Chase that Feeling

Alexander Fields

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Alexander Fields was walking down by the side of the lake, his slightly sun burnt face, stinging from the cool breeze that bounced off the lake. It was relaxing just being down here, looking at the soft ripples that emerged from the top of the water. He looked around and found a pile of small smooth rocks that where Ideal for skimming across the water. The Hufflepuff boy picked up a few of them and slowly proceeded to throw them out into the water, skimming the first one seven times before it went below the surface of the water, never to be seen again. Alex sat down, trying to take everything in even though it had been over a month since his forster parent had died, it felt like he was in a bad dream, in which he could never wake up from.
Fenton had agreed to meet Aries down by the lake for a major pow wow session involving none other than their surrogate sister Andy. She was like some loose woman at the moment running around the school if you were to believe the rumor mill that circulated. As he approached one of the older students was standing tossing pebbles and Fenton walked over hands firmly tucked into pockets but appearing relaxed, at ease with everything and everyone. There was very little he let bother him ever.
"Hey watch out for the giant squid, a pebble hit him and he'll haul your ass in there" he laughed. Fenton had only transferred himself that year and was still trying to make friends and find his feet here. He thought he was doing a fairly decent enough job though.
Aries walked around the edge of the lake, he had just left Violet back at the school so of course had the biggest grin imaginable on his face. Spotting Fenton he strolled over towards him, noticing that there was another guy about their own age with him.
"Hey you two, what's up?" he took off his sweater and wrapped it around his waist, still not used to how hot the seasons here were.

He simply took it for granted that Fenton knew the other guy and would introduce him whenever.
"Man if I have to do one more assignment today I'll probably flip" he scratched his head dreading the fact that potions was later that day.
Alex let out a soft chuckle at the first man who walked up towards him, and said about how the Giant squid could drag him in there. " Yeah that would be amusing." He said with a smile, and was shocked to hear another voice. Someone else began to walk over. He didn't know any of these people. " Hi, I'm Alexander Fields. Who might you two be?" His Australian accent noticeable in his speech. He extended his right hand out to the man who approached him first.
Fenton laughed at the guys reaction and nodded at Aries as he approached them.
"I'm Fenton" he took the hand and shook it before releasing it and turning to indicate the guy who might as well be his brother stated very matter of factly, "this git here is Aries. you new here as well then? I started September myself man. What year are you in?"

Fenton had no problem asking a thousand and one questions of anyone and waited to see how Aries would react or how Alexander would.
' Nice to meet you both." Alex said as he extended his hand to Aries. He thought it was funny that people thought he was new seeing as he didn't know that many people. " I'm not new man. I've been here since the start of my schooling. I just stuck to myself." He knew that saying that he would sound like a freak, but he didn't really care. " I'm a seventh year. What about yous?"
Aries merely smiled at Alexander and shook the hand he offered.
"Hey Alexander, you ok with people calling you like.. Alex or something?" having to say such a long name would just be way too much, it had been that way the first time he had ever met Andromeda, his tongue could barely get around her name so it was just as well she had told them that the crowd here at HNZ shortened it.
"Well we're both old Durmstrang students, I moved over last year though. Took me a while to settle in, why do you keep to yourself?" it seemed a bit mental but Aries knew every one walked to a different drum.
" Yeah I don't have a problem with Alex, I would rather it anyway......... I guess I kept to myself seeing as I didn't really feel i needed friends all I needed was my studies and myself." He said, but recently he realized he could never have been so wrong, it was hard being all alone in a place where you don't know any one for years on end. " So Durmstrang aye, What is it like there?" He asked the boys politely. He was hoping that he and the boys would grow to be good friends seeing as they where friendly enough.
Aries nudged Fenton, the git could be a right **** at times. It was sometimes hard to imagine how they ever became best friends at all.
"Yeah I hear on you on the studying front man, but it's always good to hang out with someone. Unless of course that someone is a big meat head like Longestine here" he laughed leaning over to jab Fenton in the ribs.
Fenton felt the nudge and groaned theatrically.
"Hey man, less of it" he had heard everything, it wasn't like he was drifting off to his own special place where he got to daydream about Trista. Trista and her long brown hair. Trista and her blue eyes. Trista and her smooth skin, Trista and her perfect mouth, Trista and her.. he felt another jab and genuinely groaned this time.

"Come on man, that's just over the top now" he rubbed his side before lunging at Aries and grabbing him in a head lock, ruffling his hair with a fist. He looked at Alex and smiled not releasing Aries from his grip once.
"Durmstrang is crap man, don't let anyone tell you any different. Sorry man, he can be a little insensitive at times" he turned his attention back to Aries and with great pomp and circumstance kissed the top of his head before releasing him and jumping back a step holding his hands up as if to defend himself

"You asked for it. I'm not the meat head here".
Alex couldn't help but laugh at the boys. " Yeah, it looks a bit weird for an all boys school, it seems a little bit funny." He said with a smile as he watched, Fenton shape up to Aries. It was a silly thing to start, having a fight over a little jab in the ribs. " Yeah I know, im slowly getting into the swing of things aye. It just is a little different, its hard to come out of my shell after so long of not wanting to let anyone in."
It wasn't long before Fenton made a lunge for him, Aries should have expected it. He always went for the headlock in any given situation. No matter how many times Harrison or Aries tried other tactics, Fenton ultimately went for the head. He groaned and tried to swing at him from the angle he was now positioned when he felt the back of Fentons hand rub his head and eventually his daft bestfriend kissed the top of it before releasing him.

"You do well to stay back man" Aries laughed, it was all good natured fun the two of them usually got into some kind of physical scrap at least twice a week if they could and if Harrison was around it usually became twice a day. The boys had been best friends for a long time now and knew when the other was messing about and when the other was being serious. As he turned to Alexander he slowly slipped out his wand and guiding it carefully behind his back pointed it downwards towards Fenton's feet.
'Engorgio' he whispered, his gaze never wavering from Alex.
"Well if ever you want to just hang out, join us over at the Brotherhood man. Boys only club, you'll like that" he couldn't resist glancing over at Fenton laughing as he did so.
Fenton laughed heartily at Aries' threat, it was harmless of course and Fenton knew better than to take it any other way but he also knew to watch out for the sneaky side of Aries that would or could unleash any nasty tactic at this point.
Listening to Alex talk about how he was only just coming out of his shell, Fenton wondered why he had made himself such a recluse when the strangest feeling overcame him. He looked about him at first until he all but stumbled, then he heard the laugh from Aries and looked downward to see his feet had grown about three times their normal size.

"You little sh1t!" he laughed whipping out his own wand, "it's a good thing Violet doesn't know this side of you" he muttered 'finite' at his feet to return them to normal.

"Come on truce ya big ape, Alex here won't want to join the brotherhood if you behave like that" he chuckled all the time thinking how to get Aries back.
" Sounds great man." Alex said as he began to laugh looking at Fenton's overgrown feet. It looked absolutely ridiculous. Just how the pair, where always doing something stupid to one another. He didn't really get why he had to chuck in the, You'll like that part but he didn't really care. He could tell just by being around the pair for the short time, in which he already had. That they where a pair of misfits. " So how long have you guys been friends for?" He said as he watched Fenton return his feet to normal again.
Aries laughed at Fenton's caterwauling, it was so damned funny to listen to.
"Violet knows exactly who she's got and loves me for it man" he winked before turning back to Alex and cracking his knuckles and neck a little, "crap I am getting stiff".
He gave Fenton the truce signal and thinking about what Alex had asked looked to Fenton for clarification.
"Nearly seven years now isn't it. We both should be in seventh year but with transferring, hanging back, Fentons bad grades" he ducked again in case Fenton tossed a punch his way, "We've been best mates a while now. Harrison isn't he but he's the third in the crew. Hey we should hang out some time, those Brightstone weekends could be a good crack and now with the mall open we can go to the club The Medley as well. Though I think Violet would rather I take her first".

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