Charlie the Plotergeist


(I know Charlie isn't a student, but Bellatrix requested a profile, and I wasn't sure where else to put it)

Name: Charlie
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: Charlie appears to be a small, grubby boy of about 8. He is very thin, and wears loose rags. His hair is matted and blonde, and his eyes are black, specked with milky white, and usually bloodshot. His ankels are loosely chained together, and his wrists are also shackled.


* Charlie rarely leaves the dungeons

* He has no second name. He does not remember his parents, or life before Hogwarts. In fact, he does not even remember when or how he came into being.

* He has a limited vocabulary.

* He likes dark, cold places.

* He has a taste for student blood, although some people will argue that this is just a figment of his imagination.

* He is not, by any means, sane.

* He enjoys scaring first years.

* He has no interest in making friends with anyone. Ghost or human.

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