Christopher Vargas

OOC First Name
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Full Name:
Christopher Alexander Vargas

Date of Birth:
10 July 2010

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Quiet tall, athletic, dark brown hair that get curly if they get a bit longer, brown eyes. His arms and hands have usually minor burns as he accidentaly touches the boiling cauldrons with bare hands.

Christopher is an honest, brave and courteous person with a moody personality. He usually is laid-back, fun to be around, with great sense of humour and sarcasm and he's adventurous. On the other hand, he sometimes wants to be alone and he turns into an introvert person that needs time with himself. He’s not very confident and he underestimates himself often. The fact that he's curious and a prone-accident, get him in strange situations.

Alexandros Vargas: Father, wizard, deceased, Alexander was Christophers father and he was an auror. Christopher was really close to his father as he was his role-model and his mentor. However when he was 10 years old his father was killed by rampaging minotaurs. Christopher's dream now is to become a great auror like his father.

Demeter Sideri: Mother, muggle, Demeter is Christopher's mother and she's a vet. She works and resides currently in Wellington. Although a muggle, she was really open to magic and she accepted the fact that her husband was a wizard. However, after her husband's death she blamed the magic world for her loss and she became quite worried for her children's future, plus that she didnt have any knowledge to help them. She has however, the support of her husband's witch mother, who lives with her and assist her to deal with the magical staff that her children need to know. She's very protective with her children and she's constantly worried about them.

Aris Vargas: Younger brother, wizard, Aris is Christopher's younger brother. He's 10 years old and very close to his big brother. Especially after their father's death the two brothers share a very tight and special bond. It seems like they can sense when the other one is in trouble or pain. Aris will be attending Hogwarts next year and currently help his grandmother with her greenhouses' care.

Ariadne Vargas: Grandmother (Father's mother), witch, Ariadne is a really caring person that loves her grandchildren very much that she accepted to help their muggle-mother to raise them. She used to be a herbology professor but now that she's retired, she takes care of her own greenhouses. She overspoils her grandchildren alot but she becames really strict when she has to.

Andrew Vargas: Uncle, wizard, Andrew is Ariadne's younger son and Christopher's uncle. He's a somewhat father figure to Christopher and his brother. Andrew visits them often but he doesn't stay long as he loves traveling because of his passion for magical creatures. When Christopher needs an advice he always turns to his uncle.

Pets: An african, horned pharaoh eagle-owl named Ace. His companion at lonely times and his mail owl.

Area of Residence:
Wellington, New Zealand

Blood Status:


Special Abilities:
He has a special bond with his brother. He can sometimes sense when his brother is in trouble or sense his feelings.

Interests or Hobbies:
Christopher loves potion-making and gathering their ingredients. He's spectacular at flying and loves Quidditch. He even hopes for a place in his house team. He is experimenting on enchanting muggles' staff. He's really good at muggles' skateboarding and with his uncle's help managed to turn a skateboard's board into a flying board that he likes to use.
He likes the outdoors so he enjoys long walks and he's an exceptional swimmer.

Additional Skills:
He can measure quite easily potion ingredients like powders without using scales or other measurement means. The fact that he's curious and adventurous gets him always in trouble.

His politeness, chivalry and humour makes him a really nice guy that is likeable by others. When he gets lonely, his mysterious character draws some people's attention whom in the end are able to cheer him up. His patience pays all the time and his loyal to his friends.

The fact that underestimates himself makes him lose opportunities and not realise fully his potentials.

Describe your character in three words:
Moody, corteous, courageous.

Favourite place to be:
Somewhere outdoors like in a forest, by a lake or the sea. If not then next to a boiling cauldron.

As he spend his previous two years in a magic school in Greece, where his family used to reside, the most of his friends are still there. He still sends owls to his two best friend Pietro. When Christopher was in his first year he find out accidentaly that one of his roomates, Pietro, was a werewolf. That made him to focus more in potion making and managed to learn how ta make a wolfsbane potion, to help Pietro. They become afterwards really good friends and they used to pass together the full moon nights in the woods, exploring.

Hogwarts House:
Either Gryffindor for his loyalty and courage or Ravenclaw for his courtesy.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Get the most of the knowledge offered by the school and become member of the Quidditch team.

Best school subjects:
Potions, DADA and Care of Magical Creatures.

Worst school subjects:
History of Magic.

Current Year:
Hopes to be accepted in third year.

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Although its too early, Christopher dreams of becoming an auror like his dad. Something that has to do with potions and magical creatures would also be likeable.

Your Patronus:
Although he hasn't studied such an advanced part of magic, his patronus will be a Borean clouded-leopard because it was his father's animagi form.

Your Patronus memory:
The time that his father taught both him and his little brother, to fly on a broomstick.

Your Boggart:
A minotaur

Your Animagus:
Snow leopard

Mirror of Erised:
Making his family proud of him.

A page from your diary:

Wow, that was a wicked night. I'm still breathless and I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. I was heading just out from the boys toilets, back to the common room to turn in when a first year girl scared me from the shadows. She needed help as her friend was trapped in the muggle studies display room. I didnt know why. I decided to help her although I wasn't supposed to be out of the common room that late in the night and she was from a different house. Maybe I wanted to show that as a second year to prove how much able I was to deal with situations like this. But was I indeed able? Second thoughts popped into my mind but it was already late. The girl grabbed my hand and was dragging me to show me the way. I must admit that I would feel more confident if Pietro was joining too. But propably he was sleeping. Yesterday was full-moon and he propably would be exhausted. So I decided to not go and fetch him, just follow the troubled girl. After a minute we where at the fourth floor corridor outside the muggle studies dislplay room. She got first in. i followed reluctant. It was so dark I couldnt even see her that she was just in front of me. I reached for my wand in my pocket and I used the lumos spell for better visibility. I've never been to that room before.They were like hundrends of muggles' staff. From furnitures to toys, clothes and kitchen supplies, placed on cushioned displays. There was even a ferrari car in there in a rope-fenced excibition that make me gasp. Well most wizards wouldn't even realise why most muggles would kill to get one of this cars. I could see so many things but not the girl's friend. I asked her and she show me a huge two-doored fridge standing at the end of the room. I understood then. Her friend was trapped in the fridge. You could tell from the destructive sounds coming from inside. I was going to ask what in hell they were doing here and her friend was trapped in that bloody fridge but she said to her friend, who was know yelling, that she brought help. She explained to me that the fridge's doors where closed firmly and she didnt had enough strength to open them. I tried to help. Indeed the doors didnt open easily. It was like they were charmed with a permanent-sticking charm. I tried by using more force at one of the doors and placing my foot on the other one. The door I was pulling opened suddenly. In addition, the trapped girl hurried to get finally out and so I lost my balance and I fell on a bookcase, making several huge glass containers, fell on the floor and smash into piecies. The three of us remained immobiled, afraid that we were been heard by someone. After a few moments of silence we recovered. I used my illuminated wand closer to the shadder glasses. It seemed like nothing was in there. But then the surprised look of the two girls made me look behind me to see a couple of lanterns floating a few inches from the floor. I recognised immediately wha it was. Hinkypunks! We've never been taught anything about them yet but I knew some things from my uncle Andrew. This creatures use their lanterns to lure unsuspecting travellers into the swamps. I didnt know how to deal with them. I only knew that you could see their form by using a light spell on them. I took a step closer to them and aimed the with my illuminated wand. Now I could she one-legged creatures made from smoke holding the lanturns and looking viciously at me. Propably they didn't like the light I used on them. Then they started spinning around their lanterns, and flames jumped out of them towards us. The first year girls started screaming. I managed to dodge them the last minute and I fell on the floor. I dropped my wand in the darkness and with its fall the lumos spell was gone too. It wasnt dark still. The bookcase next to me caught fire and not only the bookcase. Several other furnitures and objects were soon burning as the hinkypunks started setting on fire everything in the room. Even the red ferrari was now into flames. I looked around still on the ground and I saw my wand under some desks. I crawled quicly under the desks avoiding another flame tossed at me. The girls headed panicked outside the room when the caretaker opened the room's door and got in. The girls didn't stopped, they just shoved him out of their way and got out of the room, screaming. I finally got back my wand and remained under the desk unspotted. I didn't want to get a detention because of this. The caretaker rushed horrified towards the other end of the room where the hinkypunks where setting on fire a plasma wall television. It was my chance. I got out of my hidding place and I sneaked behind his back, out of the room. Then I ran as fast as I could. In no time I returned back in the common room and yes I managed not to be caught. Next time I'll not be so eager to help people that late at night. I hope the girls are alright, safe and sound in their common rooms and that the caretaker managed to save that ferrari.
Hi there :)

I have a few questions for you:

Has he broken any bones because of being accident-prone?
Now that she knows that Christopher and his sibling are both wizards, is she supportive?
What is Christopher's favorite food?
Is he well behaved or mischievous?
What kind of style does he have?
What is his favorite time of day?
Hi :abby:

1) Yes he has broke several times his arms and wrists. Most of them caused by falling from his flying-board.

2) Yes she's, however, she feels more secure and confident with the assistance of someone that actually is a witch or wizard. There are times that she doesn't know how to advise her children as she's a muggle.

3) He loves his mother's meatballs with rice and tomato/basil sauce.

4) Christopher is well-behaved. He might be getting a lot into trouble but that happens usually accidentally or because of his curiosity issues.

5) Hmm his style is closer to the casual one.

6) After dusk. He becomes more hyper and energetic. That might explain his random excursions out of the common room sometimes.

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