Charlotte Lurken

Charlotte Lurken

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring

The Basics
[Character's Name:]
Charlotte Raquel Lurken
[First name:] Charlotte: Tiny/Feminine
[Middle name:] Raquel: Innocent
[Surname:] Lurken: Noble and Loyal
[Character's Birthdate:] September 1st 2024
[Hometown:] Caen, France
[Current location:] Otaki, New Zealand
[Blood Status:] Unknown
[Wand:] Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
[Hogwarts House:] Hufflepuff, HNZ
[Occupation:] N/A (Too Young)
[Martial Status:] Single (Too Young)

Long wavy light brown hair
[Eyes:] Hazel
[Height:] 4' 6''
[Style:] Charlotte's Wardrobe

[A Little Deeper
Sweet, caring, fun-loving, lively, nature lover.

[History:] Charlotte was brought up outside a small town near Caen, France and when her mother got a promotion at work she was transferred to the New Zealand Ministry of Magic. The whole family then moved to Otaki, New Zealand which in turn allowed Peter to attend Hogwarts New Zealand. Charlotte had a simple childhood; a caring, cool older brother, a mother who works in the Ministry and a father who is a Potions tutor for home schooled wizards and witches. She loved playing with the local children and playing Quidditch with her brother when he was home. She grew up in big house that were away from most others so that magic could be practised without fear of nearby muggles catching the family. This meant that Charlotte always grew up around nature as the family liked to have houses that were just in or near a forest so they could have the protection of trees. Charlotte grew up to love nature and her mother would fondly care her a flower child as she would often go out barefoot around the forest or go swimming in the nearby lake.

When it came for Charlotte to start school she was excited to be in the same school as her older brother as she missed him when he was away. When she was sorted into Hufflepuff she was happy with the Sorting Hat's choice, she really wasn't sure about what house she would of been sorted into but she felt Hufflepuff was definitely when she belonged.

[Mother] Noelle (Viera) Lurken
[DOB] December 25th 1999
[Blood Status] Unknown
[Occupation] Head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority for the New Zealand Ministry of Magic
[Education] Beauxbatons

[Father] Millard Lurken
[DOB] February 25th 1997
[Blood Status] Pure Blood
[Occupation] Potions Tutor
[Education] Durmstrang

[Old Brother] Peter Lurken
[DOB] June 14th 2018
[Blood Status] Unknown
[Occupation] Student at HNZ
[Education] Gryffindor, HNZ

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