Cheezy Pick-Up Lines!

Timothy Van

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
15" CherryWood Core Essence of Griffen Claw
So after scanning over Linda's account Andromeda, I noticed het title thing said, "Are you a dementor, cuz you just took my breath away."
Now, this made me think, "I wonder if anyone else has any great ones like that. And maybe a few of my own."

So anyways, any pick-up lines harry potter style? Whatcha got? Eh? Eh?

Anyways here is mine:

"Being without you is like being afflicted with the Cruciatus Curse."

Thanks yew Linda! :wub:
I am so glad I made a worthwhile contribution to the site xD

not mine at all completely stolen from facebook which had a whole bunch more but I so loved the dementor one ;)

... here's another;

Did you survive Avada Kedavra? 'Cause you're drop dead gorgeous.
Haha nice ones :D
And Camillia, just google them xD

"Are you a Griffendor? Cuz you put the Roar back in Rawr"(attempts to do the rawr thing that guys do when they see a hotty)

Miles, you couldnt possible fail as much as me ;)
Vanessa Parker said:

"My name may not be Luna, but I sure know how to Lovegood!"
No, I know a lot, but they're like this but a lot seedier. :p
This one really cracked me up:

"I'm just like Oliver Wood, baby... I'm a keeper!" =))
hehe I sent that facebook group out to several of you....Here are a couple of my favorites:

If you were a quaffle and I was a chaser during a Quidditch match, I'd score with you.

I'm not an Animagus but sometimes I can be real animal.

Are you using the Confundus charm or are you just naturally mind blowing?
Hagrid's not the only giant on campus, if you know what I mean.
I'm a Seeker not a Chaser, and baby, if I caught you we'd win the game.

I try to focus in Divination, but every time I look in my crystal ball, all I see is you.

I've never been able to cast Aguamenti. Won't you put out my fire?
"You don't even have to say "Luminos Maxima" to turn me on!"
I'd like to get my basilisk into your chamber of secrets.
"My heart's splinched without you!" :p
"If you were a Dementor, I'd become a criminal just to get your kiss"
You're the Hermy-one I want.
You're the Hermy-one for me.

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