Chavdar Lenov Zhefarovich

Chavdar Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
Poisonwood 14 3/4" Core of Basilisk Fang and Ebony 14" Core of Chimera Scale
"Rip and cut and mutilate the innocent...

his friends, and again and again and on and on..."


You make me own my life in Hell; my kingdom back to the bound

Pain ain't even really what you wanna be

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[name] Chavdar Lenov Zhefarovich

[etymology] The first name Chavdar means leader and or dignitary. It is a strong, masculine name that gives off the impression of a strong man. The middle name Lenov means strong warrior and it would give off the impression of a courageous man. Both of the names combined together would suit Chavdar's character completely. The surname Zhefarovich comes from from Bulgaria and it means powerful, dexterous, virulent enforcer which is true in the darker nature of the entire family, very few have been unaffected by this. Chavdar has been affected by the nature of the family, belated of course, and has made him a darker person.

[origin] The surname Zhefarovich originates from Romania and Bulgaria. However the heritage of Romanian has long since washed away. The Zhefarovich family are large, containing three branches, with one typically being the main branch, which is the darkest, another being the more likely to be in businesses, and the last branch being the quietest and also the more pleasant if one could consider them pleasant at all. Most of the Zhefarovich family are pure-blooded, and have laws and strict rules which they are known for, and many are either Death Eaters or associated with them. They are known for their tightness and also on how they hate muggles and anything to do with them. While allying with some other families, the Zhefarovich do control others. They are very isolated, and while some people consider them to be legendary, they are also very hostile and malevolent, and will not stop a fight until they die from it. More often than not, they keep to themselves in Bulgaria while some spread around, their main base is in a Manor where no one can access unless they know where it is, and have many other secret places. The Zhefarovich had this tradition to give into the inner dark nature, and many other traditions that if broken, one would die. Chavdar's first and middle name were given to him by his father before he was taken away, and put up for adoption, whom did not change any part of his name.

[nicknames] The only nickname that Chavdar would have is a shortening of his name which is Chav. He will answer to this, and does not mind being referred to by it.

[alliance] Chavdar ultimately aligns ihimself with the darkness. He feels like he isn't fighting anything ever since he gave in.

[birthdate] Chavdar was the youngest of triplets, and he was born around ten of the clock, and it was on November 25th, 1993. He was born in the Zhefarovich Manor, and after being named, Liyla managed to give him off before he could be raised with his brothers.

[age] He is currently forty-three-years-old.

[gender] Chavdar is a male.

[sexual orientation] Heterosexual which means that Chavdar is attracted only to the opposite sex, which is females. When it comes down to a preference in women, Chavdar prefers those that are good with children, are polite, and tend to have red hair.

[dialects] Chavdar can speak two languages, and they are Bulgarian and English. Bulgarian was his first language, and it is the language that he prefers to speak in because it is the most comfortable for him.

[hometown] While Chavdar was born in the Zhefarovich Manor, he was raised in Karnobat, Bulgaria, which is somewhat near the Zhefarovich Manor. He was raised in a good house, with his adopted family.

[residency] Chavdar currently lives in Oamaru, New Zealand in a magically enchanted house that looks much bigger on the inside than the outside. As of right now, the residents of this household with him are Sergei Zhefarovich, Vladimir Zhefarovich, Zinaida Zhefarovich, Vulcan Zhefarovich, Isadora Zhefarovich, Vesta Zhefarovich and Arnost Zhefarovich II.

[heritage] Chavdar's parents were both fully Bulgarian, making him completely Bulgarian as well.

[blood status] Chavdar is a pure-blood. He isn't really prejudice however after a muggle-born attacked him and was killed in the process, that was when he was turned against them.

[blood type] AB negative is Chavdar's blood type. It is rumored that in his family, those with AB Positive align with the side of good, whereas AB Negative align with the side of evil. This has been proven both wrong and correct. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits from this belief are cool, controlled and rational, and the bad traits are critical, indecisive and unforgiving. This is true to his character.

[main wand] Chavdar's main wand is Poisonwood 14 3/4" Core of Basilisk Fang. It was specially made for him by Mr. Olivander himself, before he retired. The wood from the poisonwood tree that brings forth protection, thus making it a neutral wand. The Basilisk Fang in the wood gives it a boost of power, and it is a rare ingredient common in pure-blood families and ties with someone that buds with the Dark Arts. Because the wand was made specifically for Chavdar, it will not bud with anyone but him.

[secondary wand] His second wand is Ebony 14" Core of Chimera Scale. The Ebony wood gives it a darker shade, and it is made for great power. The Chimera scale is magically powerful, and somewhat rare, so there is just a fragment in his wand. The wand itself is very risky, so it is not used often, but when used, the wand is leaning toward the Dark, and will not heal.

[occupation] Chavdar now owns a Potions shop in Bulgaria, where he sells Benjamen's potions, and hires only family members to help out.

[health status] He is perfectly healthy.

[allergies] Chavdar does not have any allergies.

[pet] He does not have any pets.
You say you don't make it alone; kingdom back to the Lord

5 feet under seeing what you gonna say

[five words] Dark, Cold, Protective, Arrogant, Isolated

[personality] Chavdar's personality is somewhat different than most would expect when one first looks at him. While he appears to be this intimidating fellow, with a large form and a cold expression, he can be cold, but most of the time he will talk to anyone, but it is hard to maintain a clear conversation with Chavdar, seeing as he is somewhat distant and doesn't like to make friends. Chavdar is a father, and he believes that family comes first, which can sometime lead to him not being able to go out and hang with the friends that he happens to have. Chavdar is very dark when he is needed to be, so he will kill only if he was needed to, and ask to. Chavdar is a gentleman however, and will often treat a woman how he believes they should be treated, which are equals. He is relatively shy around those that he finds to be attractive, and isn't the type to ask someone out unless he is pushed. He will keep his thoughts and opinions to himself, but will voice them no matter how harsh they are when asked. Chavdar can be rather strict, and is highly disciplined, which he passes off to his children. He also believes that those that don't show hard work will in fact later end up at the bottom of the food chain.

[beliefs] Family comes first, no matter what.

[boggart] Seeing himself murdered by his father.

[fears] Chavdar has a fear that is somewhat in the range of normal for his family. He fears for the lives of his children, if they were to do something out of term, then they would be murdered. Chavdar does fear werewolves and giants, and tends to find goblins creepy because of how little they are to him. He is scared of acromantulas because no spider should be big enough for him to put a saddle on. He fears that one will take him and his feelings advantage of.

[likes] Chavdar enjoys to go out for walks, and he enjoys to be at home with his kids, looking after them and spending time with them. He also enjoys his time at his work where it will keep him busy for hours upon hours, just doing the same thing in a routine which in turn makes him feel better. Chavdar likes to experiment with potions and the Dark Arts, though not that heavy use of Dark Arts at all. Chavdar also enjoys swimming out on a warm day. Chavdar enjoys cleaning, and cooking. He will often do thing for others, if he sees fit. He does enjoy meetings at night, no matter if they are for the Ministry, family.

[dislikes] Chavdar now has a dislike of muggle-borns, and those that are related to muggles by any connections. Chavdar shares a dislike of Aurors just because one destroyed the lives of many just fighting for a cause, which are the same as Scitorari. He dislikes it when people yell and scream at him for something that he did not do. Chavdar is not a fan of the younger Scitorari unless they were disciplined in the past to make them into mature adults. He is not a big fan of people that flirt with everything that walks as well. Eventually, he grew to dislike them all and went on his own way, tossing his ring and starting anew.

[goals] To raise his children up in the right manner.

[good habits] Keeping his children in line, as well as everything clean and in order. Waking up early and going to bed early.

[bad habits] Not bothering with people, no matter how it is.

[strengths] Chavdar's strengths are somewhat common in the Zhefarovich family. While he is tall, and very built, rumored to be the most built in the family excluding the Patriarch himself, he is strong, stronger than the average human because of his muscles and how well he keeps them in shape. While most of his strengths play on his physical abilities, he is not as fast or agile as the others. His mind would make him a worthwhile opponent as he does plot and plan on attacks before executing them. At one point he was strong enough to face the Patriarch and hurt him back when he was driven by revenge. Chavdar's drive is the strongest part of his being. His drive is what makes him go, and he will do anything to fulfill his drive, and that includes kill if need be. His intelligence and charm can be a strength as well, because he can charm people into telling him what he needs, but he has not used it lately. He is stronger in defensive spells and charms opposed to offensive. He is very alert and very cautious around everyone, as he treats everyone the same, which could be a bad thing, saying that he treats everyone as a potential threat to him and his family.

[weaknesses] While Chavdar's drive could be a strength, it could also be a great weakness because it will block out other things in his life that would or should be labeled as more important. He lacks the ability to sympathize or empathize after he had watched Jaken's death. Chavdar will shut himself off from others, and he will not get close to anyone new that easily. Chavdar can have a bit of a hot head, which will lead him to say things that he will often not mean. Chavdar can sometimes be slow when it comes down to battling, and often will not check behind him. His calculations are not always that precise either, so it can lead to mistakes, which he hates it when people bring them up. Chavdar will often judge people based on their blood status, if he knows about it. He will also treat someone as if they were a threat to him and his children before getting to know them. Chavdar will get revenge on others if it calls for it. He is very protective of his family, and would do anything for them, which can also prove to be a weakness against him.

[loyalties] Chavdar's loyalties lie within the Zhefarovich Family.

[magical talents] Chavdar's magical talents lay strictly in the Dark Arts, which he was not until recently proud of. He can create difficult spells and ensure that they last a long time. He can duel with two wands now having been taught by his family. He is superb with defensive maneuvers, and offensive is not his strong suit. He can deflect most spells when properly prepared. He can perform wandless and nonverbal magic.

[other talents] Chavdar is very talented at raising children, which is a grand thing because he has many. He also has a talent for cooking, because he is a single father, he had to learn how to cook and maintain a house. He is talented at sticking to a schedule. Anything to do with office work, he also knows how to do it with ease. He can also fight easily, and with his side, knock others out with one punch. He can play the organ, and also play the drums. He is clever at deceiving, and making other's believe that he is not the person that he truly is.

[patronus form] Chavdar's patronus form is a wolf.

[annoyances] People that tend to just explode for no reason, and blame things on him would be one of the things that get on his nerves. Bringing up the past of his would also bring along his annoyance. He hates being reminded of his mistakes as well, which is a button for him. He also finds too much happiness annoying as well.
Falling, I say; you too, falling; you too, born to die

The opportunity too divide

[chinese year] Being born in 1993, it makes Chavdar a Rooster. People born in the Year of the Rooster are deep thinkers, capable, and talented. They like to be busy and are devoted beyond their capabilities and are deeply disappointed if they fail. People born in the Rooster Year are often a bit eccentric, and often have rather difficult relationship with others. They always think they are right and usually are! They frequently are loners and though they give the outward impression of being adventurous, they are timid. Rooster people's emotions like their fortunes, swing very high to very low. They can be selfish and too outspoken, but are always interesting and can be extremely brave. They are most compatible with Ox, Snake, and Dragon.

[zodiac sign] Chavdar is a Sagittarius, the Archer. The good traits of an Archer are optimistic, freedom loving, good humored, honest, straight-forward, intellectual and philosophical while the negative sides are blindly optimistic, careless, irresponsible, superficial, tactless and restless. These are most of the time true to Chavdar. What an Archer likes are traveling, getting to the heart of the matter, freedom, laws and meanings and the general 'feel' of things while they do not like off the wall theories, being tied down domestically, being constrained, cooling your heels and bothered with details. The color that Sagittarius chooses is purple and their starstone is the beautiful topaz.

[mutable sign] A Sagittarius is a mutable sign, and a person that is associated with this sign is associated with adaptability, service-providing and expansion. This is sort of true to Chavdar's character.

[transpersonal sign] Also being a Saggittarius makes them have a transpersonal sign which makes them principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns. This does not really pertain to Chavdar, as he has little to no interest in it.

[planet] The planet that rules the Sagittarius is Jupiter. A love of freedom, new experiences,generosity, and expansiveness allows its children to grow through impositions and challenges. The children of Jupiter has a sense of legal justice whether man made or natural. This sign conveys a great range of vision and the ability to assess a complex situation quickly and gain control; however, coping with details is boring to them and for this reason they should always read the entire document before signing on the dotted line. They have a charming sense of humor but they can let it get out of hand; practical jokes are never funny to the victims. They are lovingly optimistic, jovial, generous, philosophical and lucky. On the downside, they are rather arrogant, lack humility, bigoted, careless and lawless.

[element] The Sagittarius' element is Fire. People with an emphasis on the fire element tend to be outgoing, inspirational and 'fiery'. When expressed well these people often are an inspiration to others, are quite moral and can be very creative. If the person has difficulty expressing or experiencing the more enjoyable aspects of the fire element they may become selfish, risk-takers and/or inclined to give in to their passions too easily. A lack of representation of this element can indicate a lack of initiative, inspiration and difficulty in becoming inspired. They can be lively, truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other people as well as aggressive, egocentric, non-caring, center of attention, thinking they are never wrong.

[birthstone] Born in November makes the birthstone yellow topaz or the citrine. Topaz was once linked with sanity, healing, and life, as well as being connected to strength by the ancient Greeks. This stone has even been linked to an ability to make the wearer invisible in dangerous situations.
Come with hate, come and die

The opportunity of being apart

[martial status] Chavdar is currently single, and is not looking for a relationship seeing as he has been divorced for a bit now, and not bothering with women.

[whom] N/A

[chavdar zhefarovich and sofya dragonov] Chavdar and Sofya met when he had first came across Russia, and became friends instantly. When the two started their relationship, Chavdar's father Asparuh had it out for them because of her lineage which was the vital opposite of the Zhefarovich Family, going as far as taking their firstborn. After relentless attacks, and after Chavdar had even lost his memory, the two managed to survive, and they became a family with twins. Chavdar and Sofya were happy. He proposed, and they were married after Nataliia and Alphonse were married. Sofya and Chavdar had many children, and Sofya however had several affairs, and took off when Chavdar confronted her about it, while pregnant with the final set of twins. After Chavdar requested a divorce, she returned the twins to him, where they left things bitter, and was never seen again. Sofya continued seeing her latest affair while Chavdar was bitter after being cheated on so many times.

"I can't believe you cheated on me, and that I trusted you. Just don't show your face around me and my family again, or I will make sure that your death comes early."

[innocence] Chavdar lost his innocence to a woman named Sofya Dragonova in January of 2019. They had been together for a little while at the time, and decided that they would make love.

[turn ons] Redheads, politeness, excitement, motherly, vivid eyes

[turn offs] Rudeness, prejudice against people like him, body odor, blondes

[aphrodisiacs] Cherries dipped in strawberry syrup

[the perfect female] Someone that would accept him and his past, someone that could overlook his fierceness, and someone that could adjust to his lifestyle and love children.

[the perfect date] Simply just relaxing indoors and watching a movie.
One day I'll face you all alone, enduring out with wind and ice

Soon be there, the moon in the sky tonight

[playby] Cam Joslin Gigandet

[natural hair] His hair is a golden blonde color, the same color as his fathers. It is mostly straight, and it is fairly soft to the touch. Though when Chavdar does not tie it back, it has a slight wave to it. It is pretty thick, and Chavdar keeps it thinned out, and cut to where his hair will sit on his mid-back. It is not often when one would see him with his hair short, or letting it down in public.

[eyes] Chavdar's natural eye color is a liquid silver that seem to darken to onyx when he is in a bad mood as well as in the light. One would see cold and maliciousness depending on the emotion Chavdar holds, but mostly, one would see coldness and distance. They would also see a blank wall behind his eyes, as he attempts to shield every thought and emotion from his eyes, which often work to his advantage. His glares can be frightening because he looks intense and truly intimidating. As part of the Zhefarovich trait, his eyes darken to onyx when he is mad. The meaning of the color of his eyes are riches, changeability, mysticism, and wisdom.

[height] With his genes, he gets then from his father's side of the family. They have many tall women and even taller men, and Chavdar is no exception. He stands at a height of seven feet.

[weight] With his muscles and very large bone structure, Chavdar weighs at a good two hundred and sixty pounds.

[complexion] His skin is somewhat pale, but it has color to it thanks to him being out in the sun. Chavdar has no scarring on his face. It is smooth also to the touch.

[scars] He has a long, slash-looking scar going from the lower part of his left upper arm, stretching to the top of his neck on the left side, a battle scar from Asparuh that nearly killed him.

[birthmark] A crescent moon on the left side of the neck.

[smile] Very kind, though can turn into a twisted, nearly cocky smirk. Chavdar can also have a fairly evil smile.

[body build] Tall and built, broad shoulders yet he carries himself like a normal being, as silent as the grave.

[body modifications] The only body modification he has is the Zhefarovich symbol that covers his entire back as well as the Dark Mark on his left forearm.

[dominant hand] Chavdar is ambidextrous.

[style] Chavdar often wears a black shirt with a jacket, with jeans when he is dressing casual. It is hard for him to dress in anything else. Though when he needs to look professional, or when he is around his family, he will dress in black robes, elegant robes made of the softest material.
It's payback time; it's your demise sought to feel: they'll taste of my scythe

We're burning on a purified

[school] Chavdar attended Durmstrang for all seven years of his schooling.

[special titles and awards] While at school, he did not earn any special titles or awards.

[extracurricular activities] He participated in the dueling club.

[favorite subject] Potions

[best subject] Dark Arts

[loathed subject] Arithmancy

[worst subject] Arithmancy

[favorite professor] The Potions Professor

[loathed professor] The Divination Professor

[grade average] Exceeding Expectations

[owl grades]

Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding

Charms: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding

History of Magic: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding

Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding

Astronomy: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

Herbology: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable

Muggle Studies: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable

Arithmancy: Poor; Exam: Dreadful

Divination: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable

[newt grades]

Potions: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding

Charms: Outstanding; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

History of Magic: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

Dark Arts: Outstanding; Exam: Outstanding

Transfiguration: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Outstanding

Astronomy: Acceptable; Exam: Acceptable

Muggle Studies: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Exceeding Expectations

Divination: Exceeding Expectations; Exam: Acceptable

[graduated] June of 2012

-----Too be continued on the next post
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"You say my ear, my God who help me, God take yours in shame...

back too low, I want your head on a plate to feel my eyes..."

Come with me, I want your blood to save it on my eyes
Smash your face and then I beat it down
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[son] Sergei Aleksandar Zhefarovich
[born] November 11th, 2019
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Bulgarian
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin
[playby] Logan Lerman
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[son] Vladimir Anton Zhefarovich
[born] October 29th, 2022
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Bulgarian
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin
[playby] Ben Barnes
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[daughter] Zinaida Sejza Zhefarovcih
[born] October 29th, 2022
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Bulgarian
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Hufflepuff
[playby] Bella Thorne
[roleplayer] Jessye


[son] Vulcan Ludovic Zhefarovich
[born] June 10th, 2025
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Ryan Phillipes
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[daughter] Isadora Vesta Zhefarovich
[born] April 19th, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Alyssa Milano


[daughter] Vesta Sapphire Zhefarovich
[born] January 31st, 2028
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Scarlett Johanssen


[son] Arnost Grigor Zhefarovich II
[born] January 31st, 2028
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Tarkan


[adopted daughter] Hadan Lauren Hensel
[born] October 31st, 2007
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] One-eighth British, one-eighth Bulgarian, one-fourth American and one-half Romanian
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer; Scitorari
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Rachael Leigh Cook
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[adopted daughter] Miriah Renee Johnson
[born] October 31st, 2007
[blood status] Unknown blood
[heritage] One-eighth British, one-eighth Bulgarian, one-fourth American and one-half Romanian
[occupation] Chaser for the Vratsa Vultures
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Ravenclaw Alumni
[playby] Rachael Leigh Cook
[roleplayer] Jessye


[mother] Liyla Cateline Mirayinov
[born] December 7th, 1966
[died] October 31st, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Matriarch of the Mirayinov Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect and Head Girl
[playby] Rachelle Lefevre
[roleplayer] Jessye


[father] Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich III
[born] October 31st, 1949
[blood status] Pure-blood
[ability] Legilimency
[title] Patriarch of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[seeing] Danielle Axelle Lefevre-Zhefarovich
[occupation] Retired; Death Eater
[education] Durmstrang Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Julian Sands
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[step-mother] Danielle Axelle Lefevre-Zhefarovich
[born] December 2nd, 1951
[blood status] Pure-blood
[ability] Occlumency
[title] Head of the Lefevre Family; Ranee of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] French
[seeing] Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich III
[occupation] Unemployed; Death Eater
[education] Durmstrang Alumni, Prefect and Head Girl
[playby] Emilia Clarke
[roleplayer] Jessye


[older half-brother] Kalif Ivaylo Styx
[born] October 31st, 1972
[blood status] Pure-blood
[ability] Legilimency
[title] Head of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[seeing] Nicolette Arin Hensel-Styx
[occupation] Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand, Slytherin Head of House; Former Death Eater
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Rhys Ifans
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older half-sister-in-law] Nicolette Arin Hensel-Styx
[born] February 2nd, 1973
[blood status] Pure-blood
[ability] Animagus; White cat
[heritage] Russian
[seeing] Kalif Ivaylo Styx
[occupation] Unemployed; Former Death Eater
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Diane Kruger
[roleplayer] Jessye


[older half-brother] Prodan Vassil Zhefarovich
[born] May 25th, 1984
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Clandestian of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Retired
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Jared Padalecki
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older brother] Axel Lastor Zhefarovich
[born] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Viscount of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Potions Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Alexander Skarsgard
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older brother] Benjamen Tenebrion Zhefarovich
[born] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Nefarious Savant of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Potion Dealer; Scitorari
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Ravenclaw Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Alexander Skarsgard
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger sister] Nataliia Mirela Dragonov-Snow
[born] March 14th, 2000
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Margrave of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni
[playby] Angela Lindvall
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[older brother-in-law] Alphonse Severin Snow
[born] December 18th, 1987
[died] December 18th, 2028
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Nataliia Mirela Dragonov-Snow
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Hogwarts Scotland; Slytherin Alumni
[playby] Nick Lachey
[roleplayer] Jessye


[younger brother] Ozias Lucius Zhefarovich
[born] September 9th, 2009
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[seeing] Amycus Kanoa Thoreau
[occupation] Professional Beater for Transylvania
[education] Durmstrang Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Jared Leto
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger brother] Azerail Lucas Zhefarovich
[born] September 9th, 2009
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[seeing] Taralynn Sage Vyhnal
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Slytherin Alumni, Prefect and Head Boy
[playby] Jared Leto
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger sister] Raven Riona Mirayinov
[born] July 13th, 2010
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[occupation] Owner of Eeylops Owl Emporium
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Emma Roberts
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-brother] Ivaylo Salazare Zhefarovich-Dolohov
[born] August 2nd, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Joseph Morgan
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger brother] Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich IV
[born] October 31st, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Bulgarian
[playby] Allan Hyde
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-brother] Virgil Antoninus Zhefarovich
[born] July 1st, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Devon Sawa
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-brother] Astaroth Dante Zhefarovich
[born] July 1st, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Devon Sawa
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-sister] Bellatrix Inanna Zhefarovich
[born] May 7th, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Daria Zhemkova
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[younger half-sister] Seira Raisa Zhefarovich
[born] May 7th, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[playby] Claire Holt
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn
I want you and in the plate to be coming in the sky
Are we really gonna die
Asparuh Zhefarovich, a powerful, loyal Death Eater from the pure-blood line of the Zhefarovich's, and Liyla Mirayinov, another member of a an ancient pure-blood line, who seemed to be a Death Eater also, began to have an affair with each other in the year 1990. Asparuh had pride that he had two women, married to Tsvetanka Krassmira-Zhefarovich, a Death Eater, but of mixed blood. Asparuh spent most of his time with Liyla, the beautiful red head woman. It wasn't until five years later, on November 25th, 1993, was Chavdar Lenov Zhefarovich born along with his older brothers, triplets. Chavdar did not see much of his family, but that was because he was put up for adoption. In 2000, Liyla bore another child, but, without Asparuh's permission, she put the baby girl up for adoption as soon as possible. Chavdar was fostered, but he never was close to his foster parents, feeling rather out of place there. Chavdar went to Durmstrang in 2005, feeling relieved to learn some magic. Chavdar moved from wizarding parents to wizarding parents, never seeing his father after that. Chavdar's mind changed and he often got detention in Durmstrang. Chavdar had outstanding marks on many subjects, despite him being as troublesome as he was. Chavdar tortured the half-bloods to no end. Chavdar got into a fight with another student with the same last name, turned out to be his older brother Axel, but caused so much damage that Chavdar's memory had been lost. Chavdar graduated from Durmstrang in 2012. Chavdar hunted a job in the Ministry in Bulgaria, and became crazed with revenge against his father, knowing that he was alive somewhere for giving him up. Chavdar paid no attention to anyone, and often used people to do his wishes. Chavdar located Iulia's house in Germany, in 2019, demanding to know whether Asparuh was alive. Iulia reluctantly told him, and Chavdar relocated to New Zealand, getting a job at the Ministry, also buying a house, hunting him down. However due to his carelessness with Sofya, Asparuh took his firstborn son from him, and raised him to punish him.. In 2021, Chavdar reunited with Kalif, and Kalif practically told him that his own misery was inflicted by his own doing. Chavdar realized that it was true, once he came face to face with Asparuh, the summer of 2021. Chavdar decided to settle down and he bought the Scribbulus store. Chavdar also spent time with Jaken over the summer, and adopted Hadan Johnson as his daughter, once her mother and father were both dead, though her mother was truly alive, but by the time it was realized, it was far too late. Chavdar had fully matured into an adult by this time.

Chavdar now spends most of his time at the Ministry or his store. He works two jobs just because he gets bored otherwise. Chavdar still meets up with his father, and although half the time, they act somewhat civil to each other, the other times, they get into epic battles to where it involves the Unforgivable Curses. Chavdar usually loses to Asparuh, however, he just keeps on. Chavdar also has his eye on a certain someone, although he is rather scared of the feelings that might evolve into something greater... However, Kalif had figured it out, about his secret relationship with Sofya. Kalif said that he won't say anything, but wouldn't go out of his way to keep it all a secret. Little did Chavdar know, Asparuh already knew, and punished them by taking their firstborn. Chavdar and Asparuh got into a huge battle, both ending with a tie. They came out in a truce. Asparuh soon caught Chavdar and Sofya on the couch, cuddled, and did not care about their relationship anymore because Sofya was a pure-blood and Asparuh knew the family at last. A huge event happened in March of 2022. Sofya got pregnant again, and both are appalled by it. They chose to keep the children, and Chavdar was heavily guilty about it. He hopes to be a father his was never to him. However, he keeps thinking that he will never be good enough, not to care for smaller children. After a messy fight with Asparuh, he lost a chunk of his memory, even the part of him and Sofya moving in. As some of those pieces come together, he realizes that he was the one to break the truce. As of October 29th, 2022, Vladimir and Zinaida Zhefarovich were born. Though early, they appear healthy, and Chavdar is coming out to be a better father than he had ever expected to be. The relationship seemed to blossom. After Chavdar was attacked by a muggle-born, Chavdar killed out of self defense, and he decided that he would become a Dark Wizard. After he went through the training, he told Sofya, and on the same night, he proposed to her. They were married the same day as Nataliia and Alphonse were, and both seemed to be happy. They were having more children, and everything seemed just perfect. However things changed when Jaken was murdered, and then Sofya started having affairs. After Isadora was born the two became bitter and hostile as Chavdar caught her cheating on him. Chavdar filed for divorce, and it was granted. She returned in 2028 to drop off the twins before leaving. Chavdar never seen her again. He continued to work at the ministry under as Head of the Improper Use of Magic office. Eventually, he got Sergei back, and he quit his job to open a Potions shop.
"Come with hate, come and try...

one day I'll face you all alone..."

Enduring out with wind and ice
Get up and fight, release your rage, come on and fight

Wandering about;
Facing the Past;
Unexpected Meeting
New wand
The new home
A relaxing time
A few drinks
Hallie's Writing Supplies
Buying Quills 'n' Ink
New Arrival
Time passes
Trip to Bulgaria
A Visit
supplies, supplies, supplies
Always wanted to do this!
Secrets Revealed
Custom order broom
Bleak Street Halloween 2021!
A little surprise
Family Ties
Returning from Bulgaria
Styx Manor
Back to the House
A chance meeting
more browsing than shopping
Que Sera Sera
At the Zhefarovich Manor
Quill shopping
Inks and Quills make better... mills?
Shocking news
The Mortuary
A matter
Waking Up
Two new breathing souls
Back Again
Family Gathering
Meeting the (nicer) family
How they have grown...
Graduation: Spectators/Invited Guests
Joseph's and Nataliia's Wedding
I Need Some Sleep
Merlin Giveth and he taketh away!
A Few Nasty Surprises
A Discovery
A Wedding for Four
Massive Party
I shudder no more...
Surprise...or not?
Time doesn't heal all wounds
Haven't you popped it out yet?
Blood of My Blood, We Are One
A Difficult Decision to Come to
Everything Good Must End
No one loves the messenger
You rose, just to fall again.
Graduation 2027: Guests
The Itty Bitty Scare
Honey and Sulphur
One Last Time
Chances Taken
"Supposedly" Saying Good-Bye
Ministry Meeting
I'm Doing...What?</FONT></SIZE></COLOR>
It's payback time; it's your demise until they feel: taste of my scythe
Standing straight faced, it is your fate, calling my name

<COLOR color="#3D3D3D"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Dark Gray - Taste of My Scythe by Children of Bodom; White - If You Want Peace...Prepare for War by Children of Bodom
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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