. Some of the older kids in the year said we get to use tonnes of more spells the older we get. That sounds really exciting!"

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