Chase the Morning

Cosette Mayfair

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Mermaid Scale
The sun had risen only a few hours ago and it was at dawn when Cosette had started getting ready. Throwing her hair into the usual messy bun and putting on her uniform, she would be careful to make sure she tied her tie just right before packing her bag. It was the last day of the week and she was very much ready for the weekend. Cosette would throw her robe over her shoulders and adjust it before checking her books once more and heading down and out of the Hufflepuff Common Room, a glance not even being thrown her way. She was use to it really. Ever since her brother and sister started to be missing she was use to being on her own. Stopping by the Great Hall and grabbing a muffin she would head down towards the Great Lake to begin a morning exercise. She had to get her pent up energy out of her system. Living a life where you were in constant motion has its drawbacks when you need to sit still in a classroom for hours at a time. So, she went to the lake with the docks coming into view. There were several bushes and a few trees that towered over the great lake. In the center you could see the Giant Squid lazily swimming on the surface. She can't help but smile a bit at this grand creature before taking off her robe and folding it together. Cosette didn't forget to bring along her flute with her, it's been weeks since she played her instrument once in a while. Guarding her flute as it was next to her inside it's case. She then wondered if her father would allow her to buy a new case, some with color and grace.

Cosette would then go near the docks and by one of the bushes there was a slight dug out and the roots protruded. She would set her bag down here with her robes on top of her satchel. Taking a deep breath she takes a look around before starting off on her jog around the lake. As she ran, she could feel the rough terrain under foot but it really didn't bother her. The sun hung in the air in a very dark orange red color, standing out against the bright blue sky. A few white clouds floating in the sky and greeting the day. The air was slightly chilly causing bumps to appear along the skin that was bare to the elements and it was exhilarating! Thrilling! The whole time a smile along her face as she stumbles on occasion but catches her footing. The adrenaline is beginning to pump through her system and her heartbeat is starting to rise. Her breathing becoming labored and as her breath gets hot you can see a very pale cloud of steam come from her lips. Mornings were still a little cold but it wasn't bothering her in a bit. Cosette was enjoying the fact that there was nice weather and she was going to take every advantage of it! Which meant she was most likely going to be studying outside or maybe take her broom out and go flying. She missed flying. As she jogs along the lakeside she would be talking softly to herself, mostly going over the classes that she wished to take for the next term. She was excited for quite a few.
The weekend, finally here. Hamza was rather excited for the weekend to be here, not because he
wasn't going to have classes, but rather, he was going to be able to enjoy his own company, get
some alone time to himself. Over the course of this semester, Hamza had been always getting
accompanied by either his little sister, or his mother. Being the oldest son in the family didn't help
the situation much, but only made things worse. He would have to tutor his sister almost everyday,
then go to his mother to ask her questions if he needed any help, and then barely have a social life
as it is. Though he never complained about all of this, having such a busy life, having no social life
and what not, he always kept everything inside him. He felt like he needed to do something for
himself, which he never got to do. But this weekend, he would have the time to himself. Hamza
had asked his mother for some time alone and surprisingly enough, he had been granted his request
for a free weekend all to himself. Opening his eyes after hearing some students down in the common
room, he put a smile on his face. Jumping out of bed rather quickly, he grabbed his socks, his clothes,
and headed down to take a quick shower. Finishing up with a shower, he put his work out clothes
on and wanted to go work out for a bit down by the lake front. The lake was his favorite place to be
because for one, he would be alone for no one to bother him, and two, he would enjoy the scenery
so much that it would inspire him in unexplainable ways. Hamza, now ready to go out to the lake front to
start working out, he almost forgot his important piece of equipment, which was his wrist watch.
He at times had problems with keeping track of timing, so his mother had gotten him a watch to keep track.

As he walked through the hall's, he was getting some attention. He wasn't all that surprised because
he had been working out like crazy lately, and was starting to become a real man. Being only fourteen
years of age, having muscles and somewhat facial hair was pretty surprising. At times, Hamza did not
like standing out of the crowd because he would get picked on, but other times, he would rather enjoy
the attention because it just made him feel good. Having his backpack on with some extra things for
work out, he started to jog down to lake front to get his legs pumping. Breathing slowly, and not really
wanting to have any cramps like he does at times, he was going at a steady pace. While on his way
to the lake front and to his usual spot, he suddenly noticed someone that was already there. He could
hear foot steps from not too far away. He thought it would be best to slow down and walk the rest of
the way to try and not startle the person that was already there. Walking up slowly, while staying
behind a few bushes, he looked to notice it was a girl, similar to his age running around the lake. Being
very surprised, he had never seen this girl here before. Hamza had thought that he was the only one
that usually came to this place because it was private, but now, it was not really private anymore. With
a smile on his face, he put his bag down, and started to jog to catch up with the girl. He did not want
to startle the girl, so he kept his distance. Starting to sprint a bit of the way to catch up to the girl,
he finally had caught up and then said in a very friendly tone, "This is the first time I have seen
someone else here other than myself."
Hamza was really a bit surprised because he never really
saw anyone here, at this very spot because it was rather deep into the lake, and a more private place.
"The name is Hamza." Said Hamza with a smile on his face. Still, jogging and trying to get his
blood pumping, he started to run a bit faster, to really get his nerves and blood pumping sky high.

OOCOut of Character:
I tried my best to not overwhelm you. :p
Cosette was smiling for reason, as she was thrilled to feel the air brushing her face. She was in control of her own body. Some may say that she didn't need exercise at all, as her body was just nearly perfect. Sure she was slender and whatever she does Cosette seems to remain slender at it is. This made her different from Marianne, she was beautiful just like her but from Cosette's mind she wasn't nearly beautiful like her sister. At least the didn't shared the same attitude, leaving Marianne sorted in Slytherin unlike Armand and herself were in Hufflepuff. Shaking her head, as she tried to jog faster and faster. Jogging is a way for her to forget everything, other than playing her flute and sketching. It was still early and from the looks of it, there were only a few students outside the castle. As Cosette was running all she could feel was joy, she wasn't tired at all and would love to repeat this over and over again. Her legs were numb in a good way, she just kept on running and running not caring for what was happening at all. The sound of boy clearing his voice caught her attention and her golden eyes would widen slightly as she stumbles to a stop. Swallowing a bit she would smooth down her skirt and look around as the boy began talking. Her throat felt like it was clenching now and she was starting to feel small again. When she found where he was she looked up, her eyes on him almost like a deer in the headlights.Her chest began heaving still from the run and she gulps a little.

"There's always a first time for every thing." And there it was. The stuttering that often happened when she was around others she just didn't know. As she stopped, she tried to catch up with the boy who's face seems to be familiar from somewhere. She was uncomfortable, that was for sure but she had to be confident right? Or at least survive this conversation! Comfort came with repetition and finding something that you are comfortable with. But that came with time. Cosette smiled upon hearing the boy's name, it sounded unique in its very own way. Still jogging, she was catching her breath as she was now a bit distracted about the boy. "I'm Cosette." she said to him as the two were obviously still jogging at the moment. The timing was quite unusual yet imaginary. Giving a name will receive a name in most cases.He had to be a third year or older she thought, at the youngest a third year. Her mind trailed off but her smile never wavered as she looked on.
OOCOut of Character:
I'm very overwhelmed o_O

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