Ciaphas Larraman

Ciaphas Larraman

Well-Known Member
16" Holly, Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Name: Ciaphas Cain Larraman
House: Gryffindor
Birthday: July 13th 1981
Hometown: Wales, Britain
Pureblood/Half Blood/Muggle Born: Half Blood
Five words that best describe your character: Stoic, Protective, Patient, Wise, Experienced


Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short
Eye color: Blue
Height: 1.81m


Early Years
Born into the Larraman family, a family of pureblood supremacists, Ciaphas was expected to behave the same way, not consorting with the 'lesser people' and socializing only with other purebloods. During a single summer in his childhood, he came across a young girl being picked on by a group of bullies. He rescued her from them, chasing the bullies away. That girl's name was Isabella Blackswood, although he didn't know it then. Ciaphas warmed up to the younger girl quickly, and spent the rest of that day with the young Squib. At the end of that day, Ciaphas began to wonder if all Squibs and Mudbloods were really as bad as his parents said they were.

Hogwarts Years
By the time he was admitted to Hogwarts, Ciaphas had long shed any discrimination against Squibs and Mudbloods; indeed, he wanted to meet them, and find out what they were really like. As was the custom for first years, he was sorted; and to the surprise of his peers, the Hat placed him in Gryffindor. There, he met mudbloods and squibs, and began to realised they were not the type of people his parents described them to be. His parents and peers were horrified by his rejection of the pureblood ideology; nevertheless, Ciaphas enjoyed his days at Hogwarts, learning amongst others who also didn't care about blood relations. Many of his professors described him as intelligent and inquisitive, constantly searching for answers, and they all thought he would go far in life. No one expected what would happen next.

Years as a Dark Wizard
A few months after returning home upon graduating, Ciaphas changed, and he turned to the Dark Arts. Under the tutelage of his parents, who were revealed to be powerful Dark wizards themselves, Ciaphas learnt the darkest of spells, and the most twisted of rituals, rising rapidly in power in two short years. He tatooed himself with dark and foul symbols, seeking to boost his power, and he underwent a dangerous and near-insane ritual that fused his wand to his left arm, allowing him two free hands even when casting magic. Always a skilled swordsman, Ciaphas forged for himself a dangerous weapon, said to have been tempered in the blood of his own parents. Unfortunately, or fortunately, as the case may be, the Aurors caught wind of what was growing in their village, and struck.

His home was destroyed in the ensuing battle. The Aurors laid waste to the hordes of Infernus raised by his parents and him, capturing Ciaphas and killing his mother, though his father succeeded in escaping. The aftermath of the battle was horrifying, mass graves were found under their home, all that remained of the villagers. During Ciaphas' closed doors trial, evidence was uncovered that explained his change. Evidence that his parents had tampered with Ciaphas' mind during the few months was presented; various potion recipies and spell formulas, meant to slowly exert control over an individual. Then there was the grave.

Although there were many mass graves, one single grave was set apart and alone; well maintained and cared for, the corpse embalmed and expertly preserved. The corpse in question was a girl abour Ciaphas' age, with no blemishes to point to the cause of her death.

Ciaphas was to be imprisoned for life in Azkaban, but Elmer Blackswood stepped in, and spoke for him. No record exists of what was said, but suffice to say the court was swayed; Ciaphas was to be put into Elmer's care. But one misstep and Ciaphas would be executed.

Later Years
Ciaphas was brought to Blackswood castle, and there met the Blackswoods, and was reunited with Isabella. With the help of the entire family, Ciaphas slowly came to terms to what he had done whilst enthralled, and life began looking up for him. Isabella and him began dating, something that Ciaphas was to say later on in life that probably was the biggest thing, aside from his foster mother, that brought him back to the right path. Life was good, for a while, until his father came knocking.

His father had been on the run ever since, and had came back to take Ciaphas back. Elmer and Harry were away, and the various servants were but clued-in Muggles. Ciaphas opposed his father, and the two duelled. In what was to be described by Bridget as 'the most awesome spectacle' she'd ever seen, Ciaphas defeated his father, and killed him on the spot, decapitating him with an ornamental sword.

After the incident at Blackswood castle, Elmer and Harry both sponsored Ciaphas to join the Aurors, and he passed the admission test easily. For the next decade, Ciaphas would travel the world fighting that which he had once embraced. His unique history with the Dark Arts allowed him to easily understand the mindset of the Death Eaters and their ilk, and soon vindicated Elmer's decision to take him in. During the ten years, Ciaphas acquired various possesions that would serve him well in his line; he also had better than normal relations with goblins and half-humans, mostly because he frequently took the time to help them in anyway he could.

After ten years of fighting in the field, Ciaphas was regulated to teaching trainee Aurors. Initially, he was simply filling in while he healed after a hard conflict. His superiors soon realised Ciaphas had a flair for teaching and kept him on to train Aurors.

After six years of teaching baby Aurors, Ciaphas applied to teach in Hogwarts New Zealand, reasoning that if he could teach them about the Dark Arts earlier while they were more impressionable, it would help those who continued on to be Aurors. Having been accepted, he resigned his postion within the Aurors, and after a splendid going away party, came to New Zealand to teach.



Ciaphas has various prized possessions, after a decade of field work, most bear the scars of hard use.

- Longsword, name Aether.

Aether is a goblin-forged sword, that was given to him by a grateful tribe of goblins after he helped stop a series of attacks on them by Death Eaters. Aether has seen many battles, and is one of his most prized possessions. While Ciaphas normally wears it at his hip, and has a habit of resting his hand on its hilt when thinking, it now hangs in his room; since such weapons are not allowed in the corridors.

Aether has an unnaturally sharp edge, and glows faintly with a blue light. It also exudes an aura of extreme cold, and is at least semi-sentient.

- Amulet

His amulet is a hand made wedding present from Isabella, and is totally un-magical in every way, and contains a compartment where he stores his picture of his family, and a crystal that he used to use to communicate with fellow Aurors in the field, which he was allowed to keep as a going away present.

- Travelling Cloak and Robe

His robe and cloak are both rather old, having worn them ever since he was an Auror. Both have minor enchantments to repel rain, dust and cold, as well as a few wards of protection, though he rarely wears them now, keeping them purely out of sentimental value.

- Leather Duster

This jet-black leather duster is the replacement for his travelling cloak and robe, having the same enchanements of repulsion in addition to powerful defensive and protective wards. Isabella gave it to him for after he was accepted to teach at Hogwarts New Zealand. The duster has a single sapphire tailored into the collar, to remind him of his wife.

- Dagger

A present from his fellow Aurors and students. Being Aurors and thus totally practical, the small dagger is long enough to add reach to its weilder, but is also balanced for throwing. Its hilt bears a single carved diamond in the shape of the Auror department's logo.



Father's name: Elmer Blackswood
Age: 70(Deceased)
Blood Type: Pure
Occupation: Ex-Auror

Elmer Blackswood was the Auror who defeated Ciaphas and arrested him. In contrast to the other Dark Wizards Elmer had dealt with, Elmer found in the then-young man a spark of good, one whom the Dark Arts has not yet corrupted beyond redemption. Elmer therefore set out to turn Ciaphas back to the right path. Many of his colleagues said he was wasting his time, but Elmer persisted, and was vindicated in his decision most spectacularly when Ciaphas defeated his own former Dark Master, his own birth father and defended his newfound family. Thereafter, Ciaphas was made an Auror himself, and Elmer spent a few years heading the Auror division before retiring.

Elmer was one of the most respected Aurors of his time, know for his wisdom and patience. He and his wife died peacefully in their sleep several years after retirement. They are buried in the Blackswood crypts beneath his ancestral home in Wales.


Mother's name: Bridgit Blackswood (née Sanzein)
Age: 70 (Deceased)
Blood Type: Pure
Occupation: Homemaker

Bridgit was much like her husband, patient in all things, and was always willing to lend a helping hand or listening ear. The two of them were both extremely loving, having met in their childhood and were inseperable ever since. There was no doubt in any one who saw them that the two would get married, and they did, in a remarkable ceremony. After they were wedded, Bridgit moved into Elmer's ancestral home, and became the head of the household, overseeing everything that went on in the house, as well as handling the Muggle business the Blackswoods maintained.

Bridgit accepted Ciaphas into their family rather quickly, trusting in her husband's judgement. She helped him adjust to the new surroundings, and come to terms with what he had done. Ciaphas was to remark later in his life that if not for Bridgit, he would never have fully come to terms with his actions as a Dark Wizard.


Brother's Name: Harry Blackswood
Age: 41
Blood Type: Pure
Occupation: Auror

Harry is Elmer and Bridgit's real son, and is much like them in terms of character. He was initially untrusting of his new brother, but eventually came to trust him, even defending him against the discriminations of the public. Like his father, he became an Auror, though his skills are in different areas; Harry has an uncanny ability to work out where Death Eaters are hiding, their aims and motives. He was assigned to work in Europe, and eventually settled down there after meeting his future wife.


Sister-in-Law's Name: Victoire Blackswood (née Delacour)
Age: 38
Blood Type: Half-Blood
Occupation: Homemaker

Victoire is Ciaphas' sister in law. Ciaphas has only met her a handful of times, when he was in Europe on an assignment, and during various reunions the Blackswood family has. She is the mother of Celine and Nagi Blackswood, identical twin girls.


Brother's Name: Eliphas Blackswood
Age: 29
Blood Type: Pure
Occupation: Navy sailor

Eliphas attended Hogwarts like his elder brother, but unlike him and despite his grades, chose not to become an Auror. Indeed, he chose to leave the magical world altogether. Instead he enlisted in the Navy, preferring the open seas to solid ground. He has excelled in that regard, and is now a captain of a destroyer. Eliphas tends to find magic a conveniance at best, and a bother at worst. His closest friends know his secret, however having being privy to the one time Eliphas used magic in a boarding action. Eliphas has a very close relationship with Ciaphas, Ciaphas having being something of a confidante for Eliphas when the latter was younger. He is currently serving a tour of duty out in the Pacific, and is slated to return home in three months' time.


Wife: Isabella Larraman (née Blackswood)
Age: 36
Blood Type: Squib
Occupation: Businesswoman

Isabella is Elmer and Bridgit's daughter, and Harry's sister. She is the second youngest in the Blackswood family, and was also the first among the three children to trust Ciaphas, after he rescued her from a group of bullies while they were both but children. She holds a Master in Business as well as a Master in Medical Studies, both earned from Harvad. She is currently in Wales, looking after the Blackswood estate and raising their single child.


Child: Angelos Larraman
Age: 4
Blood Type: Half-Blood
Occupation: ... What occupation do you expect a 4 year old to have? Infant

Angelos is Ciaphas' only child, and currently resides at Blackswood castle with his mother. He enjoys following his two elder cousins around the house, as well as splashing in the swimming pool.


Nieces: Celine & Nagi Blackswood
Age: 10
Blood Type: Pure
Occupation: Student. Duh.

Celine and Nagi are Ciaphas' twin nieces. The two are identical twins; however Celine dislikes tying up her hair whilst Nagi has a single ponytail. Both of them have extremely long hair, almost as long as they are tall. Celine is also a talented gardener and chef, while Nagi is a serial plantkiller and lethal chef. However, Nagi is very good with the various Blackswood pets and is an accomplished rider; the animals are terrified of Celine for whatever inexplicable reason, and Celine seldom gets farther than five seconds on horseback. Both, however, enjoy swimming and music, and periodically switch hairstyles to confuse their maids, parents, servants and various attendants. They currently reside at Blackswood castle, and generally look after Angelos while Isabella tends to the business.


At Hogwarts

Your best subject: Defence Against the Dark Arts & History of Magic
Your worst subject: Transfiguration
Extracurricular activities: Quidditch(Beater), Duelling Club
Favorite place at Hogwarts: Garden, Gryffindor Tower
Least favorite place at Hogwarts: Dungeons
Did any of the staff members scare you? No
Did any inspire you? No


- Reading
- Practicing swordsmanship
- Drinking tea

What you did after Hogwarts: Auror
Someone you look up to: Elmer Blackswood, his foster father.

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