- Messages
- 2,017
- OOC First Name
- kaye
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Dan ♡
- Wand
- Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
- Age
- 12/2027
E L I Z A B E T H ♦
O W E N S<i></i>
NAME. Charlotte Elizabeth Owens
FIRST. The name Charlotte is a French baby name and means 'Tiny and feminine' or simply 'free'. The name Charlotte is the feminine form of Charles. Common nicknames include Lottie, Lotta, and Char.
MIDDLE. The name Elizabeth is a Greek name. In Greek the meaning of the name Elizabeth is either 'oath of God', or 'God is satisfaction'.
LAST. The name Owens is a Royal Welsh surname. It means 'well-born', or from the Old Welsh word 'oen', meaning the lamb. Owens has long been one of the most popular of all Welsh personal names.
NICKNAME. Not many people have a nickname for Charlotte but she sometimes tends to get 'Char'
BIRTHDAY. December 3, 2027
STAR SIGN</COLOR></FONT><i></i>. Sagittarius.
Sagittarians possess a natural exuberance, sense of adventure and love of life that makes them one of the most optimistic zodiac signs of all. Like their astrological symbol - the Archer - Sagittarians are renowned for aiming their sights towards whatever it is they find alluring - a love partner, dream job, vacation - and making it their own. They believe that anything is possible - and because of this belief system, Sagittarians are adept at seeking out their very own pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
But sometimes trying to tie down these free-spirited individuals is frustrating for those around them. Sagittarians are happiest on the move - exploring new cultures and ideas and many are attracted to occupations related to travel, the media, outdoor work and philosophical pursuits. In love, their catch-cry is "don't fence me in". But once they find a partner who understands their need to retain their own sense of self and identity, Sagittarians can be the most big-hearted, generous and fun-loving companions of all.
LOVE INSIGHT</COLOR><i></i>. Free-spirited and very passionate, Sagittarians can be quite unconventional when it comes to relationships. They seek a partner as independent and strong-willed as them. They also look for honesty and believe it necessary in a healthy, and lasting, relationship. They seek security but also value their individuality, so a balance must be achieved.
HOUSE ASTROLOGY</COLOR><i></i>. Yes, Sagittarians can get sorted into House Slytherin. And not always as Quidditch players, either, although there have been jokes made about how the Hat will sort big, tall Sags into Slytherin just to pad out the team. Slytherin Sagittarians are sorted primarily because of their ability to dream; these Sags have a vision, and with the support of their House, can channel their energies to great achievements. In return they give their House something priceless beyond rubies: a sense of perspective. Temporary failure is not humiliating to the Sagittarius Slytherin, merely a temporary setback in pursuit of a goal. They can laugh at themselves even when other people are laughing at them, and of course that turns the joke on the idiots who came up with it in the first place. (How devious.) Although bright, these Slytherins will coast through their classes if they can get away with it; they'd rather envision the future than attend to the details of the present.
ELEMENT<i></i>. Fire (traits/meaning: enthusiastic and sometimes larger than life)
People with a strong emphasis of the fire element are spontaneous and impulsive, they apply their energies wholeheartedly. Their emotional response is quick and they have a lively imagination.
NATIONALITY<i></i>. Welsh
ACCENT<i></i>. Kiwi
BLOOD STATUS<i></i>. Half Blood
WAND<i></i>. Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
LENGTH<i></i>. A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
STYLE<i></i>. Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
CORE<i></i>. The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
WOOD<i></i>. Dogwood wands are mischievious, and like the same in those who wield them. They refuse to perform non-verbal magic (and are often quite loud), and look for fun and excitement. However, in the right hands a wand with this wood should not be underestimated.
FLEXIBILITY<i></i>. Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.
FIRST KISS. Daniel Rosemary
* Exploring
* Pranking
* Kittens
* Being Helpful
* Making Friends
* The Colour Purple
* Fresh Air
* Exams
* Dark Magic
* Bullies
* History of Magic
BOGGART<i></i>. Professor Styx
PATRONUS<i></i>. Unknown
PETS<i></i>. Upon her arrival at Hogwarts on her first year, Charlotte's parents bought her a pet british shorthair cat so she didn't have to feel alone. Charlotte named him Ceri.
A P P E A R A N C E </I><i></i> ♦
"I never really take much care of my appearance but my mother thinks I'm beautiful which is probably all that matters. I have green eyes, much unlike the rest of my family and I guess I have a kind of smaller build than the rest of my peers. My hair is a really light brown and looks blonde in the sunlight which I guess is pretty cool, not that I notice it very often. I don't really care how I look, as long as I'm accepted for who I am."
HEIGHT. Charlotte is slightly to the shorter side of things but not too small or too tall for her age. She fits right in with her peers and rarely feels left out. Often, she doesn't care about how tall or short anyone is and finds people rude who point out others short or gigantic figure.
SKIN TONE. Charlotte's skin tone is simply white but rather pale for her Welsh heritage. However, she spends the majority of the time outside in the sun.
SKIN TYPE. Charlotte's skin type is sensitive to normal as she often gets rashes or itchiness from things as simple as grass. This is rather annoying to Charlotte as it prevents her from being able to have the fun she wants outside in the nature. Other than that, her skin is in perfect condition.
HAIR</FONT><i></i>. Charlotte's hair colour is mainly brunette but more to the blonde side. In direct sunlight her hair appears blonde but is naturally a brownish colour. This is one of Charlotte's unique characteristics about herself.
EYES<i></i>. Charlotte has green eyes but they are often mistaken for blue, grey and brown. Her eyes are one of her beautiful prized possessions but she often gets confused as to how her parents eyes are nothing like hers.
OTHER FEATURES<i></i>. Charlotte has a birthmark on the bottom of her right foot right where the arch is.
P E R S O N A L I T Y <i></i> ♦
"Charlotte is definitely one that's hard to keep up with. She always wants to try new things and she can get quite annoying at times but I think that everyone who knows Charlotte loves her and I don't think anyone would ever want to change anything about her. She can get a bit hot-headed at times but I guess that's just part of her Slytherin nature."
- Kristina, Charlotte's mother, describing Charlotte's personality
"Charlotte's a tricky one if I do say so myself. She's a fighter more than anything and I think that's one of her best characteristics. Whenever she's in a problem she always tries to find the good side to it which is what I really love about her the most. Despite how noisy and irritating she may get, I don't think I could ever have a better daughter than her."
- Jacob, Charlotte's father, describing Charlotte's personality [/td]
GOOD TRAITS.Loyal: giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. Helpful: giving or ready to give help. Humorous: causing laughter and amusement/having or showing a sense of humor. Adventurous: willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. Determined: having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.
BAD TRAITS. Short-tempered: quick to lose one's temper. Impatient: having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked/restlessly eager. Irritating: causing annoyance, impatience, or mild anger. Loud: producing or capable of producing much noise. Rebellious: showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention.
STRENGTHS. The main area in which Charlotte is strong is activeness. Charlotte is always on the go and willing to try out new things. She loves going outside and is rather good at sports and being fit. She also is great at socialising and will never hesitate to stop for a chat. She is a great conversation starter too but tends to ramble on a bit too much.
WEAKNESSES. Despite being a bright and happy girl, Charlotte does have a few weaknesses such as learning and discipline. She takes in very little of what you say to her which may give her bad grades and after school detentions. She does not mean to do mean or inappropriate things but does not know when to stop 'playing around'.
OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST?<i></i>. Charlotte is definitely an optimist. She is always trying to persuade people to see the positive side of things and tries to make the best out of every situation. She makes everyone laugh when they're feeling negative and tells them all the good things about being positive.
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT?<i></i>. One of Charlotte's great characteristics is being an extrovert. She is always out on the go meeting new people and creating new friendships. She is a friend of the world and has very little enemies (trust me, if she hated you she'd let you know).
CAUTIOUS OR DAREDEVIL?<i></i>. Charlotte is obviously a daredevil and doesn't ever look back. She is always getting herself into trouble and once got herself stuck in her mother's muggle organ when she was a toddler. She still looks back and laughs at it today.
LOGICAL OR EMOTIONAL?<i></i>. Charlotte never cries, and if you do happen to see her cry you've basically witnessed something no one has ever witnessed before. She is a quick and logical thinker and likes things to be done her way and her way only. Often, she might give you the chance to speak your idea but only in specific circumstances.
WORK OR PLAY?<i></i>. Charlotte never works. Work is a curse word to her and she absolutely hates it. She would rather be outside in the sun than inside trying to complete some essay that's due the next day. As you can guess, she never bothers to do her homework or just put any effort in at all. This makes her lazy and quite dislikable.
CONFIDENT OR UNSURE?<i></i>. Charlotte thinks she's always right so there is no reason to ever call her unsure. If she thinks something is going to happen then it will and there's no point trying to persuade her otherwise.
Ever since her first arrival at Hogwarts New Zealand, Professor Kalif Styx has always been Charlotte's number one fear. She has since then always tried to avoid him whenever possible except for those odd occasions that she is thrown into his office. She does not have a hatred for him at all and is simply just disturbed by his cold and dark manner.
Charlotte knows that someday it will have to come down to it, but she really dreads the day that she will have to mourn a loved one. She thinks funerals are boring and are too sad for her to attend. Charlotte will rarely ever cry but when it comes to the thought of having to mourn one of her family members then she will.
Charlotte is always looking for company and most of the time she gets it. She can not imagine how it would feel to be alone with no one that cares for her and she doesn't really want to. She is always used to having someone by her side and being left alone is something that she is very afraid of.
Much like the mourning of a loved one, Charlotte knows that this will eventually happen but she cannot stand the thought of growing old. Due to this, she always makes the best out of every moment. To her, old people are ugly and she does not want to look like that when she is older. She wants to stay young forever.
Charlotte is a very extroverted person and there is nothing she wants more than to be able to have a few friends that she can trust. Friends mean everything to her and life wouldn't be the same for her without them.
One of Charlotte's biggest goals is to succeed in life. She is always wanting to make her parents proud as she is scared that they might disown her otherwise. All she would like is a good future ahead of her and to her that is all that matters.
Charlotte is always trying her best to help others no matter the circumstances whether it be someone she likes or someone she hates. She believes that no one in this world should be left to defend for themselves and will willingly do anything for anyone if she knows them or not.
When Charlotte gets older one of her biggest desires is to travel the world. She wants to see what everything has to offer and would find it interesting to learn about the different cultures throughout the world. Exploring new things is always what she does best.
FATHER. Jacob Timothy William Owens
AGE. 42
EDUCATION. Hogwarts Scotland
OCCUPATION<i></i>.MoM Official
[/td] [tr][td]
BROTHER. Spencer Owens
AGE. 14
EDUCATION. Hogwarts New Zealand
COUSIN. Sophie Carter-Ellis
AGE. 10
BLOOD STATUS. Muggle-born
COUSIN. Calum Lloyd
AGE. 20
<COLOR color="#ead6be">BLOOD STATUS. Mixed Blood
EDUCATION. Hogwarts New Zealand
UNCLE. Ifan Lloyd
AGE. 39
EDUCATION. Hogwarts Scotland
UNCLE. Landon Carter
AGE. 30
BLOOD STATUS. Muggle-born
EDUCATION. Ilvermorny
OCCUPATION<i></i>.Herbology Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand
COUSIN. Alis Owens
AGE. 17
EDUCATION. Hogwarts Scotland
<COLOR color="#ead6be">OCCUPATION<i></i><FONT font="courier new">.N/A
Charlotte Elizabeth Owens was born on December 3, 2027 to Hufflepuff alumni Kristina Pauline Jones (muggle-born) and Gryffindor Alumni Jacob William Owens (Mixed-blood). She was named 'Charlotte' after her muggle grandmother Charlotte Jones and was a bubbly little girl who was loved deeply by both her parents. Throughout her whole life, Charlotte had no friends other than her muggle cousins and grew up with them until the age of 6 when she started developing her magical abilities. Her first 'magical outburst' happened when she was fighting with her brother. He went to kick her in the face but Charlotte made his toes start growing long hairs on them. Her mother was extremely strict on not letting the children on her side of the family know anything about her magical heritage and kept Charlotte away from her cousins as much as they could for their own safety in case Charlotte's magical abilities were to harm them in any way which meant lesser visits to their house and boring times alone in Charlotte's bedroom. Nonetheless, Charlotte still stayed optimistic and never changed from the lovely and enthusiastic girl she was.
Not much is known about the Owens side of the family. They live somewhere in Scotland, Wales and, hence, go to a wizarding school near there. They were all (apparently) Gryffindors and were overall nice people despite them disowning a child (Ifan Lloyd) just because they were put into Slytherin house. Mostly, they speak Welsh which means they are not that fluent in the English language which makes it hard for them and Charlotte to communicate as English is the only language Charlotte is familiar with.

E L I Z A B E T H ♦
NAME. Charlotte Elizabeth Owens
FIRST. The name Charlotte is a French baby name and means 'Tiny and feminine' or simply 'free'. The name Charlotte is the feminine form of Charles. Common nicknames include Lottie, Lotta, and Char.
MIDDLE. The name Elizabeth is a Greek name. In Greek the meaning of the name Elizabeth is either 'oath of God', or 'God is satisfaction'.
LAST. The name Owens is a Royal Welsh surname. It means 'well-born', or from the Old Welsh word 'oen', meaning the lamb. Owens has long been one of the most popular of all Welsh personal names.
NICKNAME. Not many people have a nickname for Charlotte but she sometimes tends to get 'Char'
BIRTHDAY. December 3, 2027
STAR SIGN</COLOR></FONT><i></i>. Sagittarius.
Sagittarians possess a natural exuberance, sense of adventure and love of life that makes them one of the most optimistic zodiac signs of all. Like their astrological symbol - the Archer - Sagittarians are renowned for aiming their sights towards whatever it is they find alluring - a love partner, dream job, vacation - and making it their own. They believe that anything is possible - and because of this belief system, Sagittarians are adept at seeking out their very own pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
But sometimes trying to tie down these free-spirited individuals is frustrating for those around them. Sagittarians are happiest on the move - exploring new cultures and ideas and many are attracted to occupations related to travel, the media, outdoor work and philosophical pursuits. In love, their catch-cry is "don't fence me in". But once they find a partner who understands their need to retain their own sense of self and identity, Sagittarians can be the most big-hearted, generous and fun-loving companions of all.
LOVE INSIGHT</COLOR><i></i>. Free-spirited and very passionate, Sagittarians can be quite unconventional when it comes to relationships. They seek a partner as independent and strong-willed as them. They also look for honesty and believe it necessary in a healthy, and lasting, relationship. They seek security but also value their individuality, so a balance must be achieved.
HOUSE ASTROLOGY</COLOR><i></i>. Yes, Sagittarians can get sorted into House Slytherin. And not always as Quidditch players, either, although there have been jokes made about how the Hat will sort big, tall Sags into Slytherin just to pad out the team. Slytherin Sagittarians are sorted primarily because of their ability to dream; these Sags have a vision, and with the support of their House, can channel their energies to great achievements. In return they give their House something priceless beyond rubies: a sense of perspective. Temporary failure is not humiliating to the Sagittarius Slytherin, merely a temporary setback in pursuit of a goal. They can laugh at themselves even when other people are laughing at them, and of course that turns the joke on the idiots who came up with it in the first place. (How devious.) Although bright, these Slytherins will coast through their classes if they can get away with it; they'd rather envision the future than attend to the details of the present.
ELEMENT<i></i>. Fire (traits/meaning: enthusiastic and sometimes larger than life)
People with a strong emphasis of the fire element are spontaneous and impulsive, they apply their energies wholeheartedly. Their emotional response is quick and they have a lively imagination.
NATIONALITY<i></i>. Welsh
ACCENT<i></i>. Kiwi
BLOOD STATUS<i></i>. Half Blood
WAND<i></i>. Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
LENGTH<i></i>. A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
STYLE<i></i>. Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
CORE<i></i>. The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
WOOD<i></i>. Dogwood wands are mischievious, and like the same in those who wield them. They refuse to perform non-verbal magic (and are often quite loud), and look for fun and excitement. However, in the right hands a wand with this wood should not be underestimated.
FLEXIBILITY<i></i>. Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.
FIRST KISS. Daniel Rosemary
* Exploring
* Pranking
* Kittens
* Being Helpful
* Making Friends
* The Colour Purple
* Fresh Air
* Exams
* Dark Magic
* Bullies
* History of Magic
BOGGART<i></i>. Professor Styx
PATRONUS<i></i>. Unknown
PETS<i></i>. Upon her arrival at Hogwarts on her first year, Charlotte's parents bought her a pet british shorthair cat so she didn't have to feel alone. Charlotte named him Ceri.

A P P E A R A N C E </I><i></i> ♦
"I never really take much care of my appearance but my mother thinks I'm beautiful which is probably all that matters. I have green eyes, much unlike the rest of my family and I guess I have a kind of smaller build than the rest of my peers. My hair is a really light brown and looks blonde in the sunlight which I guess is pretty cool, not that I notice it very often. I don't really care how I look, as long as I'm accepted for who I am."
- Charlotte describing her appearance
<i></i>HEIGHT. Charlotte is slightly to the shorter side of things but not too small or too tall for her age. She fits right in with her peers and rarely feels left out. Often, she doesn't care about how tall or short anyone is and finds people rude who point out others short or gigantic figure.
SKIN TONE. Charlotte's skin tone is simply white but rather pale for her Welsh heritage. However, she spends the majority of the time outside in the sun.
SKIN TYPE. Charlotte's skin type is sensitive to normal as she often gets rashes or itchiness from things as simple as grass. This is rather annoying to Charlotte as it prevents her from being able to have the fun she wants outside in the nature. Other than that, her skin is in perfect condition.
HAIR</FONT><i></i>. Charlotte's hair colour is mainly brunette but more to the blonde side. In direct sunlight her hair appears blonde but is naturally a brownish colour. This is one of Charlotte's unique characteristics about herself.
EYES<i></i>. Charlotte has green eyes but they are often mistaken for blue, grey and brown. Her eyes are one of her beautiful prized possessions but she often gets confused as to how her parents eyes are nothing like hers.
OTHER FEATURES<i></i>. Charlotte has a birthmark on the bottom of her right foot right where the arch is.

P E R S O N A L I T Y <i></i> ♦
"I'm not sure if ever I am able to get an accurate description of myself but I try to be a nice, helpful person as much as I can. I love to laugh and just make the most out of my life. I thoroughly enjoy spending my time outside and I think that I am overall a good well-rounded person. Well at least I try to be." - Charlotte describing her personality |
"Charlotte is definitely one that's hard to keep up with. She always wants to try new things and she can get quite annoying at times but I think that everyone who knows Charlotte loves her and I don't think anyone would ever want to change anything about her. She can get a bit hot-headed at times but I guess that's just part of her Slytherin nature."
- Kristina, Charlotte's mother, describing Charlotte's personality
"Charlotte's a tricky one if I do say so myself. She's a fighter more than anything and I think that's one of her best characteristics. Whenever she's in a problem she always tries to find the good side to it which is what I really love about her the most. Despite how noisy and irritating she may get, I don't think I could ever have a better daughter than her."
- Jacob, Charlotte's father, describing Charlotte's personality [/td]
GOOD TRAITS.Loyal: giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. Helpful: giving or ready to give help. Humorous: causing laughter and amusement/having or showing a sense of humor. Adventurous: willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. Determined: having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.
BAD TRAITS. Short-tempered: quick to lose one's temper. Impatient: having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked/restlessly eager. Irritating: causing annoyance, impatience, or mild anger. Loud: producing or capable of producing much noise. Rebellious: showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention.
STRENGTHS. The main area in which Charlotte is strong is activeness. Charlotte is always on the go and willing to try out new things. She loves going outside and is rather good at sports and being fit. She also is great at socialising and will never hesitate to stop for a chat. She is a great conversation starter too but tends to ramble on a bit too much.
WEAKNESSES. Despite being a bright and happy girl, Charlotte does have a few weaknesses such as learning and discipline. She takes in very little of what you say to her which may give her bad grades and after school detentions. She does not mean to do mean or inappropriate things but does not know when to stop 'playing around'.
OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST?<i></i>. Charlotte is definitely an optimist. She is always trying to persuade people to see the positive side of things and tries to make the best out of every situation. She makes everyone laugh when they're feeling negative and tells them all the good things about being positive.
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT?<i></i>. One of Charlotte's great characteristics is being an extrovert. She is always out on the go meeting new people and creating new friendships. She is a friend of the world and has very little enemies (trust me, if she hated you she'd let you know).
CAUTIOUS OR DAREDEVIL?<i></i>. Charlotte is obviously a daredevil and doesn't ever look back. She is always getting herself into trouble and once got herself stuck in her mother's muggle organ when she was a toddler. She still looks back and laughs at it today.
LOGICAL OR EMOTIONAL?<i></i>. Charlotte never cries, and if you do happen to see her cry you've basically witnessed something no one has ever witnessed before. She is a quick and logical thinker and likes things to be done her way and her way only. Often, she might give you the chance to speak your idea but only in specific circumstances.
WORK OR PLAY?<i></i>. Charlotte never works. Work is a curse word to her and she absolutely hates it. She would rather be outside in the sun than inside trying to complete some essay that's due the next day. As you can guess, she never bothers to do her homework or just put any effort in at all. This makes her lazy and quite dislikable.
CONFIDENT OR UNSURE?<i></i>. Charlotte thinks she's always right so there is no reason to ever call her unsure. If she thinks something is going to happen then it will and there's no point trying to persuade her otherwise.
<SIZE size="75">
Ever since her first arrival at Hogwarts New Zealand, Professor Kalif Styx has always been Charlotte's number one fear. She has since then always tried to avoid him whenever possible except for those odd occasions that she is thrown into his office. She does not have a hatred for him at all and is simply just disturbed by his cold and dark manner.
Charlotte knows that someday it will have to come down to it, but she really dreads the day that she will have to mourn a loved one. She thinks funerals are boring and are too sad for her to attend. Charlotte will rarely ever cry but when it comes to the thought of having to mourn one of her family members then she will.
Charlotte is always looking for company and most of the time she gets it. She can not imagine how it would feel to be alone with no one that cares for her and she doesn't really want to. She is always used to having someone by her side and being left alone is something that she is very afraid of.
Much like the mourning of a loved one, Charlotte knows that this will eventually happen but she cannot stand the thought of growing old. Due to this, she always makes the best out of every moment. To her, old people are ugly and she does not want to look like that when she is older. She wants to stay young forever.
Charlotte is a very extroverted person and there is nothing she wants more than to be able to have a few friends that she can trust. Friends mean everything to her and life wouldn't be the same for her without them.
One of Charlotte's biggest goals is to succeed in life. She is always wanting to make her parents proud as she is scared that they might disown her otherwise. All she would like is a good future ahead of her and to her that is all that matters.
Charlotte is always trying her best to help others no matter the circumstances whether it be someone she likes or someone she hates. She believes that no one in this world should be left to defend for themselves and will willingly do anything for anyone if she knows them or not.
When Charlotte gets older one of her biggest desires is to travel the world. She wants to see what everything has to offer and would find it interesting to learn about the different cultures throughout the world. Exploring new things is always what she does best.
<SIZE size="75">
F A M I L Y<i></i><FONT font="Luna"><I> ♦

F A M I L Y<i></i><FONT font="Luna"><I> ♦
![]() MOTHER. Kristina Pauline Owens AGE. 40 BLOOD STATUS. Muggle-born EDUCATION. Hogwarts New Zealand HOGWARTS HOUSE. Hufflepuff <COLOR color="#ead6be">OCCUPATION<i></i>. Healer |

FATHER. Jacob Timothy William Owens
AGE. 42
EDUCATION. Hogwarts Scotland
OCCUPATION<i></i>.MoM Official
[/td] [tr][td]

BROTHER. Spencer Owens
AGE. 14
EDUCATION. Hogwarts New Zealand

COUSIN. Sophie Carter-Ellis
AGE. 10
BLOOD STATUS. Muggle-born

COUSIN. Calum Lloyd
AGE. 20
<COLOR color="#ead6be">BLOOD STATUS. Mixed Blood
EDUCATION. Hogwarts New Zealand

UNCLE. Ifan Lloyd
AGE. 39
EDUCATION. Hogwarts Scotland
UNCLE. Landon Carter
AGE. 30
BLOOD STATUS. Muggle-born
EDUCATION. Ilvermorny
OCCUPATION<i></i>.Herbology Professor at Hogwarts New Zealand

COUSIN. Alis Owens
AGE. 17
EDUCATION. Hogwarts Scotland
<COLOR color="#ead6be">OCCUPATION<i></i><FONT font="courier new">.N/A
<SIZE size="75"><SIZE size="50">Family Tree
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="75"><SIZE size="50">[/td][/tr]
<SIZE size="50">
<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="100"><SIZE size="100"><SIZE size="100">E A R L Y Y E A R S ♦

<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="100"><SIZE size="100"><SIZE size="100">E A R L Y Y E A R S ♦
Charlotte Elizabeth Owens was born on December 3, 2027 to Hufflepuff alumni Kristina Pauline Jones (muggle-born) and Gryffindor Alumni Jacob William Owens (Mixed-blood). She was named 'Charlotte' after her muggle grandmother Charlotte Jones and was a bubbly little girl who was loved deeply by both her parents. Throughout her whole life, Charlotte had no friends other than her muggle cousins and grew up with them until the age of 6 when she started developing her magical abilities. Her first 'magical outburst' happened when she was fighting with her brother. He went to kick her in the face but Charlotte made his toes start growing long hairs on them. Her mother was extremely strict on not letting the children on her side of the family know anything about her magical heritage and kept Charlotte away from her cousins as much as they could for their own safety in case Charlotte's magical abilities were to harm them in any way which meant lesser visits to their house and boring times alone in Charlotte's bedroom. Nonetheless, Charlotte still stayed optimistic and never changed from the lovely and enthusiastic girl she was.
Not much is known about the Owens side of the family. They live somewhere in Scotland, Wales and, hence, go to a wizarding school near there. They were all (apparently) Gryffindors and were overall nice people despite them disowning a child (Ifan Lloyd) just because they were put into Slytherin house. Mostly, they speak Welsh which means they are not that fluent in the English language which makes it hard for them and Charlotte to communicate as English is the only language Charlotte is familiar with.