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- 7
- OOC First Name
- Isla
Full Name:
- Charlotte Elizabeth Hurd-Wood
Date of Birth:
- 4th of February 2018
Current Age:
- 10
Basic Appearance:
- Charlotte is blonde with colored hi-lights they change periodically she has delicate features and stormy grey eyes. She is very short. often overlooked.
- split. se had a traumatic experience as a child, where, when she was just starting to realize he potency of her magical ability she accidentally cursed her own toy broom so it threw her off and into a huge lake after this she has experienced split personality, she has no idea about this but does experience giant gaps in her memory from where she has been the other person, this can be quite traumatic for her as, many of her friends she doesn't even know, i'd hate to think what would happen if she had a boyfriend (or two)
Chaz Hurd: a typical mean girl, very in your face ready to throw a curse at the drop of a hat quick to make enemies but a very loyal friend when you get to know her, very logical and smarter than she makes out.
Lottie Wood: Very sweet a good friend though cannot but trusted to have your back in a fight, not the brightest crayon in the box but is nice enough to make up for it, everyone's best friend.
- she is an only child, her mother died when she was very young, just before the crash that;s when Charlotte got angry and went on long flights and she crashed, her father is so good to her considering everything he has never considered remarrying though he has many suiters magical and muggle alike
- her condition has never been stable enough to own a pet, her friends know about her condition but a pet would never understand.
Area of Residence:
- she lives in the english country-side in a mansion house, he has two rooms one for each personality her father has done everything to make things easier for her.
Blood Status:
- mixed blood
- English, one of those families that has never come from anywhere in recorded history
Special Abilities:
- none, yet...
Interests or Hobbies:
- lottie loves painting and art-work whereas Chaz is more likely to be found on the quiddich pitch or in the dueling chamber
Additional Skills:
- Chaz is an alright flyer but her father only let her fly on occasions, she would never be allowed on the team because Lottie is terrified of heights and you never know what mood she would be in when the day of the match.
- her split personality means weakness by it's self, the most of it is memory loss she cannot remember what happens when she is the other her.
Describe your character in three words:
- hard to describe
Favourite place to be:
- Chaz: Quiddich pitch or dueling chamber
Lottie: the library or painting by the lake
- none, yet...
Hogwarts House:
- none, yet...
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- she is too fragile to have only one job so her father ay have to pull some strings at the ministry and get her a job for each personalty depending on who she is
Your Patronus:
- a cat, they can either be cute and cuddly or aggressive
Your Patronus memory:
- a time before the crash when she was just plain charlotte and her mother was still alive, all three of them were asking and laughing around dinner, simple but powerful enough.
Your Boggart:
- her mothers dead body lying on the ground, just as it was that fateful day...
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
- her mother back alive
A page from your diary:
- i got sorted last night, i'm in slytherin don't know how that happened, i can't even remember being sorted, i guess it was the nerves, I can't remember anything about the feast, at all, nor the school rules, oh God I'm going to get into sooo much trouble, i'll get lost i don't know the password, you think i'd get used to my memory loss, but his is just too much i just hope that I can make friends with someone in my house who i can go to classes with, this is too scary, my dad told me this would be too much for my memory, i may have to tell him to collect me, it's all just too much.
- Charlotte Elizabeth Hurd-Wood
Date of Birth:
- 4th of February 2018
Current Age:
- 10
Basic Appearance:
- Charlotte is blonde with colored hi-lights they change periodically she has delicate features and stormy grey eyes. She is very short. often overlooked.
- split. se had a traumatic experience as a child, where, when she was just starting to realize he potency of her magical ability she accidentally cursed her own toy broom so it threw her off and into a huge lake after this she has experienced split personality, she has no idea about this but does experience giant gaps in her memory from where she has been the other person, this can be quite traumatic for her as, many of her friends she doesn't even know, i'd hate to think what would happen if she had a boyfriend (or two)
Chaz Hurd: a typical mean girl, very in your face ready to throw a curse at the drop of a hat quick to make enemies but a very loyal friend when you get to know her, very logical and smarter than she makes out.
Lottie Wood: Very sweet a good friend though cannot but trusted to have your back in a fight, not the brightest crayon in the box but is nice enough to make up for it, everyone's best friend.
- she is an only child, her mother died when she was very young, just before the crash that;s when Charlotte got angry and went on long flights and she crashed, her father is so good to her considering everything he has never considered remarrying though he has many suiters magical and muggle alike
- her condition has never been stable enough to own a pet, her friends know about her condition but a pet would never understand.
Area of Residence:
- she lives in the english country-side in a mansion house, he has two rooms one for each personality her father has done everything to make things easier for her.
Blood Status:
- mixed blood
- English, one of those families that has never come from anywhere in recorded history
Special Abilities:
- none, yet...
Interests or Hobbies:
- lottie loves painting and art-work whereas Chaz is more likely to be found on the quiddich pitch or in the dueling chamber
Additional Skills:
- Chaz is an alright flyer but her father only let her fly on occasions, she would never be allowed on the team because Lottie is terrified of heights and you never know what mood she would be in when the day of the match.
- her split personality means weakness by it's self, the most of it is memory loss she cannot remember what happens when she is the other her.
Describe your character in three words:
- hard to describe
Favourite place to be:
- Chaz: Quiddich pitch or dueling chamber
Lottie: the library or painting by the lake
- none, yet...
Hogwarts House:
- none, yet...
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- she is too fragile to have only one job so her father ay have to pull some strings at the ministry and get her a job for each personalty depending on who she is
Your Patronus:
- a cat, they can either be cute and cuddly or aggressive

Your Patronus memory:
- a time before the crash when she was just plain charlotte and her mother was still alive, all three of them were asking and laughing around dinner, simple but powerful enough.
Your Boggart:
- her mothers dead body lying on the ground, just as it was that fateful day...
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
- her mother back alive
A page from your diary:
- i got sorted last night, i'm in slytherin don't know how that happened, i can't even remember being sorted, i guess it was the nerves, I can't remember anything about the feast, at all, nor the school rules, oh God I'm going to get into sooo much trouble, i'll get lost i don't know the password, you think i'd get used to my memory loss, but his is just too much i just hope that I can make friends with someone in my house who i can go to classes with, this is too scary, my dad told me this would be too much for my memory, i may have to tell him to collect me, it's all just too much.